首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 三隻小狗,一份獎品! 2023 年 Shiba Inu、Shiba Memu 和 Floki Inu 的價格預測

Three Pups, One Prize! Price Forecasts for Shiba Inu, Shiba Memu, and Floki Inu in 2023

三隻小狗,一份獎品! 2023 年 Shiba Inu、Shiba Memu 和 Floki Inu 的價格預測

發布: 2023/08/29 22:30 閱讀: 432



While Shiba Inu and Floki Inu are well-known in the crypto-sphere, a new project has emerged: Shiba Memu. Price predictions are bullish for all three coins, but which one will come out on top this year? Keep reading to find out which project could soon be the talk of the town for meme coin investors. 

雖然 Shiba Inu 和 Floki Inu 在加密領域廣為人知,但一個新項目已經出現:Shiba Memu。這三種代幣的價格預測都看漲,但今年哪一種會脫穎而出呢?繼續閱讀,找出哪個項目很快就會成為迷因幣投資者的熱門話題。

What is Shiba Inu?


When many crypto enthusiasts hear about a meme coin with a dog mascot, they think of Dogecoin or SHIBA. Shiba Inu burst onto the scene in 2020 and quickly made a name for itself throughout 2021. Its climb was epic, partially thanks to Elon Musk’s many Shiba Inu-related tweets, returning around 43,800,000% from the start to the end of 2021. 

當許多加密貨幣愛好者聽到帶有狗吉祥物的迷因幣時,他們會想到狗狗幣或 SHIBA。柴犬於2020 年嶄露頭角,並在2021 年迅速成名。它的攀升是史詩般的,部分歸功於埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk) 發布的許多與柴犬相關的推文,從2021 年初到年底,回報率約43,800,000%。

Often dubbed the “Dogecoin Killer,” Shiba Inu has showcased its ability to generate and sustain demand, with hundreds of thousands of loyal fans ready to pick up tokens no matter the price. Shiba Inu’s built a solid foundation, creating an ecosystem filled with exciting projects. For instance, there is a layer-2 scaling solution called Shibarium that promises to provide faster and cheaper transactions. The good news for SHIB investors is that it is expected to roll out this August.

柴犬經常被稱為“狗狗幣殺手”,它展示了其產生和維持需求的能力,數十萬忠實粉絲隨時準備購買代幣,無論價格如何。 Shiba Inu 奠定了堅實的基礎,創造了一個充滿令人興奮的項目的生態系統。例如,有一個名為 Shibarium 的第 2 層擴充解決方案,它承諾提供更快、更便宜的交易。對於 SHIB 投資者來說,好消息是預計將於今年 8 月推出。

Shiba Inu price prediction


With Shiba Inu positioned as the cooler younger cousin of Dogecoin, offering NFTs, staking, community governance, and more, things are pointing up for the SHIB token. At the time of writing, it’s worth $0.00001051, seeing a bullish resurgence since mid-June. 

隨著 Shiba Inu 被定位為狗狗幣更酷的表弟,提供 NFT、質押、社區治理等,SHIB 代幣的前景正在朝著好的方向發展。截至撰寫本文時,其價值為 0.00001051 美元,自 6 月中旬以來看漲復甦。

End-of-year projections place the token around $0.000024 to $0.000030, marking a rough 2.5x-3x return in just a few months. 

年末預測該代幣的回報率約為 0.000024 美元至 0.000030 美元,在短短幾個月內回報率約為 2.5 倍至 3 倍。

What is Shiba Memu?


While some coins rely on celebrity tweets and community-driven campaigns, Shiba Memu takes a different route. Harnessing the power of AI technology to spread its message across the internet, this new crypto pup stands out with its mission to grab the meme coin market with both paws.

雖然有些代幣依賴名人推文和社群驅動的活動,但 Shiba Memu 採取了不同的路線。利用人工智慧技術的力量在網路上傳播訊息,這家新的加密貨幣公司以雙爪佔領迷因幣市場的使命而脫穎而出。

In essence, Shiba Memu is a master marketer. Instead of relying on slow human marketing efforts, Shiba Memu is equipped with incredibly advanced AI technology. For instance, natural language processing (NLP) enables it to understand what crypto investors say online. 

從本質上講,S​​hiba Memu 是一位行銷大師。 Shiba Memu 並非依賴緩慢的人類行銷工作,而是配備了極為先進的人工智慧技術。例如,自然語言處理(NLP)使其能夠理解加密貨幣投資者在網路上所說的話。

Sentiment analysis is Shiba Memu’s secret weapon to gauge whether the tone is a tail-wagging yap or a grumpy growl. And by using predictive analytics, it can anticipate and predict future meme coin trends, aiming to capitalize on them early to deliver its investors massive gains.

情緒分析是 Shiba Memu 的秘密武器,可以判斷語氣是搖尾的叫聲還是脾氣暴躁的咆哮。透過使用預測分析,它可以預見和預測未來的迷因硬幣趨勢,旨在儘早利用它們為投資者帶來巨大收益。

These technologies combine to form a powerful marketing machine. Shiba Memu, powered by the near-infinite knowledge of AI, is a cut above the rest, able to craft messages to fit any context perfectly. While other projects are left chasing their tails, Shiba Memu stays a step ahead of the game!

這些技術結合起來形成了強大的行銷機器。 Shiba Memu 由近乎無限的人工智慧知識提供支持,比其他產品更勝一籌,能夠製作完美適合任何環境的訊息。當其他項目陷入困境時,Shiba Memu 卻領先一步!

Demonstrating investors’ confidence in this remarkable project, a staggering $2.3m has already flooded into the ongoing presale in just 8 weeks. Those who jumped in at this early stage also benefit from daily 1-2% price increases (or $0.000225). But, while you may have benefited from these price elevations, real growth is expected post-presale. Besides, investors won’t get their tokens until the presale ends. 

短短 8 週內,正在進行的預售就已籌集到 230 萬美元,這表明了投資者對這個非凡項目的信心。那些在早期階段加入的人還可以從每日 1-2% 的價格上漲(或 0.000225 美元)中受益。但是,雖然您可能從這些價格上漲中受益,但實際增長預計在預售後。此外,在預售結束之前,投資者無法獲得代幣。

Shiba Memu price prediction

Shiba Memu 價格預測

Listing initially on Bitmart, Shiba Memu is expected to blast off in the coming months. The token is currently priced at $0.023725, but Shiba Memu will have climbed almost 120% from its start price of $0.011125 to $0.0244 at the end of the presale. Beyond this, analysts have high hopes for SMHU.

Shiba Memu 最初在 Bitmart 上市,預計將在未來幾個月內爆發。該代幣目前的價格為 0.023725 美元,但 Shiba Memu 將從其起始價格 0.011125 美元上漲近 120% 至預售結束時的 0.0244 美元。除此之外,分析師對 SMHU 寄予厚望。

The token is expected to be one of the hottest meme coin trends of 2023. Experts’ predictions are set for SHMU to rocket to between $0.40 to $0.50 by the end of the year. In percentage terms, this would represent a potential return of 1585.99% to 2007.48% from today’s price!

該代幣預計將成為 2023 年最熱門的 meme 代幣趨勢之一。專家預測 SHMU 到今年年底將飆升至 0.40 至 0.50 美元。以百分比計算,這將代表今天價格的潛在回報率為 1585.99% 至 2007.48%!

What is Floki Inu? 


Originating in June 2021 following Musk’s tweet about naming his pet “Floki,” Floki Inu took inspiration from Dogecoin, much like Shiba Inu and Shiba Memu. 

Floki Inu 誕生於 2021 年 6 月,在馬斯克發布推文將他的寵物命名為「Floki」之後,Floki Inu 從狗狗幣中汲取靈感,就像 Shiba Inu 和 Shiba Memu 一樣。

However, Floki Inu’s journey has transformed from one of the latest meme coin trends to a comprehensive Web3 ecosystem. Offering a world of DeFi, NFT, and metaverse experiences, Floki Inu has combined the light-heartedness of memes with real-world utility. 

然而,Floki Inu 的旅程已從最新的 meme 硬幣趨勢之一轉變為全面的 Web3 生態系統。 Floki Inu 提供 DeFi、NFT 和元宇宙體驗的世界,將 meme 的輕鬆愉悅與現實世界的實用性結合在一起。

Floki Inu is managed by a dedicated team known as the “Floki Vikings,” the ecosystem spans from Floki University, which offers crypto education, to Valhalla, a play-to-earn NFT metaverse game. 

Floki Inu 由一個名為「Floki Vikings」的專業團隊管理,該生態系統涵蓋從提供加密教育的 Floki 大學到一款透過玩來賺錢的 NFT 元宇宙遊戲 Valhalla。

While Floki Inu isn’t the most popular meme coin, it’s maintained its relevancy over the years. With its offerings expanding gradually, what does the future have in store for FLOKI investors?

雖然 Floki Inu 並不是最受歡迎的迷因幣,但多年來它一直保持相關性。隨著產品範圍逐漸擴大,FLOKI 投資者的未來會如何?

Floki Inu price prediction

Floki Inu 價格預測

Currently, FLOKI is worth $0.00002371, cooling off after seeing a significant spike at the start of 2023. Prospects are bullish, with Floki Inu price predictions at $0.000057 by the end of the year, roughly double today’s price. 

目前,FLOKI 的價值為 0.00002371 美元,在 2023 年初大幅上漲後逐漸降溫。前景樂觀,到今年年底,Floki Inu 的價格預測為 0.000057 美元,大約是今天價格的兩倍。

However, this area marks strong resistance, and FLOKI may struggle to break through without further bullish catalysts. 

然而,該區域標誌著強大的阻力,如果沒有進一步的看漲催化劑,FLOKI 可能難以突破。

The Bottom Line


Many are searching for the next big winner, with meme coin trends still hot on investors’ radar. While Shiba Inu and Floki Inu have shown exceptional promise and growth, they don’t match the enormous price potential of 50x – 100x like Shiba Memu. Early investors in SHMU already see the benefits of daily price increases stack up, and with its expected price trajectory, they’re anticipating unparalleled rewards. 

許多人正在尋找下一個大贏家,迷因幣的趨勢仍然受到投資者的關注。雖然 Shiba Inu 和 Floki Inu 表現出了非凡的前景和成長,但它們並不像 Shiba Memu 那樣具有 50 倍至 100 倍的巨大價格潛力。 SHMU 的早期投資者已經看到了每日價格上漲的好處,根據其預期的價格軌跡,他們期待無與倫比的回報。

However, time is running out to be one of SHMU’s early investors. The FOMO is building as the presale nears its close, and the upcoming Bitmart listing could cause a massive spike in SHMU’s price. Act now before it’s too late!

然而,成為 SHMU 早期投資者之一的時間已經不多了。隨著預售接近尾聲,FOMO 情緒正在加劇,即將到來的 Bitmart 上市可能會導致 SHMU 價格大幅上漲。現在就行動吧,以免為時已晚!

You can participate in the SHMU presale here.

您可以在這裡參與 SHMU 預售。

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