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Striking Similarities Between Dogecoin And PEPE Suggests An Impending Breakout

狗狗幣和 PEPE 之間的驚人相似之處表明即將出現突破

發布: 2023/12/31 06:11 閱讀: 724



Max Schwartzman, the CEO of crypto analysis platform Because Bitcoin, has drawn similarities between meme coins Dogecoin (DOGE) and PEPE. If history is to repeat itself, then a price breakout could be on the horizon for PEPE. 

加密貨幣分析平台Because Bitcoin的執行長馬克斯·施瓦茨曼(Max Schwartzman)指出了迷因幣狗狗幣(DOGE)和PEPE之間的相似之處。如果歷史重演,那麼 PEPE 的價格突破可能即將到來。

PEPE Sharing A Similar Pattern As DOGE In 2020

2020 年 PEPE 與 DOGE 有著相似的模式

In a post on his X (formerly Twitter) platform, Schwartzman drew the crypto community’s attention to “some striking similarities” between PEPE in 2023 and DOGE in 2020. From the accompanying chart that he shared, one could see that PEPE’s price movement in 2023 is identical to DOGE’s in 2020.

Schwartzman 在他的X(以前的Twitter)平台上發表的一篇文章中,提請加密社群注意2023 年的PEPE 和2020 年的DOGE 之間「一些驚人的相似之處」。從他分享的附圖中,人們可以看到2023 年PEPE 的價格走勢與 2020 年 DOGE 相同。

If PEPE is to continue moving in a similar pattern, then the meme coin’s price could break out in 2024. PEPE’s price has been consolidating since November, just like DOGE’s price did between May 2020 and the new year before it rose to its all-time high of $0.7 in May 2021. DOGE surged by over 26,000% to hit that price level. 

如果PEPE 繼續以類似的模式波動,那麼meme 幣的價格可能會在2024 年突破。PEPE 的價格自11 月以來一直在盤整,就像DOGE 的價格在2020 年5 月到新年期間上漲至歷史最高水平同樣2021 年 5 月達到 0.7 美元的高點。DOGE 飆升超過 26,000%,達到該價格水準。

Therefore, there is the possibility that 2024 could be PEPE’s breakout year, in which it goes on to enjoy a similar run as DOGE did in 2021. Interestingly, the striking similarities between both meme coins aren’t only on the charts. Schwartzman highlighted the fact that PEPE’s current market cap of about $600 million was also DOGE’s market cap as of December 2020. 

因此,2024 年有可能是 PEPE 的突破年,它將繼續享受與 DOGE 在 2021 年類似的表現。有趣的是,這兩種 meme 代幣之間驚人的相似之處不僅體現在圖表上。 Schwartzman 強調,PEPE 目前約 6 億美元的市值也是 DOGE 截至 2020 年 12 月的市值。

PEPE spearheaded the meme coin frenzy back in May, as the crypto token was an instant hit upon its launch in April 2023. It became one of the most traded tokens during that period, with its price skyrocketing as a result. In August, the PEPE ecosystem experienced a setback as some ex-team members sold off more than half of its vested tokens.

PEPE 早在 5 月就引領了迷因幣熱潮,因為該加密代幣在 2023 年 4 月推出後立即引起轟動。它成為該時期交易量最大的代幣之一,其價格也因此飆升。 8 月份,PEPE 生態系統經歷了挫折,一些前團隊成員出售了一半以上的既得代幣。

PEPE’s Success Hinged On Ethereum’s

PEPE 的成功取決於以太坊

Max Schwartzman also highlighted a correlation between the Pepe coin and Ethereum. He mentioned that the former has been trading “like a leveraged Ethereum ETF” since earlier this year. PEPE is said to pump whenever ETH does and dumps whenever ETH does. As such, the crypto founder believes that PEPE could be the “meme coin of choice for Ethereum this cycle.”

Max Schwartzman 也強調了佩佩幣和以太坊之間的相關性。他提到,前者自今年初以來一直「像槓桿以太坊 ETF 一樣」進行交易。據說,每當 ETH 上漲時,PEPE 就會上漲,每當 ETH 上漲時,PEPE 就會下跌。因此,這位加密貨幣創始人認為 PEPE 可能是「以太坊本週期的首選迷因幣」。

Crypto analyst Crypto Kaleo also recently stated that he sees PEPE printing new all-time highs once ETH starts to move. He likened the relationship between both crypto tokens to something similar to the one between SOL and BONK

加密貨幣分析師 Crypto Kaleo 最近也表示,一旦 ETH 開始波動,他認為 PEPE 將創下歷史新高。他將兩種加密代幣之間的關係比喻為 SOL 和 BONK 之間的關係。

BONK saw new all-time highs on the back of SOL’s resurgence. The meme coin also climbed up to become the third-largest dog coin by market cap in the process. 

SOL 復甦後,BONK 創下歷史新高。過程中,米姆幣也攀升成為市值第三大的狗幣。

Following a slow start, ETH seems ready for a significant rally, which means that PEPE could also move to the upside anytime soon, based on Schwartzman and Kaleo’s analysis. 

在經歷了緩慢的開局之後,ETH 似乎已經準備好迎接大幅上漲,這意味著根據 Schwartzman 和 Kaleo 的分析,PEPE 也可能很快就會上漲。


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