首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 交易者對 Axie Infinity 和 Sandbox 失去信心 – 熱門新山寨幣前來救援

Traders Lose Faith in Axie Infinity and The Sandbox – Hot New Altcoin Comes to the Rescue

交易者對 Axie Infinity 和 Sandbox 失去信心 – 熱門新山寨幣前來救援

發布: 2024/07/12 18:04 閱讀: 203



交易者對 Axie Infinity 和 Sandbox 失去信心 – 熱門新山寨幣前來救援

With the bearish trend prevalent in most cryptocurrencies within the market, locating one that stands out has become quite a challenge. However, most traders have already lost interest in some of the well-known cryptos like Axie Infinity (AXS) and Sandbox (SAND) owing to the current dipping nature of these coins. Conversely, Angry Pepe Fork has showcased impressive performance, making investors shift towards this new altcoin. Angry Pepe Fork, backed by unique features, promises its investors a chance of enjoying a higher ROI in 2024, with the potential to surge by 100x by the end of its presale stages.

由於市場上大多數加密貨幣普遍存在看跌趨勢,找到一種脫穎而出的加密貨幣已成為一項相當大的挑戰。然而,由於 Axie Infinity (AXS) 和 Sandbox (SAND) 等一些知名加密貨幣目前的下跌性質,大多數交易者已經失去了興趣。相反,Angry Pepe Fork 表現出了令人印象深刻的表現,使投資者轉向這種新的山寨幣。 Angry Pepe Fork 以獨特功能為後盾,向投資者承諾在 2024 年有機會享受更高的投資回報率,在預售階段結束時投資回報率有可能飆升 100 倍。

Angry Pepe Fork Emerges As A Novel Altcoin Promising A Higher ROI For Early Investors


Angry Pepe Fork is a community-driven, meme-based project that aims to shake up the altcoin market. Essentially, Angry Pepe Fork aims to dethrone the dead meme coins on the blockchain thanks to its community. Once it does this, it will reward the community immensely. For example, the Conquer To Earn system lets Angry Pepe Fork community members collectively earn by staking their tokens in one pool. As the number of dethroned meme coins rises, so will the APY of the staking pool - benefiting all those involved. Unlike traditional staking approaches, Angry Pepe Fork offers tiered staking options with 30, 60 and 90 days.

Angry Pepe Fork 是一個社區驅動、基於 meme 的項目,旨在撼動山寨幣市場。從本質上講,Angry Pepe Fork 的目標是透過其社群來推翻區塊鏈上已死亡的 meme 幣。一旦做到這一點,它將為社區帶來巨大的回報。例如,Conquer To Earn 系統讓 Angry Pepe Fork 社群成員透過將代幣放入池中來集體賺錢。隨著被廢黜的 meme 代幣數量的增加,質押池的 APY 也會增加 - 讓所有參與者受益。與傳統的質押方法不同,Angry Pepe Fork 提供 30 天、60 天和 90 天的分級質押選項。

This significant approach seems to be gaining traction with major investors, as the Angry Pepe Fork presale has already accomplished notable milestones. Notably, this presale has now raised nearly $200,000 and is on track to reach $1M before the end of July 2024.

這項重要舉措似乎正在贏得主要投資者的關注,因為 Angry Pepe Fork 預售已經取得了顯著的里程碑。值得注意的是,此次預售現已籌集近 20 萬美元,並預計在 2024 年 7 月底前達到 100 萬美元。

With staking options available even in the presale stages, participants can benefit from remarkable APY rewards, enhancing the token's utility and appeal. Moreover, as a native token for the Angry Pepe Fork, APORK holds vital roles in transactions, staking, and governance, offering users extra benefits and engagement opportunities.

即使在預售階段也可以使用質押選項,參與者可以從顯著的 APY 獎勵中受益,從而增強代幣的實用性和吸引力。此外,作為 Angry Pepe Fork 的原生代幣,APORK 在交易、質押和治理方面發揮著重要作用,為用戶提供額外的好處和參與機會。

The Angry Pepe Fork token is just in its stage one presale, where the token is going for just $0.014. However, with a limited supply of just 1.9B tokens, this unique token aims at maintaining scarcity and value appreciation, which might potentially hit the $1 mark by the end of the year. A move that has attracted well-known YouTubers like Professor Crypto, who seem to back up Angry Pepe Fork's potential in 2024.

Angry Pepe Fork 代幣正處於第一階段預售,代幣售價僅 0.014 美元。然而,由於代幣供應量有限,僅為 1.9B,這種獨特的代幣旨在保持稀缺性和價值升值,到年底可能會達到 1 美元大關。這項舉措吸引了 Crypto 教授等知名 YouTube 用戶,他們似乎支持 Angry Pepe Fork 在 2024 年的潛力。

Axie Infinity’s Bearish Trend Sparks Caution Within the Crypto Market

Axie Infinity 的看跌趨勢引發加密市場的謹慎

Axie Infinity (AXS), a leading blockchain-based game, has recently seen its AXS price lean toward a dipping trend. Market analysts have observed a series of sell-offs topped with declining trading volumes that suggest the price might drop even further. Axie Infinity's price dip is a significant shift from its previous highs, raising questions regarding the future stability of AXS.

Axie Infinity (AXS) 是一款領先的區塊鏈遊戲,最近其 AXS 價格呈下跌趨勢。市場分析師觀察到一系列拋售以及交易量下降,這表明價格可能會進一步下跌。 Axie Infinity 的價格下跌與先前的高點相比發生了重大轉變,引發了人們對 AXS 未來穩定性的質疑。

Several factors have contributed to the current Axie Infinity price dip. This includes the broader crypto market, which continues to witness high market volatility, affecting most digital assets such as Axie Infinity. Additionally, increased competition within the blockchain gaming space has also pressured Axie Infinity to its current position. These challenges, topped with general investor uncertainty, have driven the price downward, making investors act on the Axie Infinity price prediction.

目前 Axie Infinity 價格下跌有幾個因素造成。這包括更廣泛的加密貨幣市場,該市場繼續經歷高市場波動,影響了 Axie Infinity 等大多數數位資產。此外,區塊鏈遊戲領域內競爭的加劇也給 Axie Infinity 帶來了目前的壓力。這些挑戰加上投資者普遍的不確定性,導致價格下跌,促使投資者根據 Axie Infinity 的價格預測採取行動。

The Sandbox (SAND) Price Prediction


The Sandbox created history with its mind-blowing hold over the globe. This financial system was revolutionized when Sandbox started climbing the ladder. However, despite its previous achievements, the price of The Sandbox has been showing a dipping trend over the past few days.

沙盒以其令人驚嘆的全球影響力創造了歷史。當 Sandbox 開始攀登時,這個金融體系發生了革命性的變化。然而,儘管The Sandbox之前取得了一定的成績,但最近幾天它的價格卻呈現出下跌的趨勢。

The technical chart within the weekly time frame shows that the Sandbox price seems to be developing a bullish reversal pattern known as the rounding bottom. This chart setup is mostly interpreted as the bottoming of a downtrend as investors showcase renewed buying interest. Under the influence of such a pattern, Sandbox buyers might challenge its ATH in 2024, especially now that Sandbox has also partnered with TourBillion to create an advanced gaming experience that will go beyond conventional gameplay.

每週時間範圍內的技術圖表顯示,沙箱價格似乎正在形成一種看漲反轉模式,稱為圓底。此圖表設定主要被解釋為下降趨勢的觸底,因為投資者表現出了新的購買興趣。在這種模式的影響下,Sandbox 買家可能會在 2024 年挑戰其 ATH,尤其是現在 Sandbox 也與 TourBillion 合作,打造將超越傳統玩法的先進遊戲體驗。

Will Angry Pepe Fork Stand Out Within the Altcoin Market?


With well-known altcoins like Axie Infinity and Sandbox losing investors' interest, Angry Pepe Fork, a new crypto in the presale stage, is now emerging as a potential savior. It promises early investors a chance of enjoying a higher ROI in the future, which means that this is the opportune time to invest in this coin, given its current low price.

隨著 Axie Infinity 和 Sandbox 等知名山寨幣逐漸失去投資者的興趣,處於預售階段的新加密貨幣 Angry Pepe Fork 現在正成為潛在的救世主。它向早期投資者承諾未來有機會享受更高的投資回報率,這意味著鑑於目前的低價,現在是投資該代幣的最佳時機。


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