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Shiba Inu Lead Breaks Silence on Being Elon Musk, Shares Big SHIB Vision

Shiba Inu 領導者打破沉默,成為 Elon Musk,分享 SHIB 的大願景

發布: 2024/07/12 18:05 閱讀: 997



Shiba Inu 領導者打破沉默,成為 Elon Musk,分享 SHIB 的大願景

Enigmatic Shiba Inu Leader Breaks Silence on Identity and Ecosystem Vision


Renowned media outlet Arabian Business has secured the exclusive first interview with the enigmatic leader of the Shiba Inu (SHIB) ecosystem, Shytoshi Kusama. Despite maintaining anonymity since the project's inception in 2020, Kusama has now shed light on his identity and ambitious vision.

著名媒體阿拉伯商業 (Arabian Business) 首次獨家採訪了柴犬 (SHIB) 生態系統的神秘領導者草間草俊 (Shytoshi Kusama)。儘管自 2020 年該計畫啟動以來一直保持匿名,草間彌生現在已經透露了他的身份和雄心勃勃的願景。

Debunking Elon Musk Rumors


Amidst speculation linking him to billionaire crypto enthusiast Elon Musk, Kusama unequivocally dismissed such claims. While expressing admiration for Musk, he emphasized his desire to showcase the capabilities of the SHIB ecosystem beyond those of its current comparison.

當有人猜測他與億萬富翁加密貨幣愛好者埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)有關時,草間彌生明確否認了這種說法。在表達對馬斯克的欽佩之餘,他強調希望展示 SHIB 生態系統超越當前比較的能力。

Growth Plans and Community Building


Through recent public appearances in Japan and India, Kusama has outlined his plans for the Shiba Inu ecosystem. Built upon the foundation laid by founder Ryoshi, the team aims to foster one of the most passionate and decentralized communities in the Web3 space. The ultimate goal, according to Kusama, is to establish the first trillion-dollar decentralized economy.

透過最近在日本和印度的公開露面,草間彌生概述了他對柴犬生態系統的計劃。團隊建立在創辦人 Ryoshi 奠定的基礎上,旨在培育 Web3 領域最熱情和去中心化的社群之一。草間彌生表示,最終目標是建立第一個兆美元的去中心化經濟體。

Gateway to Web3 Adoption

採用 Web3 的門戶

Kusama believes SHIB has the potential to bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3 worlds, especially considering that less than 5% of the global population currently engages with cryptocurrencies. He envisions SHIB as the gateway to this burgeoning market.

Kusama 認為 SHIB 有潛力彌合 Web2 和 Web3 世界之間的差距,特別是考慮到目前全球只有不到 5% 的人口使用加密貨幣。他將 SHIB 視為進入這個新興市場的門戶。

Overtaking Dogecoin


While initially conceived as a decentralized alternative to Dogecoin, the SHIB team harbors ambitions of surpassing its predecessor. Despite having a lower market capitalization than Dogecoin, SHIB's potential for utility and growth remains significant. The team's long-term strategy involves reducing the excessive SHIB supply and introducing innovative use cases through Shibarium.

雖然最初被認為是狗狗幣的去中心化替代品,但 SHIB 團隊懷有超越其前身的雄心壯志。儘管 SHIB 的市值低於狗狗幣,但其實用性和成長潛力仍然巨大。該團隊的長期策略包括減少 SHIB 的過度供應並透過 Shibarium 引入創新用例。


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