首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 崛起的泰坦 Solciety 距離成為最熱門的 SOL Meme 硬幣僅一步之遙

Rising Titan Solciety Is Inches From Being the Hottest SOL Meme Coin

崛起的泰坦 Solciety 距離成為最熱門的 SOL Meme 硬幣僅一步之遙

發布: 2024/07/11 15:04 閱讀: 882



崛起的泰坦 Solciety 距離成為最熱門的 SOL Meme 硬幣僅一步之遙

While Bitcoin's recent monthly decline has cooled the market, Solana meme coins have surged, with Solciety leading the pack.

雖然比特幣最近的月度下跌讓市場降溫,但 Solana meme 代幣卻飆升,其中 Solciety 處於領先地位。

Solciety, self-proclaimed as the "party of the degen," is currently in stage 5 of its presale, having raised a remarkable $775k in record time. Its vibrant community, with thousands of passionate followers across Discord and Telegram, eagerly anticipates the highly anticipated event of 2024: Solciety's listing.

自稱為「墮落派對」的 Solciety 目前正處於預售的第五階段,已在創紀錄的時間內籌集了 77.5 萬美元。其充滿活力的社群在 Discord 和 Telegram 上擁有數千名熱情的追隨者,他們熱切地期待著 2024 年備受期待的事件:Solciety 的上市。

Solciety's Explosive Growth in PolitiFi

Solciety 的 PolitiFi 爆炸性成長

In the emerging PolitiFi market, Solciety has gained significant traction. PolitiFi, which did not exist prior to the last election, now boasts a market capitalization close to $1 billion. Kamala Horris (KAMA), for instance, has witnessed a surge of over 2,500% since its launch.

在新興的 PolitiFi 市場中,Solciety 獲得了巨大的關注。 PolitiFi 在上次選舉之前並不存在,現在市值接近 10 億美元。例如,Kamala Horris (KAMA) 自推出以來股價飆升了 2,500% 以上。

The listing of meme coins Jeo Boden and Doland Tremp on Kraken further demonstrates the growing influence of PolitiFi. With the Winklevoss twins' $2 million Bitcoin donation backing Trump, the PolitiFi market is expected to remain bullish as election day approaches.

模因幣 Jeo Boden 和 Doland Tremp 在 Kraken 上的上市進一步表明了 PolitiFi 的影響力日益增長。隨著 Winklevoss 雙胞胎捐贈 200 萬美元比特幣支持川普,隨著選舉日的臨近,PolitiFi 市場預計將保持看漲。

Solana meme coins have gained substantial momentum, with a combined market cap of approximately $6 billion. The impending launch of the first Solana ETF, which could significantly boost Solana assets, sets the stage for Solciety's potential explosion.

Solana Meme 幣獲得了巨大的發展勢頭,總市值約為 60 億美元。第一款 Solana ETF 即將推出,這可能會顯著提升 Solana 資產,為 Solciety 的潛在爆發奠定了基礎。

Solciety: A Viral Meme Machine


Solciety's Meme Campaigner is the secret weapon that elevates it to the status of a hot property in the viral world of meme coins. This innovative tool empowers "degens" to create and share engaging content around the token, contributing to its viral spread.

Solciety 的 Meme Campaigner 是一個秘密武器,將其提升為 Meme 幣病毒世界中熱門資產的地位。這種創新工具使「degens」能夠圍繞代幣創建和分享引人入勝的內容,從而促進其病毒式傳播。

Users can generate humorous and shareable memes featuring characters like Pepe the Senator, Kim Wrong Un, and Badimir Putin. By distributing these memes on social media, users can even earn Solciety tokens, creating a passive income stream while indulging in the coveted activity of meme sharing.

用戶可以生成幽默且可分享的迷因,其中包括參議員佩佩、金錯恩和巴迪米爾·普丁等人物。透過在社群媒體上分發這些表情包,用戶甚至可以賺取 Solciety 代幣,在沉迷於令人垂涎的表情包分享活動的同時創造被動收入流。

The Meme Campaigner effectively provides Solciety with an unparalleled viral marketing mechanism. As user engagement escalates and more memes are shared, the demand for Solciety tokens is likely to intensify, driving their value upward.

Meme Campaigner 有效地為 Solciety 提供了無與倫比的病毒式行銷機制。隨著用戶參與度的提升和更多迷因的分享,對 Solciety 代幣的需求可能會加劇,從而推動其價值上漲。

Solciety's Strategic Rocket Fuel


Solciety's tokenomics act as a strategic rocket launchpad, meticulously engineered to propel the project towards the moon. A substantial 30% of tokens are allocated for the presale, establishing a strong foundation of early adopters. To ensure widespread awareness, 20% of tokens are dedicated to marketing campaigns, propelling Solciety into the crypto stratosphere.

Solciety 的代幣經濟學扮演了戰略火箭發射台的角色,經過精心設計,將專案推向月球。大約 30% 的代幣用於預售,為早期採用者奠定了堅實的基礎。為了確保廣泛的認知度,20% 的代幣專門用於行銷活動,將 Solciety 推向加密貨幣的頂峰。

Active community engagement is incentivized with 10% of tokens, motivating members to actively promote Solciety's new crypto. The development team is allocated 3% of tokens, ensuring sustained innovation to drive the project forward.

積極的社區參與受到 10% 代幣的激勵,激勵成員積極推廣 Solciety 的新加密貨幣。開發團隊分配3%的代幣,確保持續創新推動專案前進。

Strategic partnerships are fostered through the allocation of 5% of tokens, expanding Solciety's reach and integrating it into the comprehensive crypto ecosystem. A 15% war chest is stored in the treasury, providing a reservoir of resources for future initiatives and safeguarding Solciety's adaptability in the dynamic market.

透過分配 5% 的代幣來培養策略夥伴關係,擴大 Solciety 的影響力並將其整合到綜合的加密生態系統中。 15% 的戰爭基金儲存在國庫中,為未來的舉措提供資源儲備,並保障 Solciety 在動態市場中的適應能力。

Finally, 17% of tokens are earmarked for liquidity, ensuring seamless trading. This meticulously planned tokenomic structure positions Solciety for a successful launch and continuous growth well into the future, solidifying its status as one of the most sought-after SOL meme coins.

最後,17% 的代幣被指定用於流動性,確保無縫交易。這種精心策劃的代幣結構使 Solciety 能夠成功推出並在未來持續成長,鞏固其作為最受歡迎的 SOL meme 代幣之一的地位。

Solciety: Poised for a 100x Pump

Solciety:為 100 倍泵浦做好準備

With the upcoming US election dubbed the "crypto election," Solciety is exceptionally well-positioned to capture this trend. Politicians are actively vying for the crypto vote, recognizing its potential sway with undecided voters. This political landscape aligns perfectly with Solciety's relevance and sets the stage for its widespread adoption.

隨著即將到來的美國大選被稱為“加密貨幣選舉”,Solciety 處於非常有利的位置來捕捉這一趨勢。政客們正在積極爭奪加密貨幣投票,並認識到它對尚未做出決定的選民的潛在影響力。這種政治格局與 Solciety 的相關性完美契合,並為其廣泛採用奠定了基礎。

Prepare yourself for the potential of 100x gains and the opportunity to outpace other PolitiFi Solana meme coins and competitors.

為 100 倍收益的潛力和超越其他 PolitiFi Solana meme 幣和競爭對手的機會做好準備。

Join the Solciety presale and witness the rise of a new crypto giant.

加入 Solciety 預售,見證新加密巨頭的崛起。


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