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Shiba Inu Price Decoded: Here's What SHIB Community Can Expect in September

柴犬價格解密:這是 SHIB 社區 9 月的預期

發布: 2023/08/29 23:30 閱讀: 998



Shiba Inu's token, SHIB, appears to be heading for an unprecedented downturn as August draws to a close, marking the first instance of negative performance since its inception three years ago. The token's track record shows an impressive history, with August gains of 10.1% in 2021 and 3.36% in 2022. However, this year's August is poised to conclude with a disappointing 4.2% drop.

隨著 8 月接近尾聲,柴犬的代幣 SHIB 似乎正走向前所未有的低迷,這是自三年前推出以來首次表現不佳。該代幣的歷史記錄令人印象深刻,2021 年 8 月漲幅為 10.1%,2022 年 8 月漲幅為 3.36%。然而,今年 8 月預計會以令人失望的 4.2% 下跌結束。

September emerges as a pivotal month for this popular cryptocurrency, as historical data unveils a mixed narrative. Over the years, the Shiba Inu token has experienced a roller coaster ride in September, with an average profitability of -0.89% since 2021. Notably, the past two years witnessed a 4.65% gain and a 6.43% loss, respectively, showcasing the volatile nature of SHIB's September trajectory.

9 月成為這種流行加密貨幣的關鍵月份,歷史數據揭示了一種複雜的敘述。多年來,柴犬代幣在 9 月經歷了過山車之旅,自 2021 年以來平均盈利率為-0.89%。值得注意的是,過去兩年分別上漲了 4.65% 和下跌 6.43%,顯示出波動性。 SHIB 9 月軌跡的本質。

SHIB's Monthly Returns by CryptoRank

按 CryptoRank 劃分的 SHIB 月度回報

Drawing parallels from the larger crypto market, Bitcoin and Ethereum present intriguing insights. BTC's average September returns since 2013 stand at -6%, while ETH, a more relevant comparison due to its altcoin status like SHIB, paints a grimmer picture with an average return of -14.1%.

與更大的加密貨幣市場相似,比特幣和以太坊提供了有趣的見解。自2013 年以來,BTC 9 月的平均回報率為-6%,而ETH(由於其與SHIB 一樣的山寨幣地位,更具有相關性)描繪了一幅更糟糕的圖景,平均回報率為-14.1 %。

SHIB to USD in August by CoinMarketCap

8 月 SHIB 兌美元 (CoinMarketCap)

Analyzing SHIB's September potential in a different light, we turn to Dogecoin (DOGE), a historical sibling in the crypto world. DOGE's average September gain hovers around 14.5%, predominantly driven by standout years like 2014 and 2018. Nevertheless, a more reliable indicator, the median profitability of -4.07%, tempers expectations.

從不同的角度分析 SHIB 9 月的潛力,我們轉向狗狗幣(DOGE),它是加密世界的歷史兄弟。 DOGE 9 月的平均漲幅徘徊在 14.5% 左右,主要是受到 2014 年和 2018 年等出色年份的推動。然而,一個更可靠的指標,即 -4.07% 的中位盈利能力,緩和了預期。

As the SHIB community looks ahead to September, caution is advised. The crypto market thrives on surprising trends and unexpected turns, making resilience and adaptability paramount for investors.

當 SHIB 社區展望 9 月時,建議謹慎行事。加密貨幣市場因令人驚訝的趨勢和意想不到的轉變而蓬勃發展,這使得彈性和適應性對於投資者來說至關重要。


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