首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Ripple 執行長 Brad Garlinhouse 因加密貨幣不合規言論而向美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 開除

Ripple CEO Brad Garlinhouse Fires At SEC Over Crypto Noncompliance Comments

Ripple 執行長 Brad Garlinhouse 因加密貨幣不合規言論而向美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 開除

發布: 2023/12/23 06:00 閱讀: 891



Ripple 執行長 Brad Garlinhouse 因加密貨幣不合規言論而向美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 開除

Source: Adobe/Kristina Blokhin


Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse has lashed out at the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) chair Gary Gensler, accusing him of “stunning hypocrisy” in the crypto industry. 

Ripple執行長布拉德·加林豪斯(Brad Garlinghouse)猛烈抨擊美國證券交易委員會(SEC)主席加里·詹斯勒(Gary Gensler),指責他在加密行業“令人震驚的虛偽”。

Garlinghouse’s criticism comes in response to Gensler’s recent comments about widespread noncompliance within the crypto space, emphasizing the negative impact on individuals and the difficulty for legitimate actors to compete. 

加林豪斯的批評是對 Gensler 最近關於加密貨幣領域普遍存在的不合規行為的評論的回應,強調了對個人的負面影響以及合法參與者競爭的難度。

“There is a lot of noncompliance in the crypto space,” Gensler said. 

「加密貨幣領域存在著許多違規行為,」Gensler 說。

“It undermines confidence when so many people have been hurt and all they can do is stand in line in the bankruptcy court. Further, this can make it hard for the good faith actors to compete.”


However, Garlinghouse pointed out that Gensler had “cozied up to the biggest fraud in recent memory” and accused him of harming consumers while maintaining close ties with Wall Street.


Stunning hypocrisy from the person who cozied up to the biggest fraud in recent memory.


Gensler is a political liability whose actions have decimated consumers and destroyed the integrity of the SEC, while remaining buddy-buddy with Wall Street. https://t.co/hAgjJ9IsGR https://t.co/D3pz4Dq3yy

Gensler 是一個政治責任,他的行為大量傷害了消費者並破壞了 SEC 的誠信,同時仍與華爾街保持好朋友關係。 https://t.co/hAgjJ9IsGR https://t.co/D3pz4Dq3yy

— Brad Garlinghouse (@bgarlinghouse) December 21, 2023

- 布拉德·加林豪斯 (@bgarlinghouse) 2023 年 12 月 21 日

This is not the first time Garlinghouse has expressed his disapproval of Gensler’s actions. 


Previously, he had likened Gensler’s approach to that of an autocrat and urged Congress to pay attention to his conduct. 


The broader crypto community has rallied behind Garlinghouse’s criticism, viewing Gensler as a primary adversary to the emerging industry. 

更廣泛的加密貨幣社群團結起來支持加林豪斯的批評,將 Gensler 視為新興產業的主要對手。

Many stakeholders have criticized Gensler’s strict regulatory approach, arguing that the SEC is applying outdated securities laws to innovative crypto finance models like decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. 

許多利害關係人批評 Gensler 的嚴格監管方法,認為 SEC 正在將過時的證券法應用於去中心化自治組織 (DAO) 和去中心化金融 (DeFi) 協議等創新的加密金融模式。

Some prominent figures, including Dogecoin founder Billy Markus, have echoed these concerns, highlighting the lack of clear rules for the evolving sector.


Gensler Continues to Stick to His Stance


However, Gensler has consistently defended his stance, claiming that the current securities laws are sufficient for the crypto industry. 

然而,Gensler 始終捍衛自己的立場,聲稱現行的證券法對於加密產業來說已經足夠了。

The SEC under Gensler’s leadership has taken legal action against major crypto firms like Coinbase and Binance, alleging violations of securities law. 

Gensler 領導下的 SEC 對 Coinbase 和 Binance 等主要加密貨幣公司採取了法律行動,指控其違反證券法。

Additionally, the regulator has classified cryptocurrencies such as Solana, Cardano, and Polygon as crypto securities tokens in many of its legal actions.

此外,監管機構在許多法律行動中將 Solana、Cardano 和 Polygon 等加密貨幣歸類為加密證券代幣。

Back in September, he acknowledged that while not all tokens can be prejudged, a significant portion of the crypto industry falls under securities laws but remains non-compliant.

早在 9 月份,他就承認,雖然並非所有代幣都可以被預先判斷,但加密行業的很大一部分都受到證券法的管轄,但仍然不合規。

“This crypto space that much of it, without prejudging any one token, much of it is under the securities laws, but unfortunately, much of it is also non-compliant,” he said.


He claimed that crypto has had a destructive impact on millions of investors who have suffered losses, emphasizing that these problems could potentially extend beyond the crypto industry and affect the broader financial system.


More recently, he issued another warning about the prevalence of fraud in crypto, stating that there are multiple “notorious fraudsters” operating in the space.


“It’s not just about one circumstance and one notorious fraudster, it’s multiple notorious fraudsters,” Gensler said.



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