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Avalanche Foundation Decides to Add Meme Coins to Its Portfolio

Avalanche 基金會決定將 Meme 幣加入其投資組合中

發布: 2023/12/31 07:01 閱讀: 238



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您也可以在 COINTURK 新聞上閱讀此新聞:Avalanche 基金會決定將 Meme 幣添加到其投資組合中

  • Avalanche Foundation to include meme coins in its portfolio.
  • Avalanche 基金會將迷因幣納入其​​投資組合。

  • Emin Gün Sirer addresses skepticism and supports the decision.
  • Emin Gün Sirer 回應了質疑並支持這項決定。

  • AVAX price fluctuates following the announcement.
  • AVAX 價格在公告發布後波動。

On December 29, 2023, the non-profit power behind the Avalanche (AVAX) L1 ecosystem, the Avalanche Foundation, made a critical decision. According to the decision, it was announced that some meme coins would be added to the foundation’s portfolio. Following this, Emin Gün Sirer, co-founder of Ava Labs, made statements to address the concerns and criticisms of skeptics.

2023 年 12 月 29 日,Avalanche (AVAX) L1 生態系統背後的非營利組織 Avalanche 基金會做出了一項關鍵決定。根據該決定,宣布一些模因幣將被添加到基金會的投資組合中。隨後,Ava Labs 共同創辦人 Emin Gün Sirer 發表聲明,回應懷疑論者的擔憂和批評。

What Does Emin Gün Sirer Think?


Emin Gün Sirer, the co-founder of Ava Labs, who has often been mentioned in the past, stated in his post on X (formerly known as Twitter):

過去經常被提及的 Ava Labs 聯合創始人 Emin Gün Sirer 在 X(以前稱為 Twitter)上的帖子中表示:

People trying to fade out memecoins are of the same kind as those who tried to fade out pop music in the 60s, called Banksy a vandal in the 80s, and slammed rap in the 90s.

試圖淡出迷因幣的人與那些試圖淡出 60 年代流行音樂、在 80 年代稱班克斯為破壞者、在 90 年代猛烈抨擊說唱的人是同一類人。

Sirer also applauded the decisions and investment plan of the Avalanche Foundation in the field of meme coins.


The co-founder of Ava Labs mentioned that the Avalanche (AVAX) ecosystem has a lot of corporate activity, while highlighting that the Foundation could afford to invest some of its funds into certain meme coins.

Ava Labs 的共同創辦人提到 Avalanche (AVAX) 生態系統有許多企業活動,同時強調基金會有能力將部分資金投資到某些迷因幣。

At the same time, Sirer, who also made a self-criticism, noted that it took him some time to personally understand the value of meme coins. He also slightly targeted Elon Musk, stating that he did not support Musk’s semi-ironic advancement of Dogecoin (DOGE) in the first quarter of 2021.

同時,Sirer也做出了自我批評,他指出,他花了一些時間才親自了解米姆幣的價值。他也略微針對伊隆馬斯克,表示他不支持馬斯克在 2021 年第一季半諷刺地推進狗狗幣(DOGE)。

However, after all this process, he acknowledged the cultural existence and importance of the meme coin era, as well as its impact on the market. Now, according to him, people’s favorite coins no longer necessarily need roadmaps and ambitious scalability promises. To clarify the issue, Emin Gün Sirer drew a parallel between buying meme coins and owning luxury clothing items:

然而,經過這個過程,他承認了迷因幣時代的文化存在和重要性,以及它對市場的影響。現在,據他說,人們最喜歡的代幣不再需要路線圖和雄心勃勃的可擴展性承諾。為了澄清這個問題,Emin Gün Sirer 將購買迷因幣和擁有奢侈服裝進行了類比:

Do I have any Balenciaga clothing? No. Does Balenciaga keep you warmer than other clothes? No. But is Balenciaga “holding back” the clothing field? Also no. It serves its own special audience very well. Its existence as a clothing brand is a clear positive.

我有Balenciaga 的衣服嗎?不會。Balenciaga 比其他衣服保暖嗎?不是。但巴黎世家是否在服裝領域「拖後腿」?也沒有。它很好地服務於自己的特殊觀眾。它作為服裝品牌的存在是一個明顯的積極因素。

Following the recent announcement, the price of AVAX, the native cryptocurrency of the Avalanche blockchain, rose from $39 to over $42 but then followed the general market downturn and fell back to $39.5.

在最近的公告發布後,Avalanche 區塊鏈的原生加密貨幣 AVAX 的價格從 39 美元上漲至 42 美元以上,但隨後隨著市場整體低迷而回落至 39.5 美元。

Memecoins Valuable If Entertaining

如果有趣,Memecoin 就很有價值

The leading figure of Avalanche (AVAX) also spoke again about all the risks of investing in meme coins. According to him, aside from increased volatility, prices are affected not by fundamentals but solely by rumors.


When the narrative of this or that meme coin loses its “fun”, it becomes insignificant, so all traders and investors must be very careful.


Following the decision of the Avalanche Foundation, some meme coins on the Avalanche (AVAX) blockchain have seen a rise in recent days. Coq Inu (COQ) and Shibavax (SHIBX) prices have attracted attention with double and even triple-digit increases.

根據 Avalanche 基金會的決定,Avalanche (AVAX) 區塊鏈上的一些 Meme 幣最近幾天有所上漲。 Coq Inu (COQ) 和 Shibavax (SHIBX) 的價格以兩位數甚至三位數的漲幅引起了人們的注意。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Avalanche Foundation Decides to Add Meme Coins to Its Portfolio

該帖子首次出現在 COINTURK 新聞上:Avalanche 基金會決定將 Meme 幣添加到其投資組合中


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