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South Korean crypto traders power the altcoin bull run – CryptoQuant report

韓國加密貨幣交易員推動山寨幣牛市 – CryptoQuant 報告

發布: 2023/11/18 01:11 閱讀: 459



韓國加密貨幣交易員推動山寨幣牛市 – CryptoQuant 報告

Major crypto coins have experienced a huge surge in their prices, including Bitcoin (BTC), which has surged over 20% in the past month, nearly doubling its price this year. Other altcoins have been affected by the same movements in major currency prices. Taking the lead is memecoins like Dogecoin and other altcoins like LOOM from the Loom Network that surged ten times in just 8 weeks. 

主要加密貨幣的價格都經歷了大幅上漲,其中比特幣(BTC)在過去一個月上漲了 20% 以上,今年的價格幾乎翻了一番。其他山寨幣也受到主要貨幣價格同樣變動的影響。處於領先地位的是像 Dogecoin 這樣的 memecoin 和其他山寨幣,例如來自 Loom Network 的 LOOM,它們在短短 8 週內飆升了十倍。

Other currencies recorded a rise in market price, and these movements can be linked to various events around major currencies or other macroeconomic events. Among these is the awaited spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs) approval for the major currencies, including Bitcoin and Ethereum.


 Still, they take the lead, but altcoins have also rode the same wave and recorded a rally in the past 24 hours, and analysts have linked these gains to South Korean traders. 

儘管如此,它們仍然處於領先地位,但山寨幣也經歷了同樣的浪潮,並在過去 24 小時內錄得反彈,分析師將這些漲幅與韓國交易員聯繫起來。

South Korean traders influence altcoin market price activities 


The South Korean region has been noted to push an influx of investments, mostly on altcoins that has also displayed a green screen in the crypto market for the past 24 hours. Best performing crypto assets include LOOM and HIFI. The latter spiked by over 6,600% in the month of September alone

人們注意到,韓國地區推動了大量投資,其中大部分是山寨幣,在過去 24 小時內,加密貨幣市場也出現了綠幕。表現最好的加密資產包括 LOOM 和 HIFI。後者僅在 9 月就飆升了 6,600% 以上。

Regardless, Bitcoin has remained the top dog as its dominance has been felt since September and strongly confirmed in October. 

無論如何,比特幣仍然是領頭羊,因為它的主導地位自 9 月以來就已顯現,並在 10 月得到了強有力的證實。

The rapid surge in the crypto alternative prices in the past 2 months can be traced to the South Korean investors who have been noted to place high-risk trades that have influenced the entire crypto market. 


Their action on price has recently caused speculative frenzies that are associated with the tokens experiencing massive gains. Upbit, a local crypto exchange’s spot trading volume, has doubled since September. 

他們的價格行動最近引發了與代幣大幅上漲相關的投機狂潮。當地加密貨幣交易所 Upbit 的現貨交易量自 9 月以來已經翻了一番。

The analysis was based on on-chain data collected from CryptoQuant, as shared on Friday. Upbit constitutes over 85% of trading volume in Korea. The firm experienced a growth of approximately 82% in October compared to the previous month. This was an increase of $27 billion, from $32.8 billion to $59.8 billion. 

該分析基於從 CryptoQuant 收集的鏈上數據(週五分享)。 Upbit 佔韓國交易量的 85% 以上。與上個月相比,該公司 10 月的成長率約為 82%。增加了 270 億美元,從 328 億美元增加到 598 億美元。

This created a roller coaster effect that possibly created the rising volumes attracting market makers. Traders have taken to place their investment profits in light of continuing to take advantage of the rising market. 


Crypto market enters the weekend effect


Bradley Park, CryptoQuant analyst states that, “For coins that are only listed on Korean exchanges, if there is a significant increase in trading volume, listing futures on them has been popular on overseas exchanges. From an on-chain perspective, market makers are the buying power.”

CryptoQuant分析師Bradley Park表示:「對於僅在韓國交易所上市的幣種,如果交易量大幅增加,那麼在海外交易所上市期貨就很受歡迎。從鏈上的角度來看,做市商就是購買力。”

Park also added that HIFI’s reserve on the Korean exchange Upbit rose by 27.5%. This was from 62 million tokens to 82.9 million digital tokens. As such, this attests to South Korea playing an influential role in the crypto market, standing in a pivotal position. 

Park也補充說,韓國交易所Upbit上的HIFI儲備增加了27.5%。從 6,200 萬個代幣到 8,290 萬個數位代幣。因此,這證明韓國在加密貨幣市場中發揮著重要作用,處於舉足輕重的地位。

Based on Upbit volume growth, the LOOM market surged by 238% in September and added another 100% at the beginning of October. However, the gains were reversed later in the month’s half. 

根據 Upbit 交易量的成長,LOOM 市場在 9 月飆升了 238%,並在 10 月初又增加了 100%。然而,漲幅在半個月稍後出現逆轉。

Additionally, major parts of the rally in decentralized borrowing and lending platform HIFI initially took place before the launch of perpetual futures tied to the token by Binance. This was in mid-September, and after the launch, the token market price turned lower. 

此外,去中心化借貸平台 HIFI 的主要上漲最初發生在幣安推出與該代幣掛鉤的永續期貨之前。那是在9月中旬,上線後,代幣市場價格開始走低。

Amid all this frenzy, Bitcoin has remained at the top while the altcoin activity has surged in the South Korean crypto exchanges. Considering the ratio of Bitcoin’s capitalization and its comparison to the rest of the world, it rose from 49% to 53%.

在這一切狂熱中,比特幣仍然位居榜首,而韓國加密貨幣交易所的山寨幣活動卻激增。考慮到比特幣的資本化比例及其與世界其他地區的比較,它從 49% 上升到 53%。


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