首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 研究:40% 的人因迷因而進入加密貨幣領域:83% 30 歲以下的人推動新趨勢

Study: 40% Jumped Into Crypto for Memes: The 83% Under 30 Driving New Trends

研究:40% 的人因迷因而進入加密貨幣領域:83% 30 歲以下的人推動新趨勢

發布: 2023/07/24 14:00 閱讀: 835

原文作者:BTC Peers


A new study reveals a growing link between internet humor and cryptocurrency adoption. Conducted by our team of researchers at the BTC Peers, this nationwide survey provides insights into the meme culture attracting crypto newcomers.

一項新研究揭示了網路幽默與加密貨幣採用之間的關聯日益緊密。這項全國性調查由我們 BTC Peers 的研究團隊進行,提供了吸引加密貨幣新手的迷因文化的見解。

We anonymously polled 2,531 Americans aged 18-40 who currently own cryptocurrencies. Randomized sampling ensured demographic diversity. Each individual completed a 55-question survey detailing their motivations, behaviors, and preferences.

我們對 2,531 名目前擁有加密貨幣的 18-40 歲美國人進行了匿名調查。隨機抽樣確保了人口多樣性。每個人都完成了一份包含 55 個問題的調查,詳細說明了他們的動機、行為和偏好。

Responses were anonymized via cryptographic hashing before analysis. Statisticians aggregated findings and quantified margins of error to validate accuracy. This methodology yielded statistically valid results.


The Rise of the Meme Investor


The standout finding? 40% of respondents cited memes and viral jokes as a major factor initially drawing them into crypto investing. This highlights humor's rising power as an onboarding catalyst.

傑出的發現? 40% 的受訪者將迷因和病毒式笑話視為最初吸引他們進行加密貨幣投資的主要因素。這突顯了幽默作為入職催化劑的力量不斷增強。

Unlike traditional investors motivated by profit potential, meme buyers are attracted to cryptocurrency more for entertainment, social connection, and being part of an online movement. As one user explained:


"I bought Dogecoin after seeing memes about its price skyrocketing. The jokes made it feel like a fun club to join."


This cohort is largely driven by emotion versus logic. When asked their number one goal for owning crypto, just 11% prioritized monetary gains. Instead, the majority are in it for amusement and social belonging.

這個群體很大程度上是由情感與邏輯所驅動的。當被問及擁有加密貨幣的首要目標時,只有 11% 的人優先考慮金​​錢利益。相反,大多數人是為了娛樂和社會歸屬感。

"For me it's all about being part of the hype and joke," a respondent noted. "The profits are secondary."

「對我來說,這就是成為炒作和笑話的一部分,」一位受訪者指出。 “利潤是次要的。”

Memes as an Educational Gateway


Beyond driving initial interest, memes provide an accessible entry point for building crypto literacy. 65% agreed that internet humor helps them better grasp complex concepts like blockchain technology.

除了激發最初的興趣之外,迷因還為培養加密素養提供了一個可訪問的切入點。 65% 的人認為網路幽默可以幫助他們更好地掌握區塊鏈技術等複雜概念。

"The memes make intimidating stuff like decentralized networks feel more relatable," one participant said. "They spark enough curiosity to really dive into the details."

一位參與者表示:“這些模因讓去中心化網絡等令人生畏的東西變得更具相關性。” “它們激發了足夠的好奇心,讓我們真正深入細節。”

59% also favored memes as their preferred method for learning about new currencies and projects. Memes not only provide exposure to novel technologies, but allow individuals to absorb information in a memorable format.

59% 的人也喜歡 meme 作為他們了解新貨幣和項目的首選方法。迷因不僅讓人們接觸新技術,也讓人們以令人難忘的方式吸收資訊。

When Memes Influence Asset Purchases


Within this cohort, memes directly impact actual investment choices and behaviors:


  • 72% selected meme coin Dogecoin as their favorite cryptocurrency.
  • 72% 的人選擇迷因幣狗狗幣作為他們最喜歡的加密貨幣。

  • 57% admitted crypto-related memes affect which assets they purchase.
  • 57% 的人承認加密貨幣相關的迷因會影響他們購買的資產。

This demonstrates memes' power in steering capital flows by informing buyers' decisions. Many investors in this demographic discover and evaluate new projects via viral meme content.


Information Sources: Social Beats Traditional Media


These investors turn to very different sources than traditional buyers:


  • 89% get their crypto news from social media platforms versus mainstream finance outlets.
  • 89% 的人從社群媒體平台而不是主流金融管道獲取加密貨幣新聞。

Platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and TikTok act as both information channels and venues for collective discussion. Memes naturally proliferate through these networks.

Twitter、Reddit、TikTok 等平台既是資訊管道,也是集體討論的場所。迷因透過這些網路自然擴散。

"I learn about the best cryptos and newest trends through meme posts," one respondent explained. "Social media is where these jokes and ideas spread."

「我透過迷因貼文了解最好的加密貨幣和最新趨勢,」一位受訪者解釋道。 “社交媒體是這些笑話和想法傳播的地方。”

Demographic and Trading Divergences


Demographically, 83% of meme-motivated investors fall under the Millennial or Gen Z cohorts. Younger generations exhibit greater participation in meme culture.

從人口結構來看,83% 的迷因投資者屬於千禧世代或 Z 世代。年輕一代對迷因文化的參與程度更高。

Behaviorally, this group trades cryptocurrency 33% more actively than typical buyers, driven to react to the latest viral stimuli.

從行為上看,由於對最新的病毒式刺激做出反應,該群體的加密貨幣交易比典型買家活躍 33%。

Key Meme Investor Profile Insights:


  • 40% bought into crypto predominantly for the memes
  • 40% 的人購買加密貨幣主要是為了迷因

  • 72% favor Dogecoin as top holding
  • 72% 的人青睞狗狗幣作為頭號持有者

  • 65% say memes help understanding of blockchain concepts
  • 65% 的人表示表情包有助於理解區塊鏈概念

  • 89% turn to social media over mainstream finance outlets
  • 89% 的受訪者轉向社群媒體而非主流金融管道

  • 57% admit memes influence purchase decisions
  • 57% 承認模因影響購買決策

  • 83% are Millennials or younger
  • 83% 是千禧世代或更年輕

  • Trade 33% more actively than non-meme investors
  • 交易比非 meme 投資者活躍 33%

Understanding This Emerging Investor Psychographic


For cryptocurrency firms, understanding these psychographic distinctions is imperative. Traditional models of profit-focused, risk-averse investors do not apply to a sizeable portion of newcomers.


As one industry executive noted: "We are seeing a new breed driven by different stimuli. Memes and humor attract a very different type of buyer than purely financial marketing."


"Many of these new investors are drawn in and make decisions very differently than crypto veterans. It's critical we adapt to meet their expectations and behaviors."


While long dismissed as a niche fad, meme-fueled investing is rapidly going mainstream. This research quantifies its expanding reach. Cryptocurrency is no longer a purely financial domain - it intersects with entertainment, culture, and community.


Memetic Marketing - An Emerging Cryptocurrency Force


Accordingly, crypto firms incorporating memes and viral social media may enhance appeal to Millennial/Gen Z demographics. Platforms like Robinhood have found early success utilizing memes for user acquisition.

因此,結合迷因和病毒式社交媒體的加密貨幣公司可能會增強對千禧世代/Z 世代人口的吸引力。像 Robinhood 這樣的平台已經在利用迷因來獲取用戶方面取得了早期成功。

"When Dogecoin mooned, I realized there were profits to be made leveraging the hype cycles," one respondent noted. "I learn about new cryptos through meme trends now."

「當狗狗幣出現時,我意識到可以利用炒作週期來賺取利潤,」一位受訪者指出。 “我現在透過模因趨勢了解新的加密貨幣。”

Rather than superficial distractions, data shows memes can provide liquidity and engagement benefits. This research indicates memes have become a portal welcoming a new generation into cryptocurrency participation.


In summary, the emerging "meme investor" cohort exhibits very distinct priorities, behaviors, demographics, and information channels compared to traditional buyers. As internet humor reshapes cryptocurrency's image, understanding and adapating to this lucrative new segment will likely prove key to future growth.



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