首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 比特幣超級盃:Jack Dorsey 的 Satoshi T 卹廣告、Elon Musk、RFK Jr 競選廣告

Super Bowl Bitcoin: Jack Dorsey’s Satoshi T-shirt Ad, Elon Musk, RFK Jr Campaign Ad

比特幣超級盃:Jack Dorsey 的 Satoshi T 卹廣告、Elon Musk、RFK Jr 競選廣告

發布: 2024/02/12 17:34 閱讀: 538

原文作者:Coingape News Media


Crypto enthusiasts were disappointed with no official crypto-related ads this season, but Jack Dorsey’s appearance at the NFL Super Bowl LVIII wearing a Satoshi T-shirt was enough to grab enough attention from the media and the crypto community.

加密貨幣愛好者對本季沒有與加密貨幣相關的官方廣告感到失望,但 Jack Dorsey 穿著中本聰 T 卹出現在第 58 屆 NFL 超級盃比賽中,足以吸引媒體和加密社群的足夠關注。

Moreover, there were indirect crypto-related references, including Dogecoin fan Elon Musk attending the game with his son and pro-Bitcoin presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s surprise campaign ad.

此外,還有與加密貨幣相關的間接參考,包括狗狗幣粉絲埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)與他的兒子一起觀看比賽,以及支持比特幣的總統候選人小羅伯特·F·肯尼迪(Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)的令人驚訝的競選廣告。

Jack Dorsey Promotes Bitcoin with Satoshi T-shirt

Jack Dorsey 透過中本聰 T 卹宣傳比特幣

Bitcoin maxi Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Block Inc, was spotted with Jay-Z and Beyoncé wearing a ‘Satoshi’ t-shirt at the Super Bowl LVIII game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers. Chiefs won against 49ers in a thrilling overtime.

Block Inc 聯合創始人比特幣 maxi Jack Dorsey 在堪薩斯城酋長隊和舊金山 49 人隊之間的第 58 屆超級碗比賽中被發現與 Jay-Z 和碧昂絲一起穿著“Satoshi”T 卹。酋長隊在一場激動人心的加時賽中擊敗了49人隊。

Scott Melker, host of The Wolf of All Street Podcast, believes Jack Dorsey wearing a t-shirt that highlights Satoshi is basically like a Bitcoin ad. He also added that “sitting with Beyonce and Jay-Z which is huge for crypto.”

《街頭之狼》播客主持人史考特梅爾克認為,傑克多西穿著一件突出中本聰的 T 卹基本上就像是比特幣廣告。他還補充說,“與 Beyonce 和 Jay-Z 坐在一起,這對加密貨幣來說意義重大。”

Fox journalist Eleanor Terrett asserts her report on no crypto ads this year was right. Terrett added that she couldn’t have predicted Jack Dorsey wearing a Satoshi t-shirt at the Super Bowl.

福克斯新聞記者 Eleanor Terrett 堅稱,她關於今年沒有加密貨幣廣告的報導是正確的。特雷特補充說,她無法預測傑克多爾西會在超級盃比賽中穿著中本聰的 T 卹。

Other crypto enthusiasts were also pleased with Jack Dorsey endorsing Bitcoin at the major event after crypto companies failed to bring enough boost to the crypto market with an ad.


Also Read: 5 Reasons Why Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) Price Is Rising

另請閱讀:Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) 價格上漲的 5 個原因

Elon Musk and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Campaign Ad


Elon Musk’s appearance with his son at the Super Bowl also sparked speculation in the crypto community, especially the Dogecoin community.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s election campaign ad during the Super Bowl was a surprise. It was a direct callback to an ad John F. Kennedy ran in 1960 when he was running for president. Pro-Bitcoin presidential candidate RFK Jr. has spoken many times in support of Bitcoin calling it a “currency of freedom.”

小羅伯特·F·甘迺迪在超級盃期間的競選廣告令人驚訝。這是對約翰·F·肯尼迪 (John F. Kennedy) 1960 年競選總統時投放的廣告的直接呼應。支持比特幣的總統候選人 RFK Jr. 曾多次發表支持比特幣的言論,稱其為「自由貨幣」。

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. took to X saying sorry to his family. He said the ad was created and aired by the American Values Super PAC without approval. Also, the FEC rules prohibit Super PACs from consulting with candidates or their staff.

小羅伯特·F·肯尼迪 (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.) 向 X 向他的家人表示歉意。他表示,該廣告是由美國價值超級政治行動委員會未經批准製作和播出的。此外,FEC 規則禁止超級政治行動委員會諮詢候選人或其員工。

Also Read: US President Joe Biden Gets Laser Eyes, Bitcoin Maxis & Crypto Community’s Reactions

另請閱讀:美國總統喬拜登的激光眼、比特幣 Maxis 和加密社區的反應

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Varinder has 10 years of experience in the Fintech sector, with over 5 years dedicated to blockchain, crypto, and Web3 developments. Being a technology enthusiast and analytical thinker, he has shared his knowledge of disruptive technologies in over 5000+ news, articles, and papers. With CoinGape Media, Varinder believes in the huge potential of these innovative future technologies. He is currently covering all the latest updates and developments in the crypto industry.

Varinder 在金融科技領域擁有 10 年經驗,其中 5 年多致力於區塊鏈、加密貨幣和 Web3 開發。作為一名技術愛好者和分析思想家,他在 5000 多篇新聞、文章和論文中分享了他的顛覆性技術知識。 Varinder 相信 CoinGape Media 未來這些創新技術的巨大潛力。他目前正在報道加密行業的所有最新更新和發展。

The presented content may include the personal opinion of the author and is subject to market condition. Do your market research before investing in cryptocurrencies. The author or the publication does not hold any responsibility for your personal financial loss.



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