首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Raboo 預售飆升,籌集超過 160 萬美元,表現優於 WIF、STRUMP

Raboo presale skyrockets raising over $1.6m, outperforms WIF, STRUMP

Raboo 預售飆升,籌集超過 160 萬美元,表現優於 WIF、STRUMP

發布: 2024/06/14 17:04 閱讀: 523



Raboo 預售飆升,籌集超過 160 萬美元,表現優於 WIF、STRUMP

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Raboo, Dogwifhat, and Super Trump Coin: Community-Driven Cryptocurrencies with Growth Potential

Raboo、Dogwifhat 和超級川普幣:社群驅動的具有成長潛力的加密貨幣

Astute investors are rallying behind Raboo (RABT), Dogwifhat (WIF), and Super Trump coin (STRUMP) due to their strong community support and promising growth potential.

由於 Raboo (RABT)、Dogwifhat (WIF) 和超級川普幣 (STRUMP) 強大的社區支持和廣闊的成長潛力,精明的投資者紛紛支持它們。

A strong community undoubtedly plays a significant role in the success of any crypto presale or token. Raboo (RABT), Dogwifhat (WIF), and Super Trump coin (STRUMP) are consistently on an upward trajectory because they have a dedicated following of investors backing them.

毫無疑問,強大的社群對於任何加密貨幣預售或代幣的成功都發揮著重要作用。 Raboo (RABT)、Dogwifhat (WIF) 和超級川普幣 (STRUMP) 一直處於上升軌道,因為它們擁有一群忠實的投資者支持。

Raboo: A Unique Utility Token with Strong Investor Support


Astute investors are particularly drawn to Raboo. It offers a unique utility in the memecoin space and has already raised over $1.6 million from investors. Market signals indicate the token could appreciate by 100x once it launches on exchanges, which is why it's garnering so much attention.

Raboo 尤其吸引精明的投資者。它在 memecoin 領域提供了獨特的實用性,並已從投資者那裡籌集了超過 160 萬美元。市場訊號表明,該代幣一旦在交易所推出,可能會升值 100 倍,這就是它受到如此多關注的原因。

Super Trump Coin: A Meme Token with an Altruistic Twist


Super Trump coin is a cryptocurrency that pays homage to the political legacy of Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States. It's a meme token with no real utility or use case, but it does have an unusual altruistic overtone. Super Trump's website receives ETH and Solana donations and promises to contribute 0.8% of the proceeds towards Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign.

超級川普幣是一種加密貨幣,旨在向美國第 45 任總統唐納德·川普的政治遺產致敬。這是一個迷因代幣,沒有真正的實用性或用例,但它確實有一種不尋常的利他主義色彩。 Super Trump 網站接收 ETH 和 Solana 捐款,並承諾將收益的 0.8% 用於唐納德·川普 2024 年總統競選。

Despite its lack of utility, STRUMP has had a positive price trajectory since its launch in March. It has experienced significant volatility, but it remains popular among some investors.

儘管缺乏實用性,STRUMP 自 3 月推出以來一直保持著積極的價格軌跡。它經歷了大幅波動,但仍然受到一些投資者的歡迎。

Dogwifhat: Maintaining Community Support Despite Recent Setbacks


Dogwifhat had a strong crypto presale and remains relevant in the meme space six months later. Modeled after a dog wearing a pink hat, WIF is backed by a strong community of Solana users. This community support is the main reason it's holding strong, even during recent market downturns.

Dogwifhat 的加密貨幣預售勢頭強勁,六個月後仍在迷因領域佔據重要地位。 WIF 以一隻戴著粉紅色帽子的狗為模型,並得到了強大的 Solana 用戶社群的支持。即使在最近的市場低迷時期,社區的支持也是其保持強勁的主要原因。

WIF's price has faced some setbacks in recent weeks, but it still has a strong daily trading volume and a market cap of over $2.4 billion. This suggests that WIF's situation may not be as dire as it seems.

WIF 的價格在最近幾週遭遇了一些挫折,但其每日交易量仍然強勁,市值超過 24 億美元。這表明 WIF 的處境可能並不像看起來那麼可怕。



Raboo is a promising crypto presale that has caught the attention of savvy investors. It offers a unique utility, a strong community, and the potential for significant growth. According to experts, investing in Raboo could bring gains in excess of 100x.

Raboo 是一種前景光明的加密貨幣預售,吸引了精明投資者的注意。它提供了獨特的實用程式、強大的社區以及顯著成長的潛力。據專家介紹,投資Raboo可帶來超過100倍的收益。

Interested users can participate in the Raboo presale or reach out on Telegram: or Twitter: .

有興趣的用戶可以參與 Raboo 預售或透過 Telegram: 或 Twitter: 聯繫。


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