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Why Is Polkadot (DOT) Price Up?


發布: 2024/01/27 06:11 閱讀: 892



The price of Polkadot’s DOT token has seen notable gains recently, up around 5% today. Part of the reason for this latest price hike seems to be due to major treasury funding for Polkadot ecosystem growth and development.

Polkadot 的 DOT 代幣價格最近出現顯著上漲,今天上漲了 5% 左右。最新價格上漲的部分原因似乎是由於 Polkadot 生態系統成長和發展的主要財政資金。

On January 12th, 2024, the Polkadot treasury funded over 1 million DOT worth of proposals. Crypto industry personality @CryptoCappex broke these down in a recent Twitter thread. He explained the treasury is allocating funds to expanding tools around NFT capabilities, oracle solutions, SDK development, marketing efforts, and more.

2024 年 1 月 12 日,Polkadot 金庫資助了價值超過 100 萬 DOT 的提案。加密行業人士@CryptoCappex 在最近的 Twitter 帖子中對這些進行了詳細分析。他解釋說,財政部正在分配資金,用於擴展 NFT 功能、預言機解決方案、SDK 開發、行銷工作等工具。

@CryptoCappex believes these investments demonstrate “a holistic approach to development and growth.” He thinks understanding where treasury funds are directed is key for DOT holders to “anticipate the network’s trajectory.”

@CryptoCappex 認為這些投資展示了「發展和成長的整體方法」。他認為,了解財政資金的流向對於 DOT 持有者「預測網路的發展軌跡」至關重要。

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透過 Memecoins 的魔力,將數億變成數百萬 – 想想 $BONK,但規模更大!

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鑰匙?儘早介入,尤其是在 IDO 階段。立即加入 NuggetRush!這種創新的迷因幣將邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲與現實世界的金礦開採融為一體。盡快加入,享受當前 ICO 價格!

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Accumulation Underway at Support


In addition to the fundamental boost from treasury funding news, some analysts see bullish signs in DOT from a technical perspective.

除了國庫融資消息帶來的基本面提振之外,一些分析師也從技術角度看到了 DOT 的看漲跡象。

Influential trader Michaël van de Poppe (@CryptoMichNL) noted DOT is “on the edge of hitting a higher timeframe support level.” He is personally “accumulating at these regions” between $5.60-$6.00 to prepare for an “upwards run” in altcoins.

有影響力的交易員 Michaël van de Poppe (@CryptoMichNL) 指出,DOT「即將觸及更高的時間框架支撐位」。他個人正在「在這些地區累積」5.60-6.00 美元之間的資金,為山寨幣的「上漲」做好準備。

So the combination of strong on-chain development activity and bouncing off key technical levels has traders optimistic about further upside for Polkadot. The network enhancements could drive real-world adoption, while oversold conditions may spark a relief rally.

因此,強勁的鏈上開發活動和關鍵技術水平的反彈相結合,讓交易者對 Polkadot 的進一步上漲感到樂觀。網路增強可能會推動現實世界的採用,而超賣情況可能會引發緩解反彈。

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The post Why Is Polkadot (DOT) Price Up? appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

貼文 為什麼 Polkadot (DOT) 價格上漲?首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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