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Shiba Inu vs Dogecoin vs Pepe: Which Meme Coin Will Rule the Crypto World in 2023

Shiba Inu vs Dogecoin vs Pepe:哪種 Meme 幣將在 2023 年統治加密世界

發布: 2023/08/19 19:30 閱讀: 676



Meme coins are cryptocurrencies that are inspired by or based on popular internet memes, such as images, videos, or phrases. They are often created as jokes or parodies, but some of them have gained serious attention and value in the crypto market. In this article, we will compare three of the most well-known meme coins: Shiba Inu (SHIB), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Pepe (PEPE).


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Shiba Inu (SHIB)

訂閱與我們一起展示加密貨幣革命,一次一份時事通訊。立即訂閱,將每日新聞和市場更新直接發送到您的收件匣,以及我們數百萬其他訂閱者(沒錯,數以百萬計的人愛我們!) - 您還在等什麼?Shiba Inu (SHIB)

Shiba Inu (SHIB) is a token that aspires to be an Ethereum-based alternative to Dogecoin (DOGE), the popular memecoin. Unlike Bitcoin, which is designed to be scarce, SHIB is intentionally abundant — with a total supply of 589 trillion. The Shiba Inu Token ecosystem supports projects such as an NFT art incubator and the development of a decentralized exchange called Shibaswap. As of 19 August 2023, SHIB has a market cap of $5.03 billion and a price of $0.0000085.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) 是一種代幣,旨在成為流行的 memecoin 狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的基於以太坊的替代品。與比特幣被設計為稀缺性不同,SHIB 故意做到豐富——總供應量為 589 兆。 Shiba Inu 代幣生態系統支援 NFT 藝術孵化器和名為 Shibaswap 的去中心化交易所的開發等項目。截至2023年8月19日,SHIB的市值為50.3億美元,股價為0.0000085美元。

Dogecoin (DOGE)

狗狗幣 (DOGE)

Dogecoin (DOGE) is based on the popular “doge” Internet meme and features a Shiba Inu on its logo. The open-source digital currency was created by Billy Markus from Portland, Oregon and Jackson Palmer from Sydney, Australia, and was forked from Litecoin in December 2013. Dogecoin’s creators envisaged it as a fun, light-hearted cryptocurrency that would have greater appeal beyond the core Bitcoin audience, since it was based on a dog meme. Tesla CEO Elon Musk posted several tweets on social media that Dogecoin is his favorite coin. Dogecoin differs from Bitcoin’s proof-of-work protocol in several ways, one of which is by using Scrypt technology. The altcoin has also a block time of 1 minute, and the total supply is uncapped, which means that there is no limit to the number of Dogecoin that can be mined. As of 19 August 2023, DOGE has a market cap of $8.9 billion and a price of $0.0636

狗狗幣(DOGE)基於流行的“doge”互聯網模因,其標誌上有一隻柴犬。這種開源數位貨幣是由來自俄勒岡州波特蘭的Billy Markus 和來自澳洲雪梨的Jackson Palmer 創建的,並於2013 年12 月從萊特幣中分叉出來。狗狗幣的創建者將其設想為一種有趣、輕鬆的加密貨幣,在其他領域具有更大的吸引力。比特幣的核心受眾,因為它是基於狗迷因。特斯拉執行長馬斯克在社群媒體上發布了幾條推文,稱狗狗幣是他最喜歡的硬幣。狗狗幣在幾個方面與比特幣的工作量證明協議不同,其中之一是使用 Scrypt 技術。山寨幣的出塊時間為 1 分鐘,且總供應量沒有上限,這意味著可以開採的狗狗幣數量沒有限制。截至 2023 年 8 月 19 日,DOGE 市值為 89 億美元,價格為 0.0636 美元

Pepe (PEPE)


Pepe (PEPE) is a deflationary memecoin launched on Ethereum. The cryptocurrency was created as a tribute to the Pepe the Frog internet meme, created by Matt Furie, which gained popularity in the early 2000s. The project aims to capitalize on the popularity of meme coins, like Shiba Inu and Dogecoin, and strives to establish itself as one of the top meme-based cryptocurrencies. PEPE appeals to the cryptocurrency community by instituting a no-tax policy, a redistributive system rewarding long-term stakers, and a burning mechanism to maintain scarcity of the PEPE coin. In late April to May 2023, the explosive surge of PEPE caused its market cap to reach a high of $1.6 billion at one point. It has induced what some may dub a “memecoin season,” causing other memecoins — some launched within hours — to go on spectacular pumps and just as astounding dumps. As of 19 August 2023, PEPE has a market cap of $430 million and a price of $0.00000109.

Pepe (PEPE) 是在以太坊上推出的通貨緊縮迷因幣。這種加密貨幣的創建是為了向 Matt Furie 創造的 Pepe the Frog 網路迷因致敬,該迷因在 2000 年代初期廣受歡迎。該項目旨在利用柴犬和狗狗幣等模因幣的流行,並努力將自己打造成基於模因的頂級加密貨幣之一。 PEPE 透過制定免稅政策、獎勵長期利益相關者的再分配系統以及維持 PEPE 代幣稀缺性的銷毀機制來吸引加密貨幣社群。 4月下旬至2023年5月,PEPE的爆發性飆升導致其市值一度達到16億美元的高點。它引發了一些所謂的“模因幣季節”,導致其他模因幣——有些在幾小時內就推出了——出現了驚人的暴漲和令人震驚的暴跌。截至 2023 年 8 月 19 日,PEPE 的市值為 4.3 億美元,價格為 0.00000109 美元。



Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, and Pepe are all meme coins that have attracted attention and investment from crypto enthusiasts and celebrities alike. They share some common features, such as being based on Ethereum or Litecoin protocols, having fast transaction speeds, and having large communities of supporters. However, they also have some notable differences, such as their supply models, their use cases, and their price performance.

Shiba Inu、Dogecoin 和 Pepe 都是 meme 幣,吸引了加密貨幣愛好者和名人的關注和投資。它們具有一些共同的特徵,例如基於以太坊或萊特幣協議、具有快速的交易速度以及擁有大量的支持者社群。然而,它們也有一些顯著的差異,例如供應模式、用例和性價比。

In terms of supply, Shiba Inu has the largest total supply of one quadrillion tokens, followed by Dogecoin with an uncapped supply that increases by 10,000 coins every minute, and Pepe with a fixed supply of 420.69 trillion tokens. This means that Shiba Inu and Dogecoin are more inflationary than Pepe, which is deflationary due to its burning mechanism. However, supply is not the only factor that determines the value of a cryptocurrency, as demand and market sentiment also play a role.

從供應量來看,柴犬的總供應量最大,為1000 億枚代幣,其次是狗狗幣,其供應量無上限,每分鐘增加10,000 個代幣,而佩佩的固定供應量為420.69 萬億枚代幣。這意味著柴犬和狗狗幣比佩佩更具通膨性,而佩佩因其燃燒機製而具有通縮性。然而,供應並不是決定加密貨幣價值的唯一因素,需求和市場情緒也發揮作用。

In terms of use cases, Shiba Inu and Pepe have more ambitious goals than Dogecoin, which was originally created as a joke. Shiba Inu aims to create a decentralized ecosystem that supports various projects, such as NFTs and DeFi. Pepe also has a roadmap that includes listing on centralized exchanges, tier 1 exchange listings, and a “meme takeover.” Dogecoin, on the other hand, has been mainly used as a tipping system on Reddit and Twitter to reward the creation or sharing of quality content. However, Dogecoin also has some advantages, such as being widely accepted as a form of payment at hundreds of locations, either directly or through third-party intermediaries.

就用例而言,柴犬和佩佩比狗狗幣有更雄心勃勃的目標,狗狗幣最初是作為一個笑話而創建的。 Shiba Inu 旨在創建一個去中心化的生態系統,支援各種項目,例如 NFT 和 DeFi。 Pepe 還有一個路線圖,包括在中心化交易所上市、一級交易所上市和「meme 接管」。另一方面,狗狗幣主要用作 Reddit 和 Twitter 上的打賞系統,以獎勵優質內容的創建或分享。然而,狗狗幣也有一些優勢,例如作為一種支付方式在數百個地點被直接或透過第三方中介機構廣泛接受。

In terms of price performance, all three meme coins have experienced significant volatility and fluctuations in the past few months. Shiba Inu reached its all-time high of $0.000088 on October 28, 2021, but has since declined by 90.36% as of 19 August 2023. Dogecoin reached its all-time high of $0.7376 on May 08, 2021, but has since declined by 91.37% as of 19 August 2023. Pepe reached its all-time high of $0.00000435 on May 05, 2023, but has since declined by 74.64% as of 19 August 2023. These price movements show that meme coins are highly speculative and risky investments that can be influenced by various factors, such as social media hype, celebrity endorsements, market sentiment, and news events.

從價格表現來看,這三種meme幣在過去幾個月都經歷了較大的波動和波動。柴犬於 2021 年 10 月 28 日達到歷史新高 0.000088 美元,但截至 2023 年 8 月 19 日已下跌 90.36%。狗狗幣於 2021 年 5 月 8 日達到歷史新高 0.7376 美元,但此後截至 2091232376 美元年8 月19 日,Pepe 達到歷史新高0.00000435 美元,但截至2023 年8 月19 日已下跌74.64%。這些價格走勢表明,meme 幣是高度投機性和高風險的投資,可能受到各種因素的影響,例如社群媒體炒作、名人代言、市場情緒和新聞事件。



Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, and Pepe are three of the most popular meme coins in the crypto market. They have different characteristics and appeal to different types of investors and users. While some may see them as fun and entertaining ways to participate in the crypto space, others may view them as serious and promising projects that have potential to grow and innovate. Ultimately, the future of these meme coins depends on their ability to sustain their communities, deliver their products, and adapt to the changing market conditions.

Shiba Inu、Dogecoin 和 Pepe 是加密市場上最受歡迎的三種迷因幣。它們具有不同的特點,對不同類型的投資者和用戶有吸引力。雖然有些人可能認為它們是參與加密貨幣領域的有趣且有趣的方式,但其他人可能認為它們是嚴肅且有前途的項目,具有發展和創新的潛力。最終,這些迷因幣的未來取決於它們維持社區、交付產品和適應不斷變化的市場條件的能力。

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Please do your own research before investing in any cryptocurrency.


《柴犬 vs 狗狗幣 vs Pepe:哪種 Meme 幣將在 2023 年統治加密世界》一文首次出現在 MeshNews 上。


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