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Race to $1 pits XRP, ADA, NUGX, and DOGE

XRP、ADA、NUGX 和 DOGE 競相爭取 1 美元

發布: 2023/12/22 22:33 閱讀: 984



XRP、ADA、NUGX 和 DOGE 競相爭取 1 美元

Disclosure: This article does not represent investment advice. The content and materials featured on this page are for educational purposes only.


  • The crypto market offers penny tokens like XRP, Cardano, Dogecoin, and the gaming-focused NuggetRush.
  • 加密市場提供 XRP、Cardano、Dogecoin 和專注於遊戲的 NuggetRush 等便士代幣。

  • DOGE’s 88% surge, ADA’s 185% increase, and XRP’s steady 63% growth confirm their potential to hit $1.
  • DOGE 上漲 88%,ADA 上漲 185%,XRP 穩定成長 63%,證實了它們有潛力達到 1 美元。

  • NuggetRush’s play-to-earn gaming experience, NFTs, and an ongoing presale with potential for significant returns also position it at the forefront of the $1 race.
  • NuggetRush 的邊玩邊賺的遊戲體驗、NFT 以及具有潛在可觀回報的持續預售也使其處於 1 美元競賽的前列。

Considering cryptocurrencies under a dollar can be a smart move. Currently, coins like XRP, Cardano (ADA), Dogecoin (DOGE), and NuggetRush (NUGX) show promise. 

考慮一美元以下的加密貨幣可能是明智之舉。目前,XRP、Cardano (ADA)、Dogecoin (DOGE) 和 NuggetRush (NUGX) 等代幣顯示出前景。

With DOGE up 88%, ADA surging 185%, XRP growing 63%, and NUGX rising by 30%, these tokens are gaining attention. 

DOGE 上漲 88%,ADA 上漲 185%,XRP 上漲 63%,NUGX 上漲 30%,這些代幣正在受到關注。

The question now is, which one will hit $1.00 first? 

現在的問題是,哪一個會先觸及 1.00 美元?

NuggetRush growing

NuggetRush 成長

NuggetRush is a meme coin with a play-to-earn (P2E) gaming feature, allowing users to mine valuable minerals in the game. 

NuggetRush 是一種迷因幣,具有邊玩邊賺 (P2E) 遊戲功能,可讓用戶在遊戲中開採有價值的礦物。

The platform also offers NFTs, including a rare RUSHGEMS collection, making it a promising investment. 

該平台還提供 NFT,包括罕見的 RUSHGEMS 系列,這使其成為一項有前途的投資。

Staking NFTs provides passive returns with a 20% APY, attracting web3 users.

質押 NFT 提供年化 20% 的被動回報,吸引了 web3 用戶。

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你可能也喜歡:NuggetRush 會在 2024 年像 Shiba Inu 一樣堵塞以太坊嗎?

The ongoing NUGX presale, where the token is available for $0.013, can be an opportunity since the token will list at $0.02.

正在進行的 NUGX 預售,代幣售價為 0.013 美元,這可能是一個機會,因為代幣的上市價格為 0.02 美元。

Even so, supporters expect more growth to $1 in the days ahead.

即便如此,支持者預計未來幾天將進一步成長至 1 美元。

XRP recovers

XRP 恢復

This year, Ripple faced legal challenges, causing the XRP price to settle around $0.60 from a peak of $0.73. 

今年,Ripple 面臨法律挑戰,導致 XRP 價格從 0.73 美元的高峰跌至 0.60 美元左右。

Despite this, experts see the potential for a new uptrend as XRP forms a bull flag pattern. If there is a breakout above $0.70, the coin could soar to $1.00. 

儘管如此,隨著 XRP 形成牛旗形態,專家們仍認為有可能出現新的上升趨勢。如果突破 0.70 美元,代幣可能會飆升至 1.00 美元。

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您可能也喜歡:Solana 扭轉了 Ripple 的 XRP 市值,SOL 上漲 9%

Recent developments in Ripple’s legal issues and strategic partnerships may support prices. 

Ripple 法律問題和戰略合作夥伴關係的最新進展可能會支撐價格。

Currently, XRP is up 56% from October, but experts predict XRP will reach $1 by the end of 2024.

目前,XRP 較 10 月上漲了 56%,但專家預測 XRP 到 2024 年底將達到 1 美元。

Dogecoin’s quest for utility


Dogecoin has achieved remarkable growth, establishing itself as a prominent cryptocurrency. 


Despite its origin as a joke, its low fees and quick transactions have garnered widespread acceptance among meme enthusiasts and crypto investors. 

You might also like: Whales move over 514m Dogecoin amid push to $0.1

你可能也喜歡:鯨魚在推向 0.1 美元的過程中移動了超過 5.14 億美元的狗狗幣

With an 88% increase, analysts are hopeful that DOGE could reach $1.00. 

分析師預計 DOGE 將上漲 88%,預計達到 1.00 美元。

However, predicting the exact timing is challenging. To hit $1.00, Dogecoin might need broader acceptance as a payment option or increased utility. 

然而,預測確切的時間具有挑戰性。為了達到 1.00 美元,狗狗幣可能需要更廣泛的接受作為支付選項或增加實用性。

If these developments occur, there’s a possibility of DOGE reaching $1.00 by 2025.

如果這些進展發生,DOGE 有可能在 2025 年達到 1.00 美元。

Cardano soars to new 2023 high

卡爾達諾飆升至 2023 年新高

Cardano is bullish, adding 80% in December. This surge has propelled ADA to new 2023 high.

卡爾達諾看漲,12 月上漲了 80%。這一激增將 ADA 推升至 2023 年新高。

The anticipation for bullish momentum has been met with enthusiasm, and the current market conditions suggest the potential for more gains. 


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Industry experts expect ADA to rally to $1 if there is a comprehensive close above the $0.70 resistance level and solidify it as support. 

行業專家預計,如果全面收於 0.70 美元阻力位上方並鞏固其支撐位,ADA 將反彈至 1 美元。

While the exact timing of this ascent remains uncertain, the upcoming Bitcoin halving event could catalyze demand.


Final thoughts 


While DOGE, XRP, and ADA have the potential to reach $1.00, NUGX stands out with its unique utility. 

雖然 DOGE、XRP 和 ADA 有潛力達到 1.00 美元,但 NUGX 以其獨特的實用性脫穎而出。

The ongoing NuggetRush presale, coupled with its play-to-earn gaming and NFT offerings, could explain the rising NUGX demand. 

正在進行的 NuggetRush 預售,加上其邊玩邊賺的遊戲和 NFT 產品,可以解釋 NUGX 需求不斷上升的原因。

Visit the NuggetRush Presale Website

造訪 NuggetRush 預售網站

Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.

披露:該內容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不認可本頁提及的任何產品。用戶在採取與公司相關的任何行動之前必須進行自己的研究。


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