首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 誰稱霸?聚焦 Memecoin 領域的主要競爭者:狗狗幣 (DOGE)、柴犬 (SHIB) 和 DigiToads (TOADS)

Who Reigns Supreme? Spotlight on the Major Contenders in the Memecoin Arena: Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB) and DigiToads (TOADS)

誰稱霸?聚焦 Memecoin 領域的主要競爭者:狗狗幣 (DOGE)、柴犬 (SHIB) 和 DigiToads (TOADS)

發布: 2023/08/19 20:30 閱讀: 585



The emergence of memecoins added a new layer of excitement to the crypto landscape. Since then, they have become an integral part of the scene. Initially built on fun and lightheartedness, many now have utility, highlighting their evolution. Among the notable players in this space, Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and DigiToads have captured considerable attention. In this article, we will take a closer look at these memecoins and their journey toward supremacy.

迷因幣的出現為加密貨幣領域增添了新的興奮點。從那時起,他們就成為了現場不可或缺的一部分。最初建立在樂趣和輕鬆的基礎上,許多現在具有實用性,突出了它們的演變。在這個領域的著名參與者中,狗狗幣、柴犬和 DigiToads 引起了相當大的關注。在本文中,我們將仔細研究這些迷因幣及其走向霸主的旅程。

DigiToads (TOADS): The new kid on the block

DigiToads (TOADS):新事物

Amidst the ongoing frenzy around memecoin, DigiToads emerged as a strong contender in its space. Unlike its predecessors, DigiToads is built around tangible use cases, featuring play-to-earn (P2E) and non-fungible tokens (NFT), adding to its memetic appeal. Additionally, it aims to combine the fun and engaging nature of memecoins with real-world environmental purposes, setting it apart from others without real-world impact.

在 memecoin 的持續熱潮中,DigiToads 成為該領域的有力競爭者。與它的前身不同,DigiToads 是圍繞有形用例構建的,具有玩賺錢 (P2E) 和不可替代代幣 (NFT) 的特點,增加了它的模因吸引力。此外,它的目標是將迷因幣的有趣和引人入勝的本質與現實世界的環境目的結合起來,使其與其他沒有現實世界影響的產品區分開來。

Built on the back of a successful presale that saw over $7 million raised, DigiToads is gearing up for its scheduled launch on August 21 with strong momentum. According to industry experts, the token will soar by 1,000x after launch, making numerous millionaires in the process. This underscores the importance of being early in the crypto scene, with a world of benefits to be enjoyed by purchasing the token once it launches on major platform now that the presale is over.

DigiToads 在預售成功並籌集了超過 700 萬美元的基礎上,正以強勁的勢頭為 8 月 21 日的預定發布做好準備。據業界專家稱,該代幣推出後將飆升1,000倍,過程中使無數百萬富翁成為百萬富翁。這強調了儘早進入加密領域的重要性,預售結束後,一旦代幣在主要平台上推出,購買該代幣即可享受許多好處。

Meanwhile, within its robust ecosystem, players will be able to collect, nurture, and battle DigiToads to earn rewards. Additionally, the ecosystem will feature an NFT collection, with enthusiasts able to mint from its rare and coveted 3,500 NFTs. Furthermore, in terms of environmental impact, 2.5% of profits made from the project will be given to projects committed to the preservation of the rainforest and the replanting of trees.

同時,在其強大的生態系統中,玩家將能夠收集、培育和戰鬥 DigiToads 以獲得獎勵。此外,該生態系統還將推出 NFT 系列,愛好者可以從其稀有且令人垂涎的 3,500 個 NFT 中鑄造。此外,在環境影響方面,該項目利潤的2.5%將用於致力於保護雨林和重新種植樹木的項目。

Dogecoin (DOGE): The OG meme coin

狗狗幣 (DOGE):OG 迷因幣

Dogecoin is widely regarded as the pioneer of memecoins. Dogecoin began as a lighthearted joke in 2023, inspired by the popular “Doge” Internet meme and featuring a Shiba Inu dog. Although its inception revolved around lightheartedness, it quickly gained traction because of its appeal. Moreover, Dogecoin’s vibrant community has maintained its popularity over the years.

狗狗幣被廣泛認為是迷因幣的先驅。狗狗幣誕生於 2023 年,最初只是一個輕鬆的笑話,靈感來自流行的「Doge」網路迷因,並以柴犬為特色。儘管它的誕生是為了輕鬆愉快,但它很快就因其吸引力而受到關注。此外,狗狗幣充滿活力的社區多年來一直保持著受歡迎程度。

Since the launch of Dogecoin, it has risen by over 80,000% from its all-time low in 2015. Additionally, its ROI according to available data is over 13,000%, making it one of the leading cryptocurrencies, 7th by market capitalization; not a bad run for a token initially considered a joke. However, Dogecoin’s lack of a defined use case beyond donations and tipping is one of the arguments used by critics regarding its long-term viability.

自狗狗幣推出以來,它已從2015 年的歷史低點上漲了80,000% 以上。此外,根據現有數據,其投資回報率超過13,000%,使其成為領先的加密貨幣之一,按市值排名第七;對於最初被認為是個笑話的代幣來說,這還不錯。然而,除了捐贈和小費之外,狗狗幣缺乏明確的用例,這是批評者對其長期可行性的論點之一。

Shiba Inu (SHIB): Riding the meme wave


The success of Dogecoin sparked the memecoin frenzy, with projects aiming to ride its popularity wave. Shiba Inu was one of these cryptocurrencies, and its goal was to build on the success of Dogecoin and surpass it.


Today, Shiba Inu is one of the most successful and profitable tokens in the memecoin ecosystem, with an ROI of over 600,000%. This emphasizes the wild volatility that characterizes memecoins and their growth potential, with Shiba Inu minting numerous crypto millionaires. However, just like with many tokens within the memecoin ecosystem, the criticism against Shiba Inu is that it doesn’t have tangible utility. Nevertheless, the launch of its Shibarium aims to answer questions regarding utility and further bolster the Shiba Inu ecosystem.

如今,柴犬是 memecoin 生態系統中最成功、最賺錢的代幣之一,投資報酬率超過 60 萬%。這強調了迷因幣的劇烈波動性及其成長潛力,柴犬造就了許多加密貨幣百萬富翁。然而,就像迷因幣生態系統中的許多代幣一樣,對柴犬的批評是它沒有實際的效用。儘管如此,柴犬館的推出旨在回答有關實用性的問題並進一步支持柴犬生態系統。

Final Thoughts


The answer to the question regarding supremacy is subjective and dynamic, as each of these tokens has distinct attributes and appeal. Dogecoin, for instance, is the OG of memecoin and is seen as an authority in the ecosystem for this reason. On the other hand, Shiba Inu is the second-leading memecoin and has one of the highest ROIs in the crypto landscape. Lastly, while the aforementioned tokens are riding on their past success, DigiToads is the future and has the community, utility, and other necessary features that will propel it to success. Don’t miss out on the launch of DigiToads.

關於霸權問題的答案是主觀的和動態的,因為每個代幣都有不同的屬性和吸引力。例如,狗狗幣是 memecoin 的 OG,因此被視為生態系統中的權威。另一方面,柴犬是第二大迷因幣,也是加密貨幣領域投資報酬率最高的貨幣之一。最後,雖然上述代幣依賴過去的成功,但 DigiToads 是未來,並擁有社群、實用程式和其他必要的功能來推動其成功。不要錯過 DigiToads 的發布。

Mint DigiToads NFTs Here

在這裡薄荷 DigiToads NFT

Buy DigiToads NFTs on OpenSea

在 OpenSea 上購買 DigiToads NFT

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貼文 誰稱霸?聚焦 Memecoin 競技場的主要競爭者:Dogecoin (DOGE)、Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 DigiToads (TOADS) 首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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