首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣(DOGE)創建者結束了對其新代幣的猜測

Dogecoin (DOGE) Creator Ends Speculation on His New Token


發布: 2023/12/18 18:09 閱讀: 833




Speculation recently surfaced within the cryptocurrency community, suggesting that Billy Markus, known as Shibetoshi Nakamoto and cofounder of Dogecoin (DOGE), may be discreetly contributing to the development of a new token. 

最近,加密貨幣社區中出現了一些猜測,表明比利·馬庫斯(Billy Markus),即Shibetoshi Nakamoto 和狗狗幣(DOGE)的聯合創始人,可能正在謹慎地為新代幣的開發做出貢獻。

The rumors gained momentum when a crypto enthusiast claimed on social media that Markus had joined the Discord channel of a recently relaunched coin, which currently has a market cap of only $20 million.

當一名加密貨幣愛好者在社群媒體上聲稱 Markus 已加入最近重新推出的一種加密貨幣的 Discord 頻道時,謠言愈演愈烈,該加密貨幣目前的市值僅為 2000 萬美元。

Responding indirectly to the rumors, Marcus took to social media to clarify his position. He asserted that he had no part in the relaunching of the project, emphasizing that the revived initiative was associated with outdated technology abandoned back in 2013. 

馬庫斯間接回應了謠言,在社群媒體上澄清了自己的立場。他聲稱自己沒有參與該計畫的重新啟動,並強調重新啟動的計畫與 2013 年廢棄的過時技術有關。

Markus cautioned potential investors, stating that the technology was antiquated and that individuals should be well-informed before engaging with it.


Regarding his presence on the project's Discord channel, the DOGE founder clarified that his involvement was not aimed at contributing to development but rather to stay informed and offer insights on the technology. He firmly stated that he has no intentions of participating in any crypto project development in the future, reiterating this sentiment multiple times.

關於他在該專案的 Discord 頻道上的出現,DOGE 創始人澄清說,他的參與並不是為了促進開發,而是為了隨時了解情況並提供有關該技術的見解。他堅定地表示,未來無意參與任何加密項目開發,並多次重申了這一觀點。

and i didn't join the discord to help the project, i joined to see what was going on and to provide a little color / warnings about the tech.i'm never going to dev on any crypto project ever again, and i've made that extremely clear thousands of times.


— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) December 18, 2023

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2023 年 12 月 18 日

"Greed blinds everyone"


In a separate response to his followers, Markus shared a candid perspective on the current state of the cryptocurrency space. 


He commented that the initial success of Dogecoin was attributed to its fair release, but he expressed skepticism about the current state of the crypto world, citing widespread greed and a lack of understanding of the fundamentals.


With these indirect statements, Markus sought to put an end to the circulating rumors, firmly denying any involvement in the new token project and reiterating his disinterest in future cryptocurrency development endeavors.



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