首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 參議員伊麗莎白·沃倫要求美國證券交易委員會對埃隆·馬斯克的特斯拉進行調查——加密貨幣的命運是否懸而未決

Senator Elizabeth Warren Demands SEC Probe Into Elon Musk’s Tesla – Does Crypto’s Fate Hanging in Balance


發布: 2023/07/19 22:14 閱讀: 875

原文作者:Crypto News Flash


  • Senator Warren has sent SEC Chair Gensler a letter calling for an investigation into Elon Musk’s Tesla over its Twitter ties.
  • 參議員沃倫已向美國證券交易委員會主席詹斯勒致信,呼籲對伊隆馬斯克旗下的特斯拉公司 Twitter 關係進行調查。

  • The lawmaker alleges misappropriation of assets and conflict of interest after Musk purchased Twitter and appointed himself as its CEO. 
  • 這位議員指控馬斯克收購 Twitter 並任命自己為執行長後,存在挪用資產和利益衝突的行為。

US Senator Elizabeth Warren has written a letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) calling on an investigation into Tesla and its CEO Elon Musk who earlier this year purchased Twitter. Addressing the SEC Chair Gary Gensler, the lawmaker has alleged that Tesla and Musk have misappropriated corporate assets, negatively impacted Tesla shareholders, and raised concerns over conflict of interest.

美國參議員伊麗莎白·沃倫(Elizabeth Warren) 致函美國證券交易委員會(SEC),呼籲對特斯拉及其執行長馬斯克(Elon Musk) 進行調查,後者於今年早些時候收購了Twitter。這位立法者在向美國證券交易委員會主席加里·詹斯勒發表講話時聲稱,特斯拉和馬斯克挪用了公司資產,對特斯拉股東產生了負面影響,並引發了對利益衝突的擔憂。

The letter further alleges that Tesla shareholders are concerned about the corporate governance of Tesla and Twitter. Furthermore, the dual role that Elon Musk plays for Tesla and Twitter is of major concern. Despite recently appointing Linda Yaccarinoas as the new CEO, Warren expects Musk to retain “significant control” over the social media platform.

信中也稱,特斯拉股東對特斯拉和推特的公司治理感到擔憂。此外,馬斯克在特斯拉和推特中扮演的雙重角色也值得關注。儘管最近任命琳達·亞卡里諾斯(Linda Yaccarinoas)為新任首席執行官,但沃倫預計馬斯克將保留對社交媒體平台的「重大控制權」。

Elon Musk’s influence on Twitter surpasses that of the owner but also a user. This is unsurprising for the crypto community who have experienced market volatility based on comments and posts made by the world’s wealthiest person on the social media platform. This is especially true for Doegecoin (DOGE) which is Musk’s favorite cryptocurrency.

伊隆馬斯克對 Twitter 的影響力超越了所有者的影響力,同時也是用戶的影響力。對於加密貨幣社群來說,這並不奇怪,他們根據世界上最富有的人在社群媒體平台上發表的評論和貼文經歷了市場波動。對於馬斯克最喜歡的加密貨幣狗狗幣(DOGE)來說尤其如此。

Elon Musk Influence and Effect on Crypto


Following this letter calling on the SEC to investigate Tesla and Elon Musk, there could be forthcoming changes. Musk’s influence on the social platform could be limited. Although Musk’s comments on crypto might have both positive and negative effects, in terms of adoption, many view his involvement as largely positive and a major drive for crypto adoption.


One notable event came a few months ago when the DOGE fan switched Twitter’s iconic bird logo to the Dogecoin logo. This drove interest in the project and led to a price surge in the crypto. If Musk’s involvement in Twitter is limited, this could lead to a slowing in Dogecoin’s influence and adoption.

幾個月前發生了一件值得注意的事件,當時 DOGE 粉絲將 Twitter 的標誌性小鳥標誌更換為狗狗幣標誌。這激發了人們對該項目的興趣,並導致加密貨幣的價格飆升。如果馬斯克對 Twitter 的參與有限,這可能會導致狗狗幣的影響力和採用率放緩。

Furthermore, there’s been the suggestion that Twitter might adopt cryptocurrencies as a mode of payment. Some argue that this initiative is mainly driven by Elon Musk. His absence could slow the development of such plans.

此外,有人建議 Twitter 可能採用加密貨幣作為支付方式。有些人認為這項舉措主要是由伊隆·馬斯克推動的。他的缺席可能會減慢此類計劃的進展。

Interestingly, Tesla is involved with cryptocurrencies in that it holds Bitcoin (BTC) in its reserves. In 2021, the electric car manufacturer held Bitcoin worth $1.5 billion. The company has since sold more than 75 percent of this with Musk blaming environmental impact. However, he has noted that the company would consider buying this back if the creation of the digital asset was more environmentally friendly.

有趣的是,特斯拉涉足加密貨幣領域,因為它的儲備中持有比特幣(BTC)。 2021年,這家電動車製造商持有價值15億美元的比特幣。此後,該公司已售出其中 75% 以上,馬斯克將其歸咎於環境影響。不過,他指出,如果數位資產的創建更加環保,該公司將考慮回購該資產。


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