首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Ripple 高層討論每週圖表上的稅收、狗狗幣和 Pomerdoge 收益

Ripple executive discusses taxes, Dogecoin, Pomerdoge gain on weekly charts

Ripple 高層討論每週圖表上的稅收、狗狗幣和 Pomerdoge 收益

發布: 2023/08/02 23:00 閱讀: 756



Ripple executives and XRP holders are discussing tax implications for using the coin in cross-currency payments. Meanwhile, Dogecoin (DOGE) and Pomerdoge (POMD) posted gains on the weekly charts. On the other hand, analysts continue to debate about high-value altcoins in 2023.

Ripple 高層和 XRP 持有者正在討論使用該幣進行跨貨幣支付的稅務影響。同時,狗狗幣(DOGE)和波莫多奇(POMD)在周線圖表上上漲。另一方面,分析師們繼續爭論 2023 年的高價值山寨幣。

Dogecoin gains on the weekly chart


Dogecoin is up 6.6% in the last week of trading, rising 18.1% in the previous month. 

狗狗幣在上週交易中上漲 6.6%,較上個月上漲 18.1%。

As of July 31, 2023, DOGE traded at $0.079620 with a market cap of $11.17 billion and a 24-hour trading volume of $391.62 million, a 21.94% increase.


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Rising trading volumes suggest that DOGE may grow in the days ahead, a reason why more investors are placing bullish bets on the coin. 

交易量的上升表明 DOGE 在未來幾天可能會成長,這也是更多投資者看漲該代幣的原因。

Some predict DOGE may hit $0.10 by year-end.

有些人預測 DOGE 到年底可能會達到 0.10 美元。

XRP price movement

XRP 價格變動

Fredo Ayala, who works with accounting and finance, started a conversation on Twitter. 

從事會計和財務工作的 Fredo Ayala 在 Twitter 上發起了對話。

He said taxes would only affect customers if they settle XRP transactions on-chain without price changes. However, if prices change while the transaction is being initiated, it could lead to more or fewer taxable events. 

他表示,只有在價格不改變的情況下在鏈上結算 XRP 交易的客戶才會受到稅收的影響。但是,如果在交易啟動時價格發生變化,則可能會導致更多或更少的應稅事件。

Neil Hartner, a software engineer at Ripple, explained a situation involving converting USD to EUR using XRP in between. Mark Hamilton, who used to work at Ripple, compared this with how regular banks handle transactions.

Ripple 的軟體工程師 Neil Hartner 解釋了一種使用 XRP 將美元兌換為歐元的情況。曾在 Ripple 工作的 Mark Hamilton 將其與普通銀行處理交易的方式進行了比較。

As of July 31, 2023, XRP is trading at $0.7038. Its market cap rose to around $37 billion with a 24-hour trading volume of approximately $1.3 billion. 

截至 2023 年 7 月 31 日,XRP 的交易價格為 0.7038 美元。其市值升至約370億美元,24小時交易量約13億美元。

In the last month, XRP is up roughly 50%, with traders forecasting the coin to hit $0.93 by the end of the year.

上個月,XRP 上漲了約 50%,交易員預測該代幣到年底將達到 0.93 美元。

Pomerdoge ecosystem


Pomerdoge is bullish on the monthly chart and experts expect more gains going forward.


The Pomerdoge ecosystem targets play-to-earn (P2E) web3 users and offers value to players and investors. Its multifaceted platform includes Pomergame, a virtual world with engaging gameplay designed to attract global gamers. 

Pomerdoge 生態系統以邊玩邊賺 (P2E) web3 用戶為目標,為玩家和投資者提供價值。其多層面平台包括 Pomergame,這是一個具有引人入勝的遊戲玩法的虛擬世界,旨在吸引全球遊戲玩家。


Players can create avatars, level them up, enhance their capabilities, and collect valuable in-game items. Additionally, Pomerplace is a dedicated marketplace enabling the buying, selling, and trading of in-game assets.

玩家可以創建化身,升級他們,增強他們的能力,並收集有價值的遊戲內物品。此外,Pomerplace 是一個專門的市場,支援遊戲內資產的購買、銷售和交易。

The platform will also have a distinct non-fungible token (NFT) collection comprising 7,777 unique NFTs accessible to POMD token holders. 

該平台還將擁有一個獨特的不可替代代幣 (NFT) 集合,其中包括 7,777 個可供 POMD 代幣持有者訪問的獨特 NFT。

These NFTs are each priced at 0.2 ETH.

這些 NFT 每張定價為 0.2 ETH。

The Pomerdoge team maintains an ongoing development effort, targeting a Q4 2023 release for the ecosystem.

Pomerdoge 團隊持續進行開發工作,目標是在 2023 年第四季發布生態系統。

Currently, POMD is available at $0.007 in the ongoing presale.

目前,POMD 正在進行預售,售價為 0.007 美元。



In 2023, XRP and DOGE garnered substantial investor interest. 

2023 年,XRP 和 DOGE 吸引了投資者的大量興趣。

However, Pomerdoge might surge in the days ahead due to its robust ecosystem. 

然而,由於其強大的生態系統,Pomerdoge 在未來幾天可能會激增。

Its play-to-earn concept can attract a broad audience, allowing players to earn while they engage. 


POMD, its native token, drives all platform transactions, providing holders with practical functionality and rewards from staking. 

POMD 是其原生代幣,驅動所有平台交易,為持有者提供實用的功能和質押獎勵。

As such, investors looking to diversify their portfolios can consider Pomerdoge a viable option at spot rates. 

因此,尋求投資組合多元化的投資者可以考慮以即期匯率計算 Pomerdoge 是一個可行的選擇。

Find out more about the Pomerdoge presale

了解有關 Pomerdoge 預售的更多信息


Telegram Community: https://t.me/pomerdoge 


閱讀更多:柴犬百萬富翁在 Pomerdoge 預售中累積 POMD

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