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Dogecoin Founder Issues Critical AI Warning to Community


發布: 2023/11/30 22:12 閱讀: 668




Billy Markus, known on the X app as "Shibetoshi Nakamoto," who created the original and most popular meme coin DOGE in 2013 together with Jackson Palmer, has taken to X to share his take on possible negative prospects of the use of AI in the near future.

比利·馬庫斯(Billy Markus) 在X 應用程式中被稱為“Shibetoshi Nakamoto”,他於2013 年與傑克遜·帕爾默(Jackson Palmer) 一起創建了原創且最受歡迎的模因幣DOGE ,他在X 上分享了他對人工智慧在行業中使用可能帶來的負面前景的看法。不遠的將來。

DOGE cofounder talks about AI chat bots

DOGE 共同創辦人談論人工智慧聊天機器人

Billy Markus issued an X post that can be ironically considered a "warning" to the whole X community, including his 2.1 million personal followers.

Billy Markus 發布了一篇 X 帖子,諷刺的是,這篇帖子可以被視為對整個 X 社區(包括他的 210 萬個人粉絲)的“警告”。

Markus wrote that he believes in the near future "some of your online friends will just turn out to be ai chat bots." Markus is an active X app user, and prior to that, he was an active Twitter user; he is famous for his short, ironic tweets, which are often jokes or memes, reaching into a variety of subjects, including politics and taxes.

馬庫斯寫道,他相信在不久的將來“你的一些線上朋友將變成人工智慧聊天機器人。” Markus 是一位活躍的 X 應用程式用戶,在此之前,他是一名活躍的 Twitter 用戶;他以其簡短、諷刺的推文而聞名,這些推文通常是笑話或模因,涉及各種主題,包括政治和稅收。

in the not too distant future, some of your online friends will just turn out to be ai chat bots


— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) November 29, 2023

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2023 年 11 月 29 日

Markus is also an active supporter of Elon Musk and his activities, including the rebranding of Twitter to X followed by a significant expansion of tools for content making, earning on that, and protecting free speech, which Elon Musk claimed as his goal when acquiring Twitter for $44 billion in October last year.

馬庫斯也是伊隆馬斯克及其活動的積極支持者,包括將Twitter 更名為X,隨後大幅擴展內容製作、盈利和保護言論自由的工具,埃隆馬斯克在收購Twitter 時聲稱這是他的目標去年10月價值440億美元。

This time, however, it seems he does not feel to positive about the expected fast spreading of AI, and that of chatbots based on it in particular.


Markus also watched the recently finishied Open AI drama unfolding with interest, adding sarcastic comments that he was expecting a movie about Open AI shot by Netflix or that "OpenAI should merge with FTX." The whole X app vast user base was watching the reversal of circumstances as in a good action movie.

Markus 也饒有興趣地觀看了最近完成的 Open AI 電視劇,並諷刺地評論道,他期待 Netflix 拍攝一部關於 Open AI 的電影,或者「OpenAI 應該與 FTX 合併」。整個 X 應用程式龐大的用戶群正在觀看情節的逆轉,就像一部精彩的動作電影一樣。

Elon Musk's tweet confirmed that on Nov. 20, saying that "the ratings on the OpenAI Telenovela are off the hook." This company is famous for creating ChatGPT, releasing several iterations of it.

伊隆馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 11 月 20 日的推文證實了這一點,並表示「OpenAI Telenovela 的收視率已經脫離困境」。該公司因創建 ChatGPT 並發布了多個版本而聞名。

After Musk purchased Twitter, he wrote a post, saying that he was moving from crypto to AI and accusing OpenAI's ChatGPT of being "woke." In return, he promised to found a rival AI company to create his own AI chatbot, and he did it this year, presenting the Grok AI bot on the X platform.

馬斯克收購 Twitter 後,發文表示自己正在從加密貨幣轉向人工智慧,並指責 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT 被「喚醒」。作為回報,他承諾找到一家競爭對手的人工智慧公司來創建自己的人工智慧聊天機器人,他今年做到了,在 X 平台上展示了​​ Grok 人工智慧機器人。

Happy ending of Open AI drama

Open AI 劇大團圓結局

After the founder and CEO of Open AI Sam Altman was removed from his position and president Greg Brockman left out of solidarity, they were both offered to spearhead a new AI division of Microsoft – a major investor into Open AI.

在 Open AI 的創始人兼執行長 Sam Altman 被解職、總裁 Greg Brockman 因團結而離職後,他們兩人都被邀請領導微軟新的人工智慧部門——微軟是 Open AI 的主要投資者。

Open AI CTO Mira Murati was appointed as new chief executive, but she decided she wanted to hire Altman and Brockman back in her new high-ranked position. Finally, nearly all employees of the company threatened to quit unless Altman and Brockman were brought back and the board of directors resigned.

Open AI 技術長 Mira Murati 被任命為新首席執行官,但她決定聘請 Altman 和 Brockman 重新擔任新的高階職位。最後,公司幾乎所有員工都威脅要辭職,除非奧特曼和布羅克曼被召回並且董事會辭職。

In the end, both aforementioned individuals were rehired and Altman restored as the chief executive.


Altman stated in a recent X thread that the best interests of Open AI and its mission will always be in first place for him. He admitted that there were several large misunderstandings between him and the managing board, but it is important for Altman to "learn from this experience and apply those learnings as we move forward as a company." He also welcomes the independent review made by the board regarding all what has happened recently.

Altman 在最近的 X 主題中表示,開放 AI 的最大利益及其使命對他來說永遠是第一位的。他承認他和管理委員會之間存在一些很大的誤解,但對奧特曼來說,「從這次經驗中學習並在我們作為一家公司前進時應用這些知識」很重要。他也歡迎董事會對最近發生的所有事情進行獨立審查。

The best interests of the company and the mission always come first. It is clear that there were real misunderstandings between me and members of the board. For my part, it is incredibly important to learn from this experience and apply those learnings as we move forward as a…


— Sam Altman (@sama) November 30, 2023

- Sam Altman (@sama) 2023 年 11 月 30 日


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