首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 目前加密資產情勢:PEPE壓力越來越大,SOL何去何從?和 BlockDAG 網路擁抱多特蒙德足球俱樂部

Situasi Aset Kripto Terkini: PEPE Semakin Tertekan, SOL Hendak ke Mana? dan BlockDAG Network Rangkul Borussia Dortmund

目前加密資產情勢:PEPE壓力越來越大,SOL何去何從?和 BlockDAG 網路擁抱多特蒙德足球俱樂部

發布: 2024/08/29 20:10 閱讀: 882



Global Crypto Market Update


Global crypto asset market valuations have been declining, particularly since August 27, 2024. Current crypto market conditions have significantly impacted PEPE, and the movement of SOL remains a concern for traders. In the midst of this, BlockDAG Network has announced a partnership with renowned football club Borussia Dortmund.

全球加密資產市場估值一直在下降,特別是自 2024 年 8 月 27 日以來。在此期間,BlockDAG Network 宣布與著名足球俱樂部多特蒙德足球俱樂部建立合作關係。

PEPE Remains in Bear Territory After "False Rally"

「虛假集會」後 PEPE 仍處於熊市區域

Data indicates that PEPE's price remains in bear territory, following a false rally in recent days. This aligns with the current crypto market situation, where global crypto asset market capitalization has dropped to $2.17 trillion on Thursday, August 29, 2024, from its previous peak on Tuesday, August 27, 2024.

數據顯示,繼最近幾天的虛假反彈之後,PEPE 的價格仍處於熊市區域。這與目前的加密市場狀況相符,全球加密資產市值已從 2024 年 8 月 27 日星期二的高峰降至 2024 年 8 月 29 日星期四的 2.17 兆美元。

Pepe Coin (PEPE) price is currently facing bearish prospects and is hovering near a critical support level. To avoid further downside of 22%, PEPE's price must hold above this level.

Pepe Coin (PEPE) 價格目前面臨看跌前景,並徘徊在關鍵支撐位附近。為了避免進一步下跌 22%,PEPE 的價格必須保持在該水準之上。

On August 28, 2024, there was a net outflow of 1.16 trillion PEPE (equivalent to $8.96 million) from whale wallets. Data from IntoTheBlock suggests that PEPE's large holders have been consistently offloading their assets in recent days.

2024年8月28日,鯨魚錢包淨流出1.16兆PEPE(折合896萬美元)。 IntoTheBlock 的數據表明,PEPE 的大股東最近幾天一直在持續拋售資產。

The daily candlestick for August 28, 2024, exhibits an ongoing "tug-of-war" between buyers and sellers, with a long upper wick indicating aggressive selling.

2024 年 8 月 28 日的每日燭台展示了買家和賣家之間持續的“拉鋸戰”,較長的上影線表示激進的拋售。

Meanwhile, data from Coinglass shows a net inflow of $4.19 million worth of PEPE into exchanges, signaling that whales are moving their crypto holdings to exchanges for potential sell-offs. According to Coinglass Crypto Derivatives Visual Screener (CDVS), open interest (OI) has declined by 4.3%, while as of this writing, the price has gained 0.14% in the last 24 hours, indicating uncertainty among traders.

同時,Coinglass 的數據顯示,價值 419 萬美元的 PEPE 淨流入交易所,這表明鯨魚正在將其持有的加密貨幣轉移到交易所,以應對潛在的拋售。根據Coinglass 加密貨幣衍生品視覺篩選器(CDVS)​​ 的數據,未平倉合約(OI) 下降了4.3%,而截至撰寫本文時,價格在過去24 小時內上漲了0.14%,這表明交易者之間存在不確定性。

Coinglass's Liquidations Chart also suggests a higher number of short positions than longs, reflecting a bearish sentiment in the market. Both traders and whales anticipate that PEPE's price may decline further.

Coinglass 的清算圖表也顯示,空頭部位數量多於多頭頭寸,反映出市場的看跌情緒。貿易商和鯨魚都預計PEPE的價格可能會進一步下跌。

Currently, PEPE's price is likely to fall after the recent false rally, which could potentially lead to an aggressive correction and a 20% value decline. PEPE's price may find support around $0.00000700, which represents a 10% drop from its current value. However, if this support fails to hold, the price could fall another 22% to reach its August 5, 2024 low of approximately $0.00000585.

目前,PEPE 的價格在最近的虛假反彈之後可能會下跌,這可能會導致大幅調整和價值下跌 20%。 PEPE 的價格可能會在 0.00000700 美元左右找到支撐,這比當前價值下跌 10%。然而,如果該支撐位未能守住,價格可能會再下跌 22%,達到 2024 年 8 月 5 日的低點約 0.00000585 美元。

The ongoing whale selling and increase in short positions add to the bearish pressure, making it possible that the $0.00000700 support level may not hold.

持續的鯨魚拋售和空頭頭寸的增加增加了看跌壓力,使得 0.00000700 美元的支撐位可能無法守住。

If PEPE's price bounces off the support, holds above $0.00000700, and rebounds, it could indicate market strength and invalidate the current bearish scenario. In that case, PEPE's price could surge above $0.00000900 to reach new monthly highs.

如果 PEPE 的價格從支撐位反彈,保持在 0.00000700 美元上方,然後反彈,則可能表明市場走強,並使當前的看跌情景失效。在這種情況下,PEPE 的價格可能會飆升至 0.00000900 美元以上,達到月度新高。

Crypto Market Update: Where is Solana (SOL) Headed?

加密貨幣市場更新:Solana (SOL) 走向何方?

Reflecting the current state of the crypto market, Solana (SOL) price has been questioned further. As of this writing, the popular cryptocurrency is facing a downturn after breaking below $155 and $150. SOL is currently testing the $140 support level and struggling to initiate a recovery phase.

Solana (SOL) 的價格受到了進一步的質疑,反映了加密貨幣市場的現狀。截至撰寫本文時,流行的加密貨幣在跌破 155 美元和 150 美元後正面臨低迷。 SOL 目前正在測試 140 美元的支撐位,並努力啟動恢復階段。

SOL's price initiated a fresh decline below $150. It is currently trading below both the $148 and the 100 hourly simple moving average (SMA). On SOL's hourly chart, the price is in a short-term descending channel, with resistance at $145.50. A clear break above $148 could initiate a recovery wave.

SOL 的價格再次跌破 150 美元。目前其交易價格低於 148 美元和 100 小時簡單移動平均線 (SMA)。在SOL的小時圖上,價格處於短期下降通道,阻力位在145.50美元。明確突破 148 美元可能會引發復甦浪潮。

Solana price started a decline from above $155, similar to Bitcoin and Ethereum. SOL spiked lower and traded below $150, even testing the $140 support. The price made a low near $140.53 and is currently consolidating losses. There was a minor bounce above $142 and $143, with the price rising above the 23.6% Fib retracement level of the decline from the $161.95 high to the $140.53 low.

Solana 價格從 155 美元以上開始下跌,與比特幣和以太坊類似。 SOL 大幅走低,交投於 150 美元下方,甚至測試了 140 美元的支撐位。價格跌至 140.53 美元附近的低點,目前正在鞏固跌勢。價格小幅反彈至 142 美元和 143 美元上方,價格升至從 161.95 美元高點跌至 140.53 美元低點的 23.6% 斐波那契回撤位。

Solana is now trading well below $150 and the 100 hourly simple moving average. On the upside, the price is facing resistance near $146. There is also a short-term descending channel in place, with resistance at $145.50 on the 1-hour time frame.

Solana 目前的交易價格遠低於 150 美元和 100 小時簡單移動平均線。從好的方面來看,價格面臨 146 美元附近的阻力。還有一個短期下降通道,1 小時時間範圍內的阻力位在 145.50 美元。

The next major resistance is near $148. A successful close above the $148 and $150 resistance levels could trigger the next leg of steady gains. The next key resistance is near $152 or the 50% Fib retracement level of the decline from the $161.95 high to the $140.53 low. If there is a further rise, the price could aim for $162.

下一個主要阻力位在 148 美元附近。如果成功收在 148 美元和 150 美元阻力位上方,可能會引發下一階段的穩定上漲。下一個關鍵阻力位在 152 美元附近,即從 161.95 美元高點跌至 140.53 美元低點的 50% 斐波那契回檔位。如果進一步上漲,價格可能會達到 162 美元。

If SOL fails to rise above $146, it could start another leg of decline. The initial support on the downside is near $142, with the first major support at $140. A break below $140 could open the doors for a decline towards $132. A close below $132 could lead the price to $125 in the near term.

如果 SOL 未能升破 146 美元,它可能會開始另一輪下跌。下行初步支撐位於 142 美元附近,第一個主要支撐位於 140 美元。跌破 140 美元可能會為跌至 132 美元打開大門。收盤價低於 132 美元可能會導致價格在短期內升至 125 美元。

The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) technical indicator is also showing a bearish trend, while the Relative Strength Index (RSI) is below 50. The major support levels are at $142 and $140, while the major resistance levels are at $146 and $148.


BlockDAG Network Partners with Borussia Dortmund

BlockDAG 網路與多特蒙德足球俱樂部合作

In other crypto market news, BlockDAG Network has announced a partnership with renowned football club Borussia Dortmund. The partnership was officially announced through BlockDAG Network's Twitter account on Wednesday, as well as on the official Borussia Dortmund website.

在其他加密貨幣市場新聞中,BlockDAG Network 宣布與著名足球俱樂部多特蒙德建立合作關係。此次合作於週三透過 BlockDAG Network 的 Twitter 帳戶以及多特蒙德足球俱樂部的官方網站正式宣布。

"BlockDAG Network is now officially a partner of 'the black yellow,' Borussia Dortmund, one of the legends of European football," BlockDAG Network tweeted.

「BlockDAG Network 現在正式成為歐洲足球傳奇人物之一『黑黃』多特蒙德足球俱樂部的合作夥伴,」BlockDAG Network 在推特上寫道。

In an emailed statement, BlockDAG Network said that the high-profile partnership aligns with their presale target achievement, which has now reached $68.3 million.

BlockDAG Network 在電子郵件聲明中表示,這項備受矚目的合作夥伴關係符合其預售目標的實現,目前預售目標已達到 6,830 萬美元。

"By partnering with Dortmund, BlockDAG not only boosts its visibility but also connects with its fanbase across multiple nations, paving the way for a wider global influence. BlockDAG's $10 million alliance with Borussia Dortmund, a top-tier club in German football, catapults BlockDAG's reach worldwide," BlockDAG stated.

「透過與多特蒙德合作,BlockDAG 不僅提高了知名度,還與多個國家的球迷建立了聯繫,為更廣泛的全球影響力鋪平了道路。BlockDAG 與德國足球頂級俱樂部多特蒙德足球俱樂部價值1000 萬美元的聯盟,推動了BlockDAG 的發展覆蓋全球”,BlockDAG 表示。


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