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Solana 'Flips' Dogecoin at the $9 Billion Market Cap

Solana 以 90 億美元的市值「翻轉」狗狗幣

發布: 2023/08/18 18:00 閱讀: 980



Large and mid-cap altcoins have significantly lost value over the past few hours. At press time, Solana was down 5% on the daily, while Dogecoin had depreciated by 8%. Amid the price dip, SOL managed to flip DOGE on the market cap front. The gap started widening right after, with Solana’s lead accelerating to $220 million.

大中型山寨幣在過去幾個小時內大幅貶值。截至發稿時,Solana 每日下跌 5%,狗狗幣則貶值 8%。在價格下跌期間,SOL 成功在市值方面扭轉了 DOGE。此後差距開始擴大,Solana 的領先優勢擴大到 2.2 億美元。

Also Read: $1 Billion Wiped Out Of Crypto Market Amid Bitcoin, Ethereum Crash

另請閱讀:比特幣、以太坊崩盤導致加密市場損失 10 億美元

Solana recently became the most liquid altcoin on Coinbase. It recently crossed the $3 million threshold, as DOGE was trying to establish a foothold at around $2.5 million. Other altcoins like MATIC and XRP were seen struggling around the $1 million mark. Increased liquidity usually connotes increased market participation. It also means that an asset can be bought and SOLd without causing significant price movements. Thus, when compared to Dogecoin and other assets like XRP and MATIC, Solana suffered relatively fewer losses.

Solana 最近成為 Coinbase 上流動性最強的山寨幣。最近,它突破了 300 萬美元的門檻,而 DOGE 正試圖在 250 萬美元左右建立立足點。 MATIC 和 XRP 等其他山寨幣的價格在 100 萬美元大關附近掙扎。流動性的增加通常意味著市場參與度的增加。這也意味著可以購買和出售資產而不會導致價格大幅波動。因此,與狗狗幣以及 XRP 和 MATIC 等其他資產相比,Solana 遭受的損失相對較少。

Also Read: Ethereum: Whale Dumped $41 Million ETH Before Crypto Market Crash

另請閱讀:以太坊:鯨魚在加密貨幣市場崩潰之前拋售了 4100 萬美元的 ETH

Will Solana Be Able To Continue Dominating?

Solana 能否繼續佔據主導地位?

There are several fundamental weaknesses surfacing for Solana at the moment. So far in August, the new addresses added to the network [1.45 million] are not even half of what was added in July [3.27 million].

Solana 目前存在幾個根本性弱點。 8 月到目前為止,新增至網路的新位址 [145 萬] 甚至還不到 7 月新增的位址 [327 萬] 的一半。

Parallelly, users have started suctioning out funds from the protocol’s DeFi ecosystem. On August 15, Solana’s TVL stood at $327.1 million. However, data from DeFiLlama pointed out that the number had now shrunk to $308.9 million. Thus, in just two days, users have removed $18.2 million worth of funds from Solana. Thus, with new users being reluctant to join the network and DeFi participants pulling out funds, Solana could find it tricky to continue asserting its dominance.

同時,用戶已經開始從該協議的 DeFi 生態系統中提取資金。 8 月 15 日,Solana 的 TVL 為 3.271 億美元。然而,DeFiLlama 的數據指出,這一數字現已縮水至 3.089 億美元。因此,在短短兩天內,用戶就從 Solana 轉移了價值 1820 萬美元的資金。因此,由於新用戶不願加入網絡,而 DeFi 參與者撤出資金,Solana 可能會發現繼續維持其主導地位很困難。

Also Read: Coinbase: Base Scammers Earn $2 Million Profit From 500 Scam Tokens

另請閱讀:Coinbase:基礎詐騙者從 500 個詐騙代幣中賺取 200 萬美元利潤

  • 幣庫

  • defi
  • 去中心化金融

  • doge
  • 總督

  • Dogecoin
  • 狗狗幣

  • liquidity
  • 流動性

  • market cap
  • 市值

  • SOL
  • 索爾

  • Solana
  • 索拉納

  • tvl
  • 電視


  • 狗狗幣鯨魚活動
  • 狗狗幣挖礦
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