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Verge Focuses on User Privacy

Verge 關注用戶隱私

發布: 2024/07/04 22:47 閱讀: 978

原文作者:BH NEWS


Verge 關注用戶隱私

Simplified Article on Verge (XVG) and its Acquisition in Turkish Lira (TRY)

Verge 上的簡化文章(XVG)及其以土耳其里拉(TRY)的價格收購

Introduction to Verge (XVG)

Verge 簡介 (XVG)

Verge (XVG) is a cryptocurrency that prioritizes privacy and security. Its inception in 2014 as Dogecoin Dark aimed to create an anonymous and decentralized digital currency. Renamed Verge in 2016, it has consistently maintained its commitment to private and secure financial transactions.

Verge(XVG)是一種優先考慮隱私和安全的加密貨幣。它於 2014 年成立,當時名為“Dogecoin Dark”,旨在創建一種匿名、去中心化的數位貨幣。它於 2016 年更名為 Verge,始終堅持對私密且安全的金融交易的承諾。

Fundamentals of Verge (XVG)

Verge 基礎 (XVG)

Verge's focus on privacy stems from the realization that Bitcoin transactions lack anonymity. Dogecoin Dark emerged to address this concern by concealing user identities and transaction details. This enhanced anonymity made Verge popular among individuals prioritizing financial privacy.

Verge 對隱私的關注源自於對比特幣交易缺乏匿名性的認知。黑暗狗狗幣的出現是為了透過隱藏用戶身份和交易細節來解決這個問題。這種增強的匿名性使得 Verge 在優先考慮財務隱私的個人中很受歡迎。

Purchasing Verge (XVG) in Turkey

土耳其採購邊緣 (XVG)

Binance TR, Binance's Turkish subsidiary, is the most convenient exchange for purchasing Verge (XVG) in Turkey. Binance TR allows users to open an account and access over 100 cryptocurrencies, including XVG.

幣安土耳其子公司Binance TR是在土耳其購買Verge(XVG)最方便的交易所。 Binance TR 允許用戶開設帳戶並存取 100 多種加密貨幣,包括 XVG。

Steps to Purchase Verge (XVG) on Binance TR

在 Binance TR 上購買 Verge (XVG) 的步驟

  1. Create an account on Binance TR (trbinance.com) by providing personal information.
  2. Complete the KYC process by submitting a government-issued ID and a selfie.
  3. Deposit Turkish Lira (TRY) into your Binance TR account using provided banking options.
  4. Navigate to the XVG/TRY trading pair and specify the price and quantity of XVG to purchase.

About Binance TR

透過提供個人資訊在Binance TR (trbinance.com) 上建立帳戶。至XVG/TRY交易對,並指定購買XVG的價格和數量。

Launched in 2020, Binance TR is the Turkish branch of Binance, known for its high trading volume. It provides a secure platform for fiat-to-crypto and crypto-to-crypto trading, leveraging Binance's technology and security measures. Binance TR supports high liquidity, efficient trade execution, and robust security protocols.

Binance TR 於 2020 年推出,是幣安的土耳其分公司,以其高交易量而聞名。它利用幣安的技術和安全措施,為法幣到加密貨幣和加密貨幣到加密貨幣的交易提供了一個安全的平台。 Binance TR 支援高流動性、高效的交易執行和強大的安全協議。


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