首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 柴犬和DOGE表現不佳,拯救者馬斯克將在交易所上市前飆升19,000%

Saviour Musk Will Surge 19,000% Before Exchange Listing, As Shiba Inu and DOGE Underperform


發布: 2024/09/09 21:59 閱讀: 231

原文作者:Crypto Intelligence News



Saviour Musk: Poised for a Massive Price Explosion


Saviour Musk (MUSKSAV), a newly launched Solana memecoin, is projected to surge over 19,000% in the near future. This prediction stems from reports indicating its imminent listing on various cryptocurrency exchanges.

新推出的 Solana memecoin 救世主馬斯克 (MUSKSAV) 預計在不久的將來將飆升超過 19,000%。這項預測源自於有報道稱其即將在各種加密貨幣交易所上市。

The exchange listings will expose MUSKSAV to a vast pool of additional investors, who are expected to drive up its price through their investments. Currently, MUSKSAV is available only on decentralized exchanges such as Jup.ag and Raydium.io. Early investors have the potential for significant returns in the upcoming days.

在交易所上市將使 MUSKSAV 接觸到大量額外投資者,預計這些投資者將透過投資推高其價格。目前,MUKSAV 僅在 Jup.ag 和 Raydium.io 等去中心化交易所上提供。早期投資者有可能在未來幾天獲得豐厚回報。

SHIB and DOGE investors have witnessed astronomical gains, and MUSKSAV presents a similar opportunity as a potential viral memecoin. With over $8,000 in initial liquidity, MUSKSAV boasts an advantageous position over most other emerging memecoins.

SHIB 和 DOGE 投資者見證了天文數字的收益,而 MUSKSAV 作為潛在的病毒式模因幣也提供了類似的機會。 MUSKSAV 的初始流動性超過 8,000 美元,與大多數其他新興模因幣相比具有優勢地位。

To purchase Saviour Musk on Raydium.io or Jup.ag prior to its exchange listings, users can connect their Solflare, MetaMask, or Phantom wallets. They can then swap Solana for Saviour Musk using its contract address, HZvNTDDXhNEM6UwH8pR6XA2S6LoWYazUogzho1FUnVKH.

要在交易所上市之前在 Raydium.io 或 Jup.ag 上購買 Savior Musk,用戶可以連接他們的 Solflare、MetaMask 或 Phantom 錢包。然後,他們可以使用 Solana 的合約地址 HZvNTDDXhNEM6UwH8pR6XA2S6LoWYazUogzho1FUnVKH 將 Solana 換成 Savior Musk。

Non-wallet holders can create new wallets in minutes and transfer Solana (used to purchase MUSKSAV) from exchanges like Coinbase or Binance.

非錢包持有者可以在幾分鐘內創建新錢包,並從 Coinbase 或 Binance 等交易所轉移 Solana(用於購買 MUSKSAV)。

Similar to Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE), early MUSKSAV investors may experience substantial returns before its potential viral spread. With the ongoing craze for Solana memecoins, investors are actively seeking high-gain opportunities in this sector.

與柴犬(SHIB)和狗狗幣(DOGE)類似,早期的 MUSKSAV 投資者可能會在其潛在的病毒式傳播之前獲得可觀的回報。隨著 Solana memecoin 的持續熱潮,投資者正在積極尋找該領域的高收益機會。


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