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Shiba Inu: 'High Demand' Provoked SHIB's 46,000,000% Rise

Shiba Inu:「高需求」促使 SHIB 上漲 46,000,000%

發布: 2023/09/07 18:30 閱讀: 337



Shiba Inu has come a long way since its launch. Despite the success of Dogecoin in the meme space, Shiba Inu has been able to carve a separate niche for itself. Developers have been progressively working on other projects like Shib: The Metaverse, ShibaSwap, and Shibarium, trying to boost the ecosystem. Parallelly, several other projects and companies have struck partnerships and deals with Shiba Inu. In a recent post, Shibburn’s official X handle pointed out that “high demand” has rubbed off positively on the price of the asset.

自推出以來,柴犬已經取得了長足的進步。儘管狗狗幣在迷因領域取得了成功,但柴犬已經能夠為自己開闢一個單獨的利基市場。開發人員一直在逐步開展 Shib: The Metaverse、ShibaSwap 和 Shibarium 等其他項目,試圖推動生態系統發展。同時,其他幾個項目和公司也與柴犬建立了合作夥伴關係並達成了協議。在最近的一篇文章中,Shibburn 的官方 X 手柄指出,「高需求」對該資產的價格產生了積極的影響。

Also Read: Shiba Inu: 9 Developments in Shibarium That Could Push SHIB to $0.01

另請閱讀:Shiba Inu:Shibarium 的 9 項發展可能將 SHIB 推至 0.01 美元

The Vitalik Tangent


Shiba Inu tokens have been consistently removed from the circulating supply via burns to have a deflationary effect on the price. In May 2021, Ethereum Co-founder Vitalik Buterin burned more than $6.7 billion worth of SHIB tokens. Let us rewind a bit to understand the context better.

柴犬代幣一直透過銷毀的方式從流通供應中移除,對價格產生通貨緊縮影響。 2021 年 5 月,以太坊聯合創始人 Vitalik Buterin 銷毀了價值超過 67 億美元的 SHIB 代幣。讓我們回顧一下以更好地理解上下文。

The anonymous developers of Shiba Inu had asserted in their “woofpaper” that they would send 50% of the total SHIB supply to Buterin’s address to remove it from circulation. They presumed that the Ethereum founder would hold the SHIB tokens sent to him. In fact, the team weighed the sent tokens on the same burning scale and hoped that their gesture would help drive up the price.

Shiba Inu 的匿名開發者在他們的「woofpaper」中聲稱,他們將把 SHIB 供應總量的 50% 發送到 Buterin 的地址,以將其從流通中刪除。他們推測以太坊創始人將持有發送給他的 SHIB 代幣。事實上,該團隊在相同的燃燒秤上衡量了發送的代幣,並希望他們的舉動有助於推高價格。

Buterin held onto his SHIB stash for a brief period. Then he gradually started spending them. He did so by sending SHIB tokens as gifts and donations to many charitable causes around the world. For instance, he donated a whopping 50 trillion SHIB tokens [worth around $1.2 billion at that time] to India’s COVID Relief Fund. Right after, the Ethereum co-founder burned about 90% of his remaining SHIB holdings. He sent 410 trillion SHIB [worth around $6.7 billion at that time] to a dead blockchain address, thereby removing them from circulation once and for all.

Buterin 暫時保留了他的 SHIB 藏品。然後他逐漸開始花掉它們。他透過向世界各地的許多慈善事業發送 SHIB 代幣作為禮物和捐款來實現這一目標。例如,他向印度的新冠救濟基金捐贈了高達 50 兆的 SHIB 代幣(當時價值約 12 億美元)。緊接著,這位以太坊聯合創始人燒毀了他剩餘的 SHIB 持股的約 90%。他將 410 兆個 SHIB(當​​時價值約 67 億美元)發送到一個失效的區塊鏈位址,從而將它們一勞永逸地從流通中刪除。

Also Read: Shiba Inu: SHIB to Hit $0.001 If Its Market Cap Touches $550 Billion?

另請閱讀:Shiba Inu:如果其市值達到 5500 億美元,SHIB 將達到 0.001 美元?

Shiba Inu’s Organic Rise


Shibburn’s account clarified that Buterin did not spend or burn the tokens in May 2021 to impact the price. Transferring 90% of what was given to him from one wallet to another [burn address] months later did not make the price go up, the post added. Highlighting how organic demand helped elevate SHIB’s price, Shibburn noted,

Shibburn 的帳戶澄清說,Buterin 並沒有在 2021 年 5 月花費或銷毀代幣來影響價格。該貼文補充說,幾個月後,將他收到的 90% 從一個錢包轉移到另一個[銷毀地址]並沒有使價格上漲。 Shibburn 強調了有機需求如何幫助提高了 SHIB 的價格,

“The price surge in May 2021 was a result of the high demand as more and more people discovered and invested in SHIB. Given that half of the supply was already held by VB, this could have contributed to the token’s value increasing by over 46,000,000% since its launch. SHIB maintained a 5x increase since May 6, 2021.”

「2021 年 5 月的價格飆升是由於越來越多的人發現並投資 SHIB 帶來的高需求。鑑於 VB 已持有一半的供應量,這可能會導致該代幣的價值自推出以來增長超過 46,000,000%。自 2021 年 5 月 6 日以來,SHIB 保持了 5 倍的漲幅。”

Also Read: Shiba Inu Investor Misses 200,000x Returns on SHIB, Here’s Why

另請閱讀:Shiba Inu 投資者錯過了 SHIB 200,000 倍的回報,原因如下

  • burning
  • 燃燒

  • demand
  • 要求

  • ethereum
  • 以太坊

  • shib
  • 希布

  • shiba inu
  • 柴犬

  • Vitalik Buterin
  • 維塔利克·布特林



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