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'Satoshi Has More Bitcoin Than I Have DOGE': Dogecoin Creator Reveals


發布: 2024/09/13 21:40 閱讀: 820




Bitcoin and Dogecoin Creator's Asset Comparison


Cover image courtesy of U.Today


In response to an infographic depicting the prominent holders of Bitcoin (BTC), Dogecoin co-founder Billy Markus, known as Shibetoshi Nakamoto, contrasted his DOGE holdings with the reported BTC holdings of Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto.

為了回應一張描述比特幣(BTC) 重要持有者的資訊圖,狗狗幣聯合創始人比利·馬庫斯(Billy Markus)(又名Shibetoshi Nakamoto)將他持有的DOGE 與比特幣創造者中本聰(Satoshi Nakamoto) 所報告的BTC 持有量進行了比較。

According to the statistics, Satoshi currently possesses approximately 1.1 million BTC, valued at $66 billion. Markus asserts that this exceeds his DOGE holdings, implying that he owns less than $117,040 in the popular meme coin.

根據統計,中本聰目前擁有約110萬枚比特幣,價值660億美元。馬庫斯聲稱,這超過了他持有的 DOGE,這意味著他擁有的流行 meme 代幣不到 117,040 美元。

A Regretful Decision


In 2015, when Jackson Palmer and Billy Markus were experiencing the unexpected surge in Dogecoin's popularity, it was difficult to foresee the financial decisions that would later torment one of its creators.

2015 年,當傑克遜·帕爾默 (Jackson Palmer) 和比利·馬庫斯 (Billy Markus) 經歷了狗狗幣人氣的意外飆升時,很難預見後來會折磨其中一位創始人的財務決策。

Reflecting on his choice, Markus acknowledges that selling his DOGE holdings was not only his greatest regret but also, in his own words, "the stupidest thing" he had ever done.

反思自己的選擇,馬庫斯承認,出售持有的 DOGE 股份不僅是他最大的遺憾,而且用他自己的話來說,也是他做過的「最愚蠢的事情」。

Facing unease with the evolving Dogecoin community and personal financial challenges, Markus made the decision to withdraw, receiving only $10,000 for what would later become a multi-million dollar asset.

面對不斷發展的狗狗幣社區和個人財務挑戰的不安,馬庫斯決定退出,只收到 10,000 美元,但後來成為了數百萬美元的資產。

From Expectations to Reality


The sum was sufficient to purchase a Honda Civic, but it was eventually allocated to more pressing expenses such as rent payments. Markus' decision to sell was driven by a layoff and the need for financial stability. While securing employment provided some relief, his regret lingers.


Markus' Legacy in Cryptocurrency


Despite distancing himself from Dogecoin, Markus maintains a substantial presence in the cryptocurrency industry. With over two million followers on X (formerly Twitter), his perspectives continue to hold influence in the market, regardless of his stated disengagement from active project involvement.

儘管與狗狗幣保持距離,馬庫斯仍然在加密貨幣行業中保持著重要地位。儘管他聲稱不再參與積極的項目,但他在 X(以前稱為 Twitter)上擁有超過 200 萬粉絲,他的觀點繼續在市場上具有影響力。


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