首頁 > 資訊新聞 > SHIB 持有者可以從 Binance 領取 50 萬美元的加密貨幣空投,DOGE 創始人公佈他的 BTC 藏品,Samson Mow 表示 BTC 的目標仍然是 100 萬美元...

SHIB Holders Can Claim $500,000 Crypto Airdrop from Binance, DOGE Founder Unveils His BTC Stash, Samson Mow Says BTC Still Targets $1 Millio...

SHIB 持有者可以從 Binance 領取 50 萬美元的加密貨幣空投,DOGE 創始人公佈他的 BTC 藏品,Samson Mow 表示 BTC 的目標仍然是 100 萬美元...

發布: 2023/12/08 06:22 閱讀: 349



SHIB 持有者可以從 Binance 領取 50 萬美元的加密貨幣空投,DOGE 創始人公佈他的 BTC 藏品,Samson Mow 表示 BTC 的目標仍然是 100 萬美元...

Here are the top three news stories over the past day presented to you by U.Today.


Shiba Inu (SHIB) holders can claim $500,000 crypto airdrop from Binance

Shiba Inu (SHIB) 持有者可以向 Binance 領取 500,000 美元的加密貨幣空投

As announced by Binance crypto exchange on its official X handle, it is conducting an exciting airdrop for its Web3 wallet users. Participants will get the chance to receive $500,000 worth of cryptocurrencies ranging from one SHIB to one BTC. The participation rules are very simple: Binance users only need to make a swap using the Binance Web3 Wallet. As a reminder, the Binance Web3 wallet was introduced last month; along with access to a selected collection of decentralized applications, it enables users to swap tokens and earn yield. At the end of November, the exchange achieved a major milestone, as in just three weeks, over one million Binance Web3 wallets have been created.

正如幣安加密貨幣交易所在其官方 X 手柄上宣布的那樣,它正在為其 Web3 錢包用戶進行令人興奮的空投。參與者將有機會獲得價值 50 萬美元的加密貨幣,從 1 個 SHIB 到 1 個 BTC 不等。參與規則非常簡單:幣安用戶只需使用幣安Web3錢包進行兌換即可。提醒一下,Binance Web3 皮夾在上個月推出;除了訪問精選的去中心化應用程式集合之外,它還使用戶能夠交換代幣並賺取收益。 11 月底,該交易所實現了一個重要的里程碑,在短短三週內,就創建了超過 100 萬個幣安 Web3 錢包。

Dogecoin founder unveils his Bitcoin stash, here's surprising part


In a recent X post, Dogecoin cofounder Billy Markus revealed how much Bitcoin he has in his crypto stash. However, the "confession" should be taken with a grain of salt, as Markus is known for his love of irony and sarcasm. In the post, the DOGE creator wrote that he owns 0.0006 BTC, and in order to become a millionaire, he needs Bitcoin "to go to 166.6 million.” The information shared by Markus may be far from what he owns in reality, as the first rule of crypto security is not to show off your crypto holdings on social media. But it is highly likely that Markus holds Bitcoin; in one of his recent posts, he admitted that among the variety of cryptocurrencies, he prefers Bitcoin and Ethereum.

在最近的 X 貼文中,狗狗幣聯合創始人比利馬庫斯透露了他的加密貨幣收藏中有多少比特幣。然而,這種「坦白」應該持保留態度,因為馬庫斯以喜歡諷刺和挖苦而聞名。在帖子中,DOGE 創建者寫道,他擁有 0.0006 BTC,為了成為百萬富翁,他需要比特幣「達到 1.666 億」。馬庫斯分享的訊息可能與他實際擁有的資訊相去甚遠,因為加密貨幣安全的第一條規則是不要在社群媒體上炫耀你持有的加密貨幣。但馬庫斯很有可能持有比特幣;在他最近的一篇貼文中他承認,在多種加密貨幣中,他更喜歡比特幣和以太坊。

Bitcoin (BTC) still targets $1 million, per Samson Mow, as he says Balaji Srinivasan got timing wrong

Samson Mow 表示,比特幣 (BTC) 的目標仍然是 100 萬美元,因為他說 Balaji Srinivasan 的時機不對

Jan3 CEO Samson Mow has shared yet another take on Bitcoin's price in a recent X post. This time, he touched upon the topic of former Coinbase CTO Balaji Srinivasan predicting that the flagship crypto would reach $1 million. Mow believes that the prediction was correct in terms of price but was wrong about the timing and catalyst. The Jan3 CEO suggests that BTC will reach $1 million due to the “massive rapid influx of institutional capital while Bitcoin available for sale is at historical lows, compounded by the halving.” In contrast, Srinivasan expected that price level to be reached due to the continuous money printing by the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve and due to the banking crisis that was in full swing in March. All in all, Mow argues that $1 million per Bitcoin is still in play.

Jan3 執行長 Samson Mow 在最近的 X 貼文中分享了對比特幣價格的另一種看法。這次,他談到了 Coinbase 前首席技術長 Balaji Srinivasan 預測旗艦加密貨幣將達到 100 萬美元的話題。繆先生認為,就價格而言,這項預測是正確的,但在時機和催化劑上的預測是錯誤的。這位 Jan3 執行長表示,由於「機構資本大量快速湧入,而可供出售的比特幣處於歷史低點,再加上減半,比特幣將達到 100 萬美元」。相較之下,斯里尼瓦桑預計,由於美國財政部和聯準會持續印鈔以及3月全面爆發的銀行業危機,物價水準將會達到。總而言之,Mow 認為每個比特幣 100 萬美元的價值仍然存在。


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