首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 該代幣本週上漲了 290%,但 Memeinator 能否在 2024 年突破它至 1 美元?

This token is up 290% this week, but could the Memeinator beat it to $1 in 2024?

該代幣本週上漲了 290%,但 Memeinator 能否在 2024 年突破它至 1 美元?

發布: 2023/11/30 22:11 閱讀: 419



該代幣本週上漲了 290%,但 Memeinator 能否在 2024 年突破它至 1 美元?

  • TerraClassicUSD is up 290% amid a positive ecosystem outlook.
  • 在積極的生態系統前景下,TerraClassicUSD 上漲了 290%。

  • Memeinator is a new AI meme token currently priced at $0.014 and in presale.
  • Memeinator 是一種新的 AI meme 代幣,目前售價為 0.014 美元並處於預售狀態。

  • Could the MMTR beat USTC to $1?
  • MMTR 能否擊敗 USTC 達到 1 美元?

TerraClassicUSD (USTC) is a token on the rise. In the past week, USTC price surged 290%, with the upside coming amid multiple positive catalysts. Meanwhile, the meme coin Memeinator continues to grind through its presale – currently in stage 7 with over $1.6 million raised.

TerraClassicUSD (USTC) 是一個正在上漲的代幣。過去一周,中科大股價飆升290%,多重利好催化劑推動上漲。與此同時,迷因幣 Memeinator 繼續進行預售,目前處於第七階段,籌集了超過 160 萬美元。

USTC is priced at $0.05 today. Will it reach $1 in 2024? Or will the Memeinator’s MMTR that’s expected to hit a final presale price of $0.049 beat it to the coveted level?

USTC 今天的價格為 0.05 美元。 2024年會達到1美元嗎?或者 Memeinator 的 MMTR 預計最終預售價為 0.049 美元,是否會超越它達到令人垂涎的水平?

What is TerraClassicUSD and why is its price rising?

什麼是 TerraClassicUSD?其價格為何上漲?

TerraClassicUSD (USTC) is one of the tokens to see significant price uptick this past week. The token’s impressive 290% spike saw its value reach $0.07. The upward momentum pushed its price to highest level since June 2022.

TerraClassicUSD (USTC) 是上週價格大幅上漲的代幣之一。該代幣令人印象深刻的 290% 飆升使其價值達到 0.07 美元。上漲勢頭將其價格推至2022年6月以來的最高水準。

Developments in the Terra ecosystem and recent news, including the listing of LUNC Binance futures, have buoyed buyers. USTC is also now tradable against the Turkish Lira (TRY) and the First Digital USD (FDUSD) stablecoin, adding to the potential for further upward pressure.

Terra 生態系統的發展和最近的新聞,包括 LUNC 幣安期貨的上市,都提振了買家。 USTC 現在還可以兌土耳其里拉(TRY)和第一個數位美元(FDUSD)穩定幣進行交易,這增加了進一步上行壓力的可能性。

LUNC burning is another factor likely to prove positive for USTC and analysts see a break above $0.1 as likely to propel USTC towards $1. This is the level the original UST token fell from when it massively depegged in May 2022.

LUNC 燃燒是另一個可能對 USTC 有利的因素,分析師認為突破 0.1 美元可能會推動 USTC 走向 1 美元。這是原始 UST 代幣在 2022 年 5 月大規模脫鉤時下跌的水平。

While a complete flip in outlook could see TerraClassicUSD price climb the charts, could the Memeinator have a better run during the bull market?

雖然前景的徹底轉變可能會導致 TerraClassicUSD 價格攀升,但 Memeinator 在牛市期間能否有更好的表現?

What is the Memeinator?

什麼是 Memeinator?

The meme coin market is quickly saturating with new projects – spurred by the astronomical gains posted by tokens such as Pepe, Bonk and Memecoin. But as industry players have pointed out, many of the tokens hitting the market are nothing short of scams and poor-quality copycats of Dogecoin and such.

在 Pepe、Bonk 和 Memecoin 等代幣帶來的天文數字收益的推動下,Meme 幣市場正在迅速因新項目而飽和。但正如業內人士指出的那樣,許多進入市場的代幣都是騙局和狗幣等劣質山寨。

Memeinator (MMTR) is looking to change that outlook. Not only is it laser-focused on destroying all the weak meme coins, it comes equipped with real utility. 

Memeinator (MMTR) 正在尋求改變這種前景。它不僅專注於摧毀所有弱模因幣,而且還具有真正的實用性。

Staking, NFTs and play-to-earn ecosystem are all etched in the Memeinator roadmap. There’s also the $250k Virgin Galactic giveaway that has seen over 600k entries.

質押、NFT 和邊玩邊賺錢的生態系統都銘刻在 Memeinator 路線圖中。還有價值 25 萬美元的維珍銀河贈品,已有超過 60 萬份參與。

The project is designed to utilise artificial intelligence tools to scan the market for subpar projects. This will see the Memescanner bring a gamified assault to worthless meme tokens via the Meme Warfare game. As players annihilate the low-quality memecoin variants, the Memeinator will rise in market cap. The target is $1 billion before going after the big dogs and frogs.

該計畫旨在利用人工智慧工具掃描市場,尋找不合格的項目。 Memescanner 將透過 Meme Warfare 遊戲對毫無價值的 Meme 代幣進行遊戲化攻擊。隨著玩家消滅低品質的 memecoin 變體,Memeinator 的市值將會上升。在追趕大狗和青蛙之前,目標是 10 億美元。

Excitement around this project has seen investors allocate more than $1.6 million to its presale.

該項目令人興奮,投資者已為其預售分配了超過 160 萬美元。

Could the Memeinator reach $1 ahead of the USTC?

Memeinator 能否領先 USTC 達到 1 美元?

The meme market in crypto is now worth over $20 billion. Meanwhile, serious projects are popping up to replace bogus ones. What’s likely is that the next Dogecoin, Shiba Inu or Floki may not be far from hitting the market.

加密貨幣領域的迷因市場目前價值超過 200 億美元。同時,嚴肅的項目不斷湧現,取代了虛假的項目。下一個狗狗幣、柴犬幣或弗洛基幣可能距離上市不遠了。

With a target of $1 billion in market cap value, the Memeinator looks to be one of the top contenders for the bull market’s new gem. Combining AI and crypto, and offering real value to the community could be a huge catalyst when MMTR hits the exchanges after its 29-stage presale.

Memeinator 的目標市值為 10 億美元,看起來是牛市新寶石最有力的競爭者之一。當 MMTR 在 29 階段預售後登陸交易所時,將人工智慧和加密貨幣結合起來,為社群提供真正的價值可能會成為巨大的催化劑。

By then, the token’s price is expected to have reached $0.049, offering potential gains of 250% on tokens purchased at current presale price of $0.014. If FOMO kicks in across the crypto market in 2024, the MMTR price could reach $0.1. A rally to $0.5 and then $1 going into 2025 might be possible.

屆時,該代幣的價格預計將達到 0.049 美元,以當前預售價格 0.014 美元購買的代幣將有 250% 的潛在收益。如果 2024 年加密貨幣市場出現 FOMO 現象,MMTR 價格可能會達到 0.1 美元。進入 2025 年,價格可能會上漲至 0.5 美元,然後上漲至 1 美元。

However, the crypto market is largely unpredictable as are other markets. Whether MMTR beats USTC to the $1 level could depend on market conditions and other token specific catalysts. But it could be a good long-term bet.

然而,與其他市場一樣,加密市場在很大程度上是不可預測的。 MMTR 是否能擊敗 USTC 達到 1 美元的水平可能取決於市場狀況和其他代幣特定的催化劑。但這可能是一個不錯的長期賭注。

Learn more or join the presale here.


Source: https://thebittimes.com/this-token-is-up-290-this-week-but-could-the-memeinator-beat-it-to-1-in-2024-tbt72187.html



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