首页 > 资讯新闻 > Raboo 预售飙升,筹集超过 160 万美元,表现优于 WIF、STRUMP

Raboo presale skyrockets raising over $1.6m, outperforms WIF, STRUMP

Raboo 预售飙升,筹集超过 160 万美元,表现优于 WIF、STRUMP

发布: 2024/06/14 17:04 阅读: 523



Raboo 预售飙升,筹集超过 160 万美元,表现优于 WIF、STRUMP

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Raboo, Dogwifhat, and Super Trump Coin: Community-Driven Cryptocurrencies with Growth Potential

Raboo、Dogwifhat 和超级特朗普币:社区驱动的具有增长潜力的加密货币

Astute investors are rallying behind Raboo (RABT), Dogwifhat (WIF), and Super Trump coin (STRUMP) due to their strong community support and promising growth potential.

由于 Raboo (RABT)、Dogwifhat (WIF) 和超级特朗普币 (STRUMP) 强大的社区支持和广阔的增长潜力,精明的投资者纷纷支持它们。

A strong community undoubtedly plays a significant role in the success of any crypto presale or token. Raboo (RABT), Dogwifhat (WIF), and Super Trump coin (STRUMP) are consistently on an upward trajectory because they have a dedicated following of investors backing them.

毫无疑问,强大的社区对于任何加密货币预售或代币的成功都发挥着重要作用。 Raboo (RABT)、Dogwifhat (WIF) 和超级特朗普币 (STRUMP) 一直处于上升轨道,因为它们拥有一批忠实的投资者支持。

Raboo: A Unique Utility Token with Strong Investor Support


Astute investors are particularly drawn to Raboo. It offers a unique utility in the memecoin space and has already raised over $1.6 million from investors. Market signals indicate the token could appreciate by 100x once it launches on exchanges, which is why it's garnering so much attention.

Raboo 尤其吸引精明的投资者。它在 memecoin 领域提供了独特的实用性,并已从投资者那里筹集了超过 160 万美元。市场信号表明,该代币一旦在交易所推出,可能会升值 100 倍,这就是它受到如此多关注的原因。

Super Trump Coin: A Meme Token with an Altruistic Twist


Super Trump coin is a cryptocurrency that pays homage to the political legacy of Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States. It's a meme token with no real utility or use case, but it does have an unusual altruistic overtone. Super Trump's website receives ETH and Solana donations and promises to contribute 0.8% of the proceeds towards Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign.

超级特朗普币是一种加密货币,旨在向美国第 45 任总统唐纳德·特朗普的政治遗产致敬。这是一个模因代币,没有真正的实用性或用例,但它确实有一种不寻常的利他主义色彩。 Super Trump 网站接收 ETH 和 Solana 捐款,并承诺将收益的 0.8% 用于唐纳德·特朗普 2024 年总统竞选。

Despite its lack of utility, STRUMP has had a positive price trajectory since its launch in March. It has experienced significant volatility, but it remains popular among some investors.

尽管缺乏实用性,STRUMP 自 3 月份推出以来一直保持着积极的价格轨迹。它经历了大幅波动,但仍然受到一些投资者的欢迎。

Dogwifhat: Maintaining Community Support Despite Recent Setbacks


Dogwifhat had a strong crypto presale and remains relevant in the meme space six months later. Modeled after a dog wearing a pink hat, WIF is backed by a strong community of Solana users. This community support is the main reason it's holding strong, even during recent market downturns.

Dogwifhat 的加密货币预售势头强劲,六个月后仍然在模因领域占据重要地位。 WIF 以一只戴着粉色帽子的狗为模型,得到了强大的 Solana 用户社区的支持。即使在最近的市场低迷时期,社区的支持也是其保持强劲的主要原因。

WIF's price has faced some setbacks in recent weeks, but it still has a strong daily trading volume and a market cap of over $2.4 billion. This suggests that WIF's situation may not be as dire as it seems.

WIF 的价格最近几周遭遇了一些挫折,但其每日交易量仍然强劲,市值超过 24 亿美元。这表明 WIF 的处境可能并不像看起来那么可怕。



Raboo is a promising crypto presale that has caught the attention of savvy investors. It offers a unique utility, a strong community, and the potential for significant growth. According to experts, investing in Raboo could bring gains in excess of 100x.

Raboo 是一种前景光明的加密货币预售,引起了精明投资者的注意。它提供了独特的实用程序、强大的社区以及显着增长的潜力。据专家介绍,投资Raboo可带来超过100倍的收益。

Interested users can participate in the Raboo presale or reach out on Telegram: or Twitter: .

感兴趣的用户可以参与 Raboo 预售或通过 Telegram: 或 Twitter: 联系。


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