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Stellar Primed for 300% Surge, XLM Is Set on an Upward Trajectory: Analyst

分析師:Stellar 已做好 300% 飆升的準備,XLM 正處於上升軌道

發布: 2023/10/31 04:15 閱讀: 799



Stellar’s native token XLM appears poised for a major bull run, according to crypto analyst EGRAG Crypto. In a recent tweet, EGRAG outlined a technical scenario that could see XLM surge as much as 300% or more.

加密貨幣分析師 EGRAG Crypto 表示,Stellar 的原生代幣 XLM 似乎已準備好迎來大牛市。在最近的一條推文中,EGRAG 概述了一種可能導致 XLM 飆升 300% 或更多的技術場景。

XLM has already begun its first notable upward trajectory, looking to finally overcome the psychologically important $1 level after years of ranging below it.

XLM 已經開始了第一個顯著的上升軌跡,在多年低於 1 美元的心理水平之後,希望最終能克服 1 美元的重要水平。

But according to EGRAG, the “Interstellar Line” around $0.35 is proving to be rock-solid support during this rally. As long as XLM holds this level, the technical projection using the Fibonacci 1.618 extension points to an ambitious target of around $1.40.

但根據 EGRAG 的數據,在本次反彈期間,約0.35 美元的「星際線」被證明是堅如磐石的支撐。只要 XLM 保持這一水平,使用斐波那契 1.618 延伸線的技術預測就指向 1.40 美元左右的雄心勃勃的目標。

From the current price near $0.40, this would represent an incredible 300%+ gain for XLM holders. EGRAG notes that crossing the $1 mark is likely just the beginning, with $1.40 acting as a magnet due to the confluence of technical factors.

從目前接近 0.40 美元的價格來看,這對 XLM 持有者來說意味著令人難以置信的 300% 以上的收益。 EGRAG 指出,突破 1 美元大關可能只是一個開始,由於技術因素的綜合作用,1.40 美元就像一塊磁鐵。

EGRAG expects this powerful XLM breakout to turn skeptical holders into vocal believers. The analyst notes “XLM is about to turn them into vocal fans and believers.”

EGRAG 預計 XLM 的強勁突破將使懷疑的持有者轉變為堅定的信徒。這位分析師指出,“XLM 即將把他們變成直言不諱的粉絲和信徒。”

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If XLM follows through on this technical setup, it would force even the biggest doubters to rethink their stance. According to EGRAG, get ready to see the haters squirm as this “cosmic crypto journey unfolds.”

如果 XLM 遵循這項技術設置,即使是最大的懷疑者也會迫使他們重新考慮他們的立場。根據 EGRAG 的說法,隨著這個“宇宙加密貨幣之旅的展開”,準備好看到仇恨者的不安。

Stellar appears on the cusp of a parabolic bull run according to analyst EGRAG Crypto. The technical chart points to 300% upside if key support holds. Fundamentals also align for exponential growth in Stellar adoption and XLM demand.

分析師 EGRAG Crypto 表示,Stellar 正處於拋物線牛市的風口浪尖。如果關鍵支撐位守住,技術圖表顯示上漲空間為 300%。基本面也與 Stellar 採用率和 XLM 需求的指數成長保持一致。

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The post Stellar Primed for 300% Surge, XLM Is Set on an Upward Trajectory: Analyst appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

Stellar 準備好迎接 300% 的飆升,XLM 正處於上升軌道:分析師首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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