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Shiba Inu Unveils New Listing Igniting Hopes For SHIB Price Rebound

Shiba Inu 推出新上市,點燃 SHIB 價格反彈的希望

發布: 2023/12/18 18:20 閱讀: 645



Shiba Inu 推出新上市,點燃 SHIB 價格反彈的希望

Shiba Inu, the self-proclaimed Dogecoin killer, garnered noteworthy attention across the broader crypto market following the announcement of a new listing on a Japanese-based exchange on Monday. The announcement, coming amid a price drop recorded by the token, appears to have promptly generated a torrent of speculative buzz among crypto market enthusiasts eyeing the Shiba Inu cryptocurrency.

自稱狗狗幣殺手的柴犬週一宣佈在日本一家交易所上市後,在更廣泛的加密貨幣市場引起了廣泛關注。這一消息是在該代幣價格下跌之際發布的,似乎立即在關注 Shiba Inu 加密貨幣的加密貨幣市場愛好者中引發了投機熱潮。

Intriguingly, the token’s price drop also comes amid a down surge illustrated by the SHIB burn rate, aligning with SHIB’s current market performance. However, with its new listing chronicle, the community expects to see a significant jump soon.

有趣的是,該代幣的價格下跌也是在 SHIB 銷毀率大幅下降的背景下發生的,這與 SHIB 目前的市場表現相符。然而,隨著新的上市記錄的出現,社區預計很快就會出現顯著的跳躍。

DMM Bitcoin To List SHIB


The DMM Bitcoin exchange, a Japan-based cryptocurrency exchange, recently unveiled plans to commence SHIB listing on its platform starting December 20. With the announcement surfacing in the broader crypto market amid SHIB’s price plunge, traders and investors seem to be preparing for an upcoming pump.

總部位於日本的加密貨幣交易所DMM 比特幣交易所最近公佈了從12 月20 日開始在其平台上開始SHIB 上市的計劃。在SHIB 價格暴跌的情況下,隨著這一公告在更廣泛的加密市場上浮出水面,交易者和投資者似乎正在為即將到來的泵。

Moreover, the meme-coin that was initially fashioned as a joke currency is now positioning itself among some of the most popular cryptocurrencies on the horizon. This comes as the token recently witnessed another listing on a Japanese-based crypto exchange, Coincheck.

此外,最初被塑造為笑話貨幣的模因幣現在將自己定位為即將到來的一些最受歡迎的加密貨幣之一。同時,該代幣最近又在日本加密貨幣交易所 Coincheck 上上市。

Furthermore, with its ongoing listing chronicle, the token also appears to have gained investors’ and traders’ trust as it topped the smart money inflow list again today. As per market data, the SHIB token stood 2nd on the list, illustrating a 24-hour inflow of $2.95 million.


With the listing saga accompanied by the smart money inflow data, the token seems to be preparing for a bull run ahead as the community progresses.


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Shiba Inu Price Drops


In contrast to the aforestated developments illuminated by the SHIB community, the Shiba Inu price dropped 6.93% today, currently trading at $0.000009999. However, the token recorded significant gains over the past week, surging 4%, further escorted by a monthly upswing of 16.62%.

與 SHIB 社區所闡述的林業發展相反,柴犬價格今天下跌了 6.93%,目前交易價格為 0.000009999 美元。然而,該代幣在過去一周錄得大幅上漲,飆升 4%,並進一步帶動月度上漲 16.62%。

As the listing announcement gains further traction within the crypto market, the current price fall is expected to revert shortly.


Besides, even the SHIB burn rate today showcased a fall of 100%, falling in line with today’s price drop. Intriguingly, even the token’s burning venture is about to witness a phenomenal surge, as revealed by Shytoshi Kusama earlier.

此外,即使今天的 SHIB 銷毀率也下降了 100%,與今天的價格下跌一致。有趣的是,正如草間慎敏早些時候所透露的那樣,即使是正在燃燒的代幣也即將見證驚人的飆升。

The collective impact of the developments mentioned above on the SHIB cryptocurrency recently hints toward a possible bull run for the token ahead.

上述事態發展對 SHIB 加密貨幣的集體影響最近暗示著該代幣可能會出現牛市。

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The post Shiba Inu Unveils New Listing Igniting Hopes For SHIB Price Rebound appeared first on CoinGape.



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