首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 隨著狗狗幣價格暴跌,多達 5 億狗狗幣消失在神秘錢包中

Whopping Half Billion Dogecoin Vanish into Mystery Wallets as DOGE Price Crashes

隨著狗狗幣價格暴跌,多達 5 億狗狗幣消失在神秘錢包中

發布: 2023/08/18 20:00 閱讀: 226



WhaleAlert, a renowned blockchain tracking service, revealed the staggering movement of nearly half a billion Dogecoins within a mere six-hour span. This extraordinary move unfolded against the backdrop of a significant downturn in the DOGE market, which had seen a 17.5% drop just a day ago, pushing the cryptocurrency to its lowest point in over two months.

著名的區塊鏈追蹤服務 WhaleAlert 揭示了近 5 億狗狗幣在短短 6 小時內的驚人變化。這一非同尋常的舉動是在 DOGE 市場大幅下滑的背景下發生的,一天前該市場下跌了 17.5%,將加密貨幣推至兩個多月以來的最低點。

DOGE to USD by CoinMarketCap

透過 CoinMarketCap 將 DOGE 兌換為 USD

The drama commenced with an eye-popping transfer of 129.67 million DOGE, equivalent to a substantial $7.9 million, from Robinhood to the wallet of an unidentified Dogecoin whale. Not long after, an even more jaw-dropping transaction surfaced — a colossal withdrawal of 308.39 million DOGE, valued at $19.22 million, was swiftly executed from Binance to another undisclosed address.

這場鬧劇以令人瞠目結舌的 1.2967 億 DOGE(相當於 790 萬美元)從 Robinhood 轉移到身份不明的狗狗幣鯨魚的錢包中開始。不久之後,更令人瞠目結舌的交易浮出水面——價值 1,922 萬美元的 3.0839 億 DOGE 巨額提現從幣安迅速執行到另一個未公開的地址。

Interestingly, the first transfer coincided with a slight technical rebound in Dogecoin's price, wherein a resilient 9.71% of the earlier plummet was reclaimed. The subsequent chain of events saw DOGE rallying further, notching an additional 2.23% surge in its market value.

有趣的是,第一次轉帳恰逢狗狗幣價格出現小幅技術反彈,較先前暴跌的 9.71% 有所回升。隨後的一系列事件使得 DOGE 進一步上漲,其市值又飆升了 2.23%。

The second transfer unfolded against the backdrop of a DOGE price surge, achieving a local intraday zenith. While the timing of the purchase may not align precisely with the transaction itself, the subsequent trajectory proved less favorable, with the DOGE price dropping 0.69%.

第二次轉移是在 DOGE 價格飆升的背景下進行的,並實現了局部盤中最高點。雖然購買的時機可能與交易本身並不完全一致,但隨後的軌跡證明不太有利,DOGE 價格下跌了 0.69%。

For now, it is a bloodbath on the streets of the crypto world, and figuring out what comes next is harder than ever. Nevertheless, such activity of big players may not be a benchmark but something to keep in mind when making investment decisions in a period of uncertainty.



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