フロントページ > 情報ニュース > Avalanche FoundationはMemeコインをポートフォリオに追加することを決定

Avalanche Foundation Decides to Add Meme Coins to Its Portfolio

Avalanche FoundationはMemeコインをポートフォリオに追加することを決定

リリース: 2023/12/31 07:01 読む: 238



You can also read this news on COINTURK NEWS: Avalanche Foundation Decides to Add Meme Coins to Its Portfolio

COINTURK NEWS でもこのニュースを読むことができます: Avalanche Foundation がポートフォリオにミームコインを追加することを決定

  • Avalanche Foundation to include meme coins in its portfolio.
  • Avalanche Foundationはポートフォリオにミームコインを含める予定です。

  • Emin Gün Sirer addresses skepticism and supports the decision.
  • エミン・ギュン・シレール氏は懐疑論に対処し、この決定を支持する。

  • AVAX price fluctuates following the announcement.
  • AVAXの価格は発表後に変動します。

On December 29, 2023, the non-profit power behind the Avalanche (AVAX) L1 ecosystem, the Avalanche Foundation, made a critical decision. According to the decision, it was announced that some meme coins would be added to the foundation’s portfolio. Following this, Emin Gün Sirer, co-founder of Ava Labs, made statements to address the concerns and criticisms of skeptics.

2023 年 12 月 29 日、Avalanche (AVAX) L1 エコシステムを支える非営利団体である Avalanche Foundation は重要な決定を下しました。この決定に従って、いくつかのミームコインが財団のポートフォリオに追加されることが発表されました。これに続いて、Ava Labsの共同創設者であるEmin Gün Sirer氏は、懐疑論者の懸念と批判に対処する声明を発表した。

What Does Emin Gün Sirer Think?


Emin Gün Sirer, the co-founder of Ava Labs, who has often been mentioned in the past, stated in his post on X (formerly known as Twitter):

過去によく名前が挙がったAva Labsの共同創設者、Emin Gün Sirer氏は、X(旧Twitter)への投稿で次のように述べている。

People trying to fade out memecoins are of the same kind as those who tried to fade out pop music in the 60s, called Banksy a vandal in the 80s, and slammed rap in the 90s.


Sirer also applauded the decisions and investment plan of the Avalanche Foundation in the field of meme coins.


The co-founder of Ava Labs mentioned that the Avalanche (AVAX) ecosystem has a lot of corporate activity, while highlighting that the Foundation could afford to invest some of its funds into certain meme coins.

Ava Labsの共同創設者は、Avalanche(AVAX)エコシステムには多くの企業活動があると述べ、同時に財団には資金の一部を特定のミームコインに投資する余裕があることを強調した。

At the same time, Sirer, who also made a self-criticism, noted that it took him some time to personally understand the value of meme coins. He also slightly targeted Elon Musk, stating that he did not support Musk’s semi-ironic advancement of Dogecoin (DOGE) in the first quarter of 2021.


However, after all this process, he acknowledged the cultural existence and importance of the meme coin era, as well as its impact on the market. Now, according to him, people’s favorite coins no longer necessarily need roadmaps and ambitious scalability promises. To clarify the issue, Emin Gün Sirer drew a parallel between buying meme coins and owning luxury clothing items:


Do I have any Balenciaga clothing? No. Does Balenciaga keep you warmer than other clothes? No. But is Balenciaga “holding back” the clothing field? Also no. It serves its own special audience very well. Its existence as a clothing brand is a clear positive.


Following the recent announcement, the price of AVAX, the native cryptocurrency of the Avalanche blockchain, rose from $39 to over $42 but then followed the general market downturn and fell back to $39.5.

最近の発表を受けて、Avalanche ブロックチェーンのネイティブ暗号通貨である AVAX の価格は 39 ドルから 42 ドル以上に上昇しましたが、その後市場全体の下落を受けて 39.5 ドルに戻りました。

Memecoins Valuable If Entertaining


The leading figure of Avalanche (AVAX) also spoke again about all the risks of investing in meme coins. According to him, aside from increased volatility, prices are affected not by fundamentals but solely by rumors.

Avalanche (AVAX) の主要人物も、ミームコインへの投資のあらゆるリスクについて改めて語った。同氏によると、ボラティリティの上昇は別として、価格はファンダメンタルズによって影響されるのではなく、噂によってのみ影響を受けるという。

When the narrative of this or that meme coin loses its “fun”, it becomes insignificant, so all traders and investors must be very careful.


Following the decision of the Avalanche Foundation, some meme coins on the Avalanche (AVAX) blockchain have seen a rise in recent days. Coq Inu (COQ) and Shibavax (SHIBX) prices have attracted attention with double and even triple-digit increases.

Avalanche Foundationの決定を受けて、Avalanche(AVAX)ブロックチェーン上の一部のミームコインがここ数日で上昇している。 Coq Inu(COQ)とShibavax(SHIBX)の価格は2桁、さらには3桁の上昇で注目を集めています。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Avalanche Foundation Decides to Add Meme Coins to Its Portfolio

この投稿は COINTURK NEWS に最初に掲載されました: Avalanche Foundation がポートフォリオにミームコインを追加することを決定


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