首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 7 月 10 日今日加密貨幣漲幅最大 – Sui Crypto、Polkastarter、Fantom、Siacoin

Top Crypto Gainers Today Jul 10 – Sui Crypto, Polkastarter, Fantom, Siacoin

7 月 10 日今日加密貨幣漲幅最大 – Sui Crypto、Polkastarter、Fantom、Siacoin

發布: 2024/07/11 15:04 閱讀: 741

原文作者:InsideBitcoin News


7 月 10 日今日加密貨幣漲幅最大 – Sui Crypto、Polkastarter、Fantom、Siacoin

Jerome Powell's Testimony and Its Impact on Crypto Markets


Jerome Powell's July 9, 2024, testimony drew attention from investors and analysts amid economic uncertainties and market fluctuations. The Federal Reserve Chairman's remarks shed light on the Fed's monetary policy stance, particularly regarding potential interest rate cuts.

在經濟不確定性和市場波動的背景下,傑羅姆·鮑威爾 (Jerome Powell) 2024 年 7 月 9 日的證詞引起了投資者和分析師的關注。聯準會主席的演講闡明了聯準會的貨幣政策立場,特別是有關潛在降息的立場。

Bitcoin's stability near its five-month low during Powell's testimony highlighted its susceptibility to macroeconomic factors, primarily influenced by the Fed's decisions. Changes in monetary policy often trigger reactions in the cryptocurrency market as investors evaluate their impact on inflation, the dollar's strength, and alternative assets like Bitcoin. Powell's comments and subsequent Fed actions will continue to shape investor sentiment across asset classes, including cryptocurrencies.


Top Crypto Gainers Today


Sui Crypto (SUI)

自加密 (SUI)

Sui Crypto tops the list of gainers with its unique layer-1 platform. Designed for global accessibility, Sui offers a secure, scalable development environment coupled with a user-friendly experience. With its innovative object-centric data model and Move programming language, Sui overcomes blockchain barriers through features like zkLogin, sponsored transactions, and programmable transaction blocks.

Sui Crypto 以其獨特的 Layer-1 平台名列榜首。 Sui 專為全球可訪問性而設計,提供安全、可擴展的開發環境以及用戶友好的體驗。憑藉其創新的以物件為中心的資料模型和 Move 程式語言,Sui 透過 zkLogin、贊助交易和可程式交易區塊等功能克服了區塊鏈障礙。

Sui's horizontal scaling and parallel execution translate into lightning-fast, low-latency transactions and stable fees. Its unique object-oriented design enhances composability and safety. Secured by a delegated proof of stake (PoS) mechanism, Sui uses Narwhal and Bullshark protocols to finalize transactions in under half a second. It boasts an impressive capacity of over 297,000 transactions per second in testing.

Sui 的水平擴展和並行執行轉化為閃電般快速、低延遲的交易和穩定的費用。其獨特的物件導向設計增強了可組合性和安全性。在委託權益證明 (PoS) 機制的保護下,Sui 使用 Narwhal 和 Bullshark 協議在半秒鐘內完成交易。在測試中,它擁有每秒超過 297,000 筆交易的令人印象深刻的容量。

Polkastarter (POLS)

波爾卡開胃菜 (POLS)

Polkastarter (POLS) is a decentralized fundraising platform that allows Web3 projects to launch and raise funds through multi-chain token pools across major blockchains. It facilitates early investor access to IDOs, NFTs, and gaming innovations, supporting blockchain projects during capital raising and token distribution. POLS, its native utility token, provides pool access and priority project participation for holders, fostering stakeholder loyalty.

Polkastarter (POLS) 是一個去中心化募款平台,讓 Web3 專案透過跨主要區塊鏈的多鏈代幣池啟動和籌集資金。它促進早期投資者接觸 IDO、NFT 和遊戲創新,在融資和代幣分配期間支持區塊鏈項目。 POLS 是其原生實用代幣,為持有者提供資金池訪問和優先項目參與,從而培養利益相關者的忠誠度。

Binance recently announced the delisting of POLS, along with other altcoins, effective July 22, 2024. This may impact deposit and withdrawal services.

幣安最近宣布自 2024 年 7 月 22 日起下架 POLS 以及其他山寨幣。

Fantom (FTM)

幻影 (FTM)

Fantom is a decentralized smart contract platform that employs a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) and Lachesis consensus algorithm. It aims to increase transaction speed, achieving finality in under two seconds. Additionally, Fantom supports a diverse range of decentralized applications (DApps) and digital assets through its native token, FTM. FTM plays a vital role in powering transactions, network fees, staking, and governance within the ecosystem.

Fantom 是一個去中心化智慧合約平台,採用有向無環圖(DAG)和 Lachesis 共識演算法。它的目的是提高交易速度,在兩秒內達到最終結果。此外,Fantom 透過其原生代幣 FTM 支援各種去中心化應用程式 (DApp) 和數位資產。 FTM 在生態系統內的交易、網路費用、質押和治理方面發揮著至關重要的作用。

Recently, a Singaporean high court ruled in favor of the Fantom Foundation in a legal dispute, awarding compensation of $2.2 million for losses incurred during a 2023 hack. The ruling demonstrates Fantom's commitment to blockchain security and accountability, ensuring restitution for affected stakeholders.

最近,新加坡高等法院在一場法律糾紛中做出了對 Fantom 基金會有利的裁決,判給 2023 年駭客攻擊造成的損失賠償 220 萬美元。該裁決表明了 Fantom 對區塊鏈安全和問責制的承諾,確保受影響的利害關係人獲得賠償。

Siacoin (SC)

西亞幣 (SC)

Siacoin is the native utility token of Sia, a decentralized cloud storage platform. It aims to disrupt traditional storage solutions by offering secure and competitive storage rates. Users lease unused storage space on the Sia network in a trustless manner, using smart contracts to guarantee agreements between renters and hosts. SC is used for transactions within the Sia ecosystem, while hosts collateralize SC in smart contracts.

Siacoin 是去中心化雲端儲存平台 Sia 的原生實用代幣。它旨在透過提供安全且有競爭力的儲存速率來顛覆傳統儲存解決方案。使用者以去信任的方式租用 Sia 網路上未使用的儲存空間,使用智慧合約來保證租用者和主機之間的協定。 SC 用於 Sia 生態系內的交易,而主機則在智能合約中抵押 SC。

The Siacoin network's security relies on a proof-of-work (PoW) consensus algorithm. Hosts also commit collateral, diminishing incentives for malicious behavior. Furthermore, data is divided into encrypted segments distributed across multiple hosts globally, ensuring redundancy and resilience against network attacks or failures.

Siacoin 網路的安全性取決於工作量證明 (PoW) 共識演算法。主機也承諾提供抵押品,減少惡意行為的誘因。此外,資料被分成分佈在全球多個主機上的加密段,確保冗餘和抵禦網路攻擊或故障的彈性。


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