Pi Network Achieves 4 Million X Followers
Pi Network, a mobile-minable cryptocurrency, has reached a significant social media milestone: 4 million followers on X (formerly Twitter). This follows the project's strong performance on social media, outpacing many established projects including Ethereum (ETH) and BNB. The Pi Network account is now only 300,000 followers behind Dogecoin (DOGE).
PI Network是一種可移動的加密貨幣,已經達到了一個重要的社交媒體里程碑:X(以前是Twitter)的400萬關注者。 這是該項目在社交媒體上的出色表現,超過了許多已建立的項目,包括以太坊(ETH)和BNB。 PI網絡帳戶現在只有Dogecoin(Doge)後面的300,000個關注者。
The official Pi Network team celebrated this achievement on X, stating: “Pi Network now has over 4 million followers on X! Congratulations to everyone in the Pi community for supporting Pi and making this possible.”
官方的PI網絡團隊在X上慶祝了這一成就,並指出:“ PI Network現在在X上擁有超過400萬關注者!祝賀PI社區中的每個人都支持PI並使其成為可能。”
Pi Network's Growing Influence
This surge in X followers reflects growing trust in Pi Network. The app has also seen impressive growth on the Google Play Store, boasting over 113.2 million downloads and an average of 270,000 new downloads daily over the past month.
X追隨者的這種激增反映了對PI網絡的越來越多的信任。 該應用程序還看到了Google Play商店令人印象深刻的增長,在過去一個月中,每天的下載量超過1.132億,平均每天有270,000個新下載。
Beyond its app downloads and social media presence, Pi Network is making strides in the broader cryptocurrency landscape. It recently ranked among CoinGecko's top five "Made in USA Coins," surpassing projects like Chainlink (LINK), Hedera (HBAR), and Stellar (XLM). Its inclusion in CoinMarketCap's top rankings further solidifies its position in the industry.
除了其應用程序下載和社交媒體存在外,PI Network還在更廣泛的加密貨幣景觀中取得了長足的進步。 最近,它在Coingecko的前五名“ Made In USA Coins”中排名,超越了Chainlink(Link),Hedera(Hbar)和Stellar(XLM)等項目。 它將其納入CoinMarketCap的最高排名進一步鞏固了其在該行業中的地位。
The Binance Listing Hurdle
Despite its success, Pi Network faces the challenge of securing a listing on Binance, one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges. A Binance community vote indicated 86% support for a PI listing, yet Binance has yet to take action, leaving Pi enthusiasts eager for a resolution. A community member on X recently called for unified support, urging the crypto community to demand a Binance listing for Pi Network.
儘管它取得了成功,但PI Network仍面臨確保Binance上市的挑戰,Binance是世界上最大的加密貨幣交易所之一。 Binance社區的投票表明對PI上市的支持86%,但Binance尚未採取行動,而PI愛好者渴望解決。 X上的一個社區成員最近呼籲統一支持,敦促加密貨幣社區要求使用PI網絡的Binance上市。
Addressing Community Concerns
Pi Network co-founder, Chengdiao Fan, has urged the community to remain focused on building and innovation, emphasizing that market acceptance will eventually follow. He encouraged continued development and innovation within the Pi ecosystem.
PI Network聯合創始人Chengdiao Fan已敦促社區繼續專注於建設和創新,並強調最終將遵循市場的接受。 他鼓勵PI生態系統中的持續發展和創新。
Overcoming Regulatory Challenges
Pi Network has faced challenges related to Anti-Money Laundering (AML) concerns and regulatory hurdles, limiting mainstream trading primarily to peer-to-peer (P2P) and over-the-counter (OTC) markets. However, recent shifts in U.S. regulatory policy have spurred increased interest and potential listings on major exchanges, including Bitget.
PI網絡面臨著與反洗錢(AML)的關注和監管障礙有關的挑戰,主要限制了主要交易主要與點對點(P2P)和非處方(OTC)市場。 但是,美國監管政策最近的轉變刺激了包括BITGET在內的主要交易所的興趣和潛在上市。
Recent Developments
This week, Pi Coin announced a significant listing on CoinMarketCap. Following the announcement, Pi Coin experienced a 3% increase, reaching a price above $1.74 and a market cap of $12.1 billion at the time of writing.
本週,Pi Coin宣布了有關CoinMarketCap的重大上市。 宣布這一消息後,Pi Coin上漲了3%,在撰寫本文時的價格高於1.74美元,市值為121億美元。