首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣 (DOGE) 預計將突破 30% 上漲至 10 美分,原因如下

Dogecoin (DOGE) Poised for 30% Breakout Rally to 10 Cents, Here’s Why

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 預計將突破 30% 上漲至 10 美分,原因如下

發布: 2024/02/14 10:32 閱讀: 682



  • Dogecoin (DOGE) price climbed approximately 3% this week, nearing $0.0811.
  • 狗狗幣 (DOGE) 價格本週上漲約 3%,接近 0.0811 美元。

  • DOGE exhibits a symmetrical triangle consolidation pattern, suggesting potential high volatility.
  • DOGE 呈現對稱三角形盤整模式,顯示潛在的高波動性。

  • Analysts anticipate a breakout if DOGE breaches triangle resistance at $0.09, potentially leading to a 30% surge.
  • 分析師預計,如果 DOGE 突破 0.09 美元的三角形阻力位,就會出現突破,可能會導致 30% 的飆升。

The price of the meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin (DOGE) has climbed roughly 3% this week to trade near $0.0811. The mid-cap altcoin now signals an imminent bullish breakout as technical and on-chain factors align for further upside after a grueling two-year bear market.

迷因加密貨幣狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的價格本週上漲了約 3%,交易價格接近 0.0811 美元。在經歷了兩年的熊市之後,隨著技術和鏈上因素的結合,這種中型山寨幣現在預示著看漲突破即將到來。

A confluence of tailwinds seems to be propelling the Elon Musk-backed token as the wider crypto space awakens from its slumber in 2023. For starters, Dogecoin has carved out a symmetrical triangle consolidation on its price chart, typically a precursor to high volatility.

隨著更廣泛的加密貨幣領域在2023 年從沉睡中醒來,一系列順風車似乎正在推動馬斯克支持的代幣的發展。首先,狗狗幣在其價格圖表上形​​成了一個對稱的三角形整合,這通常是高波動性的前兆。

Can Dogecoin surge higher?


Crypto analyst Captain Faibik notes DOGE appears on the verge of breaching triangle resistance around $0.09. A convincing move above that level could ignite a 30% price explosion toward the psychologically important 10 cent mark.

加密貨幣分析師 Captain Faibik 指出,DOGE 似乎即將突破約 0.09 美元的三角形阻力位。令人信服地突破該水平可能會引發 30% 的價格暴漲,逼近具有重要心理意義的 10 美分大關。

Additionally, if Dogecoin can close consistently above its 200-week moving average, currently around $0.06, it would confirm a new rising trend emerging. This key moving average held stoutly as support during past crypto bull runs.

此外,如果狗狗幣收盤價能夠持續高於其 200 週移動均線(目前約為 0.06 美元),則將證實新的上漲趨勢正在出現。在過去的加密貨幣多頭市場中,這條關鍵移動平均線一直作為支撐。

Fundamentals likely support the bullish DOGE narrative as well. Statistics show the network now supports nearly 7 million non-zero addresses, highlighting deep liquidity. Also, real-world integration continues to expand through payments and an upcoming SpaceX moon project.

基本面也可能支持狗狗看漲的說法。統計數據顯示,該網路目前支援近 700 萬個非零位址,凸顯了深度的流動性。此外,透過支付和即將推出的 SpaceX 月球項目,現實世界的整合繼續擴大。

Of course, sustaining any post-breakout Dogecoin upside hinges on broader crypto strength persisting. However, with Bitcoin crossing $50,000 this week for the first time since 2021, the environment seems ripe for mean coin mania to return.

當然,狗狗幣突破後能否維持上漲勢頭取決於更廣泛的加密貨幣力量的持續存在。然而,隨著比特幣本周自 2021 年以來首次突破 5 萬美元,平均硬幣狂熱捲土重來的環境似乎已經成熟。

So as legacy holders continue accumulating DOGE near multi-year lows, the stage may be set for fireworks if overhead resistance gives way. The coming weeks seem poised to redefine Dogecoin’s outlook after years of false starts. An enduring break past 10 cents would reinvigorate the bull case for one of crypto’s most iconic pioneers.

因此,隨著傳統持有者繼續在多年低點附近累積 DOGE,如果上方阻力消失,煙火表演的舞台可能會到來。在經歷了多年的失敗之後,未來幾週似乎將重新定義狗狗幣的前景。對於加密貨幣最具標誌性的先驅之一來說,持續突破 10 美分將為牛市注入新的活力。


  • 狗狗幣鯨魚活動
  • 狗狗幣挖礦
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