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Streaming Crypto Innovation DeeStream (DST) takes investment from DOGE & ADA holders

串流媒體加密創新 DeeStream (DST) 接受 DOGE 和 ADA 持有者的投資

發布: 2024/02/14 14:03 閱讀: 232

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串流媒體加密創新 DeeStream (DST) 接受 DOGE 和 ADA 持有者的投資

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串流媒體加密創新 DeeStream (DST) 接受 DOGE 和 ADA 持有者投資的貼文首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上

DeeStream (DST) changes streaming by sharing control and welcoming everyone, getting attention from Dogecoin (DOGE) and Cardano (ADA) fans. With SpaceX backing Dogecoin (DOGE) and Cardano (ADA) getting ready for growth, DeeStream (DST) starts a big change in digital content. Its presale invites early backers, bringing together big cryptocurrency names for a fair streaming world.

DeeStream (DST) 透過共享控制和歡迎所有人來改變串流媒體,受到狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和卡爾達諾 (ADA) 粉絲的關注。隨著 SpaceX 支援狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和卡爾達諾 (ADA) 做好成長準備,DeeStream (DST) 開始了數位內容的巨大變革。它的預售邀請了早期支持者,將加密貨幣大公司聚集在一起,創造一個公平的串流媒體世界。

Dogecoin (DOGE)’s Galactic Journey with SpaceX and DeeStream (DST)

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 與 SpaceX 和 DeeStream (DST) 的銀河之旅

Elon Musk, the man behind SpaceX and Tesla, recently announced a groundbreaking development in space exploration. In 2024, SpaceX’s Dragon spaceship will carry astronauts farther from Earth than ever before in the past 50 years. Amid this space-age revelation, crypto enthusiasts couldn’t resist asking Musk about his plans to take Dogecoin (DOGE) into space.

SpaceX 和特斯拉的創辦人 Elon Musk 最近宣布了太空探索領域的一項突破性進展。 2024 年,SpaceX 的龍飛船將載著太空人距離地球更遠,這是過去 50 年來的任何一次。在這太空時代的啟示中,加密貨幣愛好者忍不住向馬斯克詢問他將狗狗幣(DOGE)帶入太空的計劃。

While Dogecoin’s extraterrestrial aspirations gained attention, it’s essential to note that SpaceX has already accepted Dogecoin (DOGE) payment for the DOGE-1 Mission. Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC) facilitated this transaction, contributing to the rebooking of the delayed mission initially planned for 2021. With almost 214 million Dogecoin (DOGE) in recent massive transactions, Dogecoin’s journey remains a subject of fascination within the crypto community.

雖然狗狗幣的外星願望引起了人們的關注,但值得注意的是,SpaceX 已經接受了 DOGE-1 任務的狗狗幣 (DOGE) 付款。 Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC) 促成了此次交易,為原計劃於2021 年推遲的任務重新預訂做出了貢獻。最近的大規模交易中狗狗幣(DOGE) 近2.14 億枚,狗狗幣的旅程仍然是加密社群中令人著迷的話題。

Cardano (ADA)’s Bullish Momentum in the Crypto Universe


Cardano (ADA), analyzed by Dan Gambardello of Crypto Capital Venture, is poised for a bullish narrative in the upcoming bull run. Drawing parallels with ADA’s historical performance before Bitcoin Halving, Gambardello highlights ADA’s potential to surpass expectations. Despite ADA being down from its all-time high, historical trends suggest the possibility of an 1800% gain, reaching $10 in the next bull run.

Crypto Capital Venture 的 Dan Gambardello 分析稱,卡爾達諾(ADA)在即將到來的牛市中將呈現看漲的態勢。 Gambardello 與 ADA 在比特幣減半之前的歷史表現進行了比較,強調了 ADA 超越預期的潛力。儘管 ADA 從歷史高點回落,但歷史趨勢表明,其有可能上漲 1800%,在下一次多頭市場中達到 10 美元。

Gambardello’s cautious optimism resonates with previous predictions, including ADA’s potential rise to $11 at a $400 billion market cap. Comparing ADA to ETH, he envisions Cardano (ADA) hitting a $350 billion market cap in the next bull run, signalling substantial growth. Cardano’s DeFi functionalities and market cap projections underscore its significance in the evolving crypto landscape.

Gambardello 的謹慎樂觀態度與先前的預測相符,包括 ADA 市值可能升至 11 美元,市值達 4000 億美元。將 ADA 與 ETH 進行比較,他預計 Cardano (ADA) 的市值將在下一次牛市中達到 3500 億美元,這標誌著大幅增長。卡爾達諾的 DeFi 功能和市值預測強調了其在不斷發展的加密貨幣領域的重要性。

DeeStream (DST): Revolutionizing Streaming with Inclusivity

DeeStream (DST):以包容性革新串流媒體

Amidst the prominent cryptocurrencies, DeeStream (DST) emerges as a significant player in the streaming sector. Introducing a decentralized platform, DeeStream (DST), addresses the limitations of centralized streaming services. By giving content creators and viewers more control, enabling quick financial transactions, and reducing fees, DeeStream (DST) leads a significant change.

在眾多著名的加密貨幣中,DeeStream (DST) 成為串流媒體領域的重要參與者。引入去中心化平台 DeeStream (DST),解決了中心化串流服務的限制。透過為內容創作者和觀眾提供更多控制權、實現快速金融交易並降低費用,DeeStream (DST) 引領了一場重大變革。

What makes DeeStream (DST) stand out is its dedication to inclusivity. The platform welcomes Dogecoin (DOGE) and Cardano (ADA) holders, acknowledging the diverse crypto community. This collaborative approach positions DeeStream (DST) as a platform valuing user engagement and community involvement.

DeeStream (DST) 之所以脫穎而出,是因為它致力於包容性。該平台歡迎狗狗幣(DOGE)和卡爾達諾(ADA)持有者,承認多元化的加密社群。這種協作方法將 DeeStream (DST) 定位為重視用戶參與和社群參與的平台。

DeeStream’s presale phase is a crucial moment for early supporters to play a key role in a project aiming for a substantial share of the live-streaming market. By combining streaming with blockchain advantages, DeeStream (DST) not only innovates in the streaming space but also lays the foundation for a more democratic and user-focused future in digital content sharing.

DeeStream 的預售階段是早期支持者在一個旨在佔據直播市場份額的專案中發揮關鍵作用的關鍵時刻。透過將串流媒體與區塊鏈優勢相結合,DeeStream(DST)不僅在串流媒體領域進行創新,而且為數位內容共享領域更加民主和以用戶為中心的未來奠定了基礎。

As DeeStream (DST) invites Dogecoin (DOGE) and Cardano (ADA) enthusiasts to join its revolution, it emphasizes the platform’s vision of connecting crypto giants and creating an energetic and inclusive streaming ecosystem. The presale offers an exciting opportunity for those wanting to be pioneers in this intersection of streaming and blockchain technology. DeeStream’s journey signifies not only disruption but also a promising and transformative era in the digital content domain.

DeeStream (DST) 邀請狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和卡爾達諾 (ADA) 愛好者加入其革命,強調了該平台連接加密巨頭並創建充滿活力和包容性的串流生態系統的願景。對於那些希望成為串流媒體和區塊鏈技術交叉領域先驅的人來說,預售提供了一個令人興奮的機會。 DeeStream 的旅程不僅標誌著數位內容領域的顛覆,而且標誌著一個充滿希望和變革的時代。

Find out more about the DeeStream (DST) presale by visiting the website here

請訪問此處的網站,以了解有關 DeeStream (DST) 預售的更多信息


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