首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 柴犬(Shib)和狗狗幣(DOGE)持有者關注競爭激烈的加密貨幣預售

Shiba Inu (Shib) And Dogecoin (DOGE) Holders Eye Up Competitive Crypto Presale


發布: 2023/12/14 17:33 閱讀: 425




In the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies, meme coins have carved out their unique niche. However, recently, Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) holders are eyeing a new crypto investment, Pullix. In this article, we will look into why meme holders are looking at this new and exciting project.


Pullix (PLX) – A New Contender for Meme Coin Holders

Pullix aims to be the world’s first community-backed exchange, revolutionizing the landscape of online Trading. As a next-generation platform, it integrates the strengths of cryptocurrency with the potential of online retail trading. Pullix differentiates itself by offering a crypto deposit-only system, foregoing traditional KYC documentation requirements.

Pullix (PLX) – Meme 幣持有者的新競爭者Pullix 旨在成為世界上第一個社群支持的交易所,徹底改變線上交易的格局。作為下一代平台,它融合了加密貨幣的優勢和線上零售交易的潛力。 Pullix 透過提供僅限加密貨幣存款的系統而脫穎而出,放棄了傳統的 KYC 文件要求。

Online retail trading has grown significantly, with cryptocurrencies becoming increasingly favored, especially among younger traders. Specifically, the Pullix native token, PLX, enables holders to profit from the daily revenues generated by the exchange. They can also stake PLX for passive income, benefiting from a share of the brokerage’s profits.

線上零售交易大幅成長,加密貨幣越來越受到青睞,尤其是在年輕交易者中。具體來說,Pullix 原生代幣 PLX 使持有者能夠從交易所產生的日常收入中獲利。他們還可以透過抵押 PLX 來獲得被動收入,從經紀公司的利潤中獲益。

The Pullix (PLX) token is currently available for purchase at a presale price of $0.042 per token. This presale offers an attractive entry point for investors looking to be part of an innovative trading platform.

Pullix (PLX) 代幣目前可供購買,預售價為每個代幣 0.042 美元。此次預售為希望加入創新交易平台的投資者提供了一個有吸引力的切入點。

Pullix is set to introduce a revolutionary approach in the TradeFi space, combining elements of traditional and crypto exchanges. To get involved in this innovative project, visit the Pullix website.

Pullix 將在 TradeFi 領域引入一種革命性的方法,結合傳統和加密貨幣交易所的元素。要參與這個創新項目,請訪問 Pullix 網站。

Dogecoin (DOGE) Holders Eyeing Pullix (PLX)

Dogecoin (DOGE), the pioneering meme coin, has shown remarkable resilience and growth in the crypto market. Currently priced at $0.09262, Dogeoin (DOGE) has experienced a significant uptick of 18.44% over the past month. This surge has bolstered its market capitalization to $13.17 billion, securing its position as the 10th largest cryptocurrency by market cap. The coin’s strong community support and widespread recognition contribute to its standing as a notable player in the crypto space.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 持有者關注 Pullix (PLX) 狗狗幣 (DOGE) 是一種開創性的模因幣,在加密市場中表現出了非凡的彈性和增長。狗狗幣 (DOGE) 目前售價為 0.09262 美元,過去一個月大幅上漲 18.44%。這一飆升使其市值達到 131.7 億美元,鞏固了其作為市值第十大加密貨幣的地位。該幣的強大社區支持和廣泛認可有助於其在加密貨幣領域成為知名參與者。

Dogecoinm(DOGE) holders, traditionally attracted to the coin’s strong community and lighthearted nature, might find the community-driven aspect of Pullix (PLX) particularly appealing. The innovative approach of Pullix in creating the world’s first community-backed exchange offers Dogecoin (DOGE) investors a chance to be part of a pioneering platform in the TradeFi space.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 持有者傳統上被該貨幣強大的社區和輕鬆的性質所吸引,可能會發現 Pullix (PLX) 的社區驅動方面特別有吸引力。 Pullix 創建世界上第一個社群支持的交易所的創新方法為狗狗幣(DOGE)投資者提供了成為 TradeFi 領域先鋒平台一部分的機會。

The potential for passive income through staking PLX and earning a share of the exchange’s daily revenues presents a lucrative opportunity, expanding beyond the meme-driven appeal of Dogecoin.

透過質押 PLX 並賺取交易所每日收入的一部分來獲得被動收入的潛力提供了一個利潤豐厚的機會,超越了狗狗幣的迷因驅動的吸引力。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Investors Drawn to Pullix (PLX)

Shiba Inu (SHIB), another key player in the meme coin sector, is currently trading at $0.000009475. Over the last year, SHIB has seen a 6.72% increase, indicative of its dynamic market presence. With a market capitalization of $5.58 billion, Shiba Inu (SHIB) stands as the 16th largest cryptocurrency.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) 投資者被 Pullix (PLX) 吸引 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 是模因硬幣領域的另一個主要參與者,目前的交易價格為 0.000009475 美元。去年,SHIB 成長了 6.72%,顯示其活躍的市場表現。 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 的市值為 55.8 億美元,是第 16 大加密貨幣。

The coin’s dedicated following and its ability to capture market trends make it a significant asset in the crypto ecosystem. Shiba Inu’s (SHIB) performance is a barometer for investor interest in meme coins, which could translate into attention towards innovative crypto projects like Pullix’s PLX token presale.

該代幣的忠實追隨者及其捕捉市場趨勢的能力使其成為加密生態系統中的重要資產。 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 的表現是投資者對 meme 幣興趣的晴雨表,這可能會轉化為對 Pullix 的 PLX 代幣預售等創新加密項目的關注。

Shiba Inu investors, known for their interest in dynamic and trend-setting crypto projects, might see Pullix’s PLX token as an attractive investment. Pullix’s unique proposition, blending traditional trading with cryptocurrency advantages, aligns with the innovative spirit of SHIB holders.

Shiba Inu 投資者以對動態和引領潮流的加密項目感興趣而聞名,他們可能會將 Pullix 的 PLX 代幣視為一項有吸引力的投資。 Pullix 的獨特主張將傳統交易與加密貨幣優勢相結合,與 SHIB 持有者的創新精神一致。

The presale price of $0.042 for PLX tokens offers an enticing entry point for these investors, providing an opportunity for potential growth akin to what they’ve experienced with Shiba Inu.

PLX 代幣 0.042 美元的預售價格為這些投資者提供了一個誘人的切入點,提供了類似於他們在 Shiba Inu 上經歷過的潛在成長機會。

For more information regarding Pullix’s presale see links below:

有關 Pullix 預售的更多信息,請參閱以下連結:

Visit Pullix 


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