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Top Meme Coin Projects for 2024: Memeinator, Dogecoin, and Bonk

2024 年頂級 Meme 幣專案:Memeinator、Dogecoin 和 Bonk

發布: 2024/01/19 06:17 閱讀: 353



The meme coin phenomenon that returned in 2023 is showing no sign of dying down in the early weeks of the new year, with Memeinator, Dogecoin, and Bonk all scrambling to be seen as the frontrunner to become one of the top meme coins of 2024.

2023 年回歸的模因幣現像在新年的前幾週並沒有顯示出消退的跡象,Memeinator、Dogecoin 和 Bonk 都在爭先恐後地被視為 2024 年頂級模因幣之一的領跑者。

Dogecoin may be the grandfather of all meme coins, having been established as the original meme coin on the market. Yet, the past few years have seen hundreds of meme coins launch, vying for their market share, which currently has a market cap of $21 billion. 

狗狗幣可能是所有迷因幣的鼻祖,已被確立為市場上最初的迷因幣。然而,在過去的幾年裡,已經有數百種 Meme 幣推出,爭奪市場份額,目前市值為 210 億美元。

Two new contenders, Memeinator and Bonk, joined the ranks of top meme coins in 2024, as mentioned in Bankless Times. Read on to determine which of these three meme coins will likely hit the jackpot this year.

正如《Bankless Times》所提到的,Memeinator 和 Bonk 這兩個新的競爭者在 2024 年加入了頂級 Meme 代幣的行列。請繼續閱讀,以確定這三種模因硬幣中的哪一種可能會在今年中大獎。

What is Memeinator?


Among the dozens of new meme coins seemingly launching by the day, Memeinator has been quick out of the blocks, thanks to its unique value proposition that immediately distinguishes it from other meme coins, including Dogecoin and Bonk.

在當天似乎推出的數十種新迷因幣中,Memeinator 很快就脫穎而出,這要歸功於其獨特的價值主張,使其與其他迷因幣(包括狗狗幣和 Bonk)區分開來。

Only 172,413,793 tokens are available to purchase before Memeinator’s presale ends, and they’re selling out fast, currently in stage 13. The platform has already raised $3.7m, and experts predict it could gain parabolically when it hits exchanges, with plenty of long-term potential.

在Memeinator 的預售結束之前,只有172,413,793 枚代幣可供購買,而且它們正在迅速售罄,目前處於第13 階段。該平台已經籌集了370 萬美元,專家預測,當它進入交易所時,它可能會獲得拋物線式的收益,其中有大量的長期代幣。期限潛力。

Memeinator combines gaming and humor while single-mindedly pursuing its aim of cleaning up the meme coin landscape for the better while achieving a billion-dollar market cap.

Memeinator 將遊戲和幽默結合在一起,同時一心一意地追求其目標:讓 Meme 幣的格局變得更好,同時實現十億美元的市值。

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It aims to achieve this goal by marketing itself as the Terminator of the meme coin sector, ruthlessly pursuing no-mark, subpar imitations of successful meme coins and consigning them to the crypto dustbin for good. Sent from the year 2077 to launch its noble aims, Memeinator will only end its rampage once all no-value meme coins have been eradicated from the market and it has achieved its billion-dollar valuation, making it one of the top meme coins by market cap.

它旨在透過將自己宣傳為迷因幣產業的終結者來實現這一目標,無情地追求成功迷因幣的無標記、低標準仿製品,並將它們永遠扔進加密垃圾箱。從2077 年開始,Memeinator 就開始了它的崇高目標,只有當市場上所有無價值的Meme 幣被消滅,並且它的估值達到10 億美元,成為市場上頂級的Meme 幣之一時,Memeinator 才會結束它的暴行。帽子。

How does Memeinator work?

Memeinator 是如何運作的?

Memeinator’s clever marketing allows it to take advantage of the boom in GameFi projects, even though it isn’t a GameFi project itself. Users can exchange their MMTR tokens to embody Memeinator in the platform’s exciting first-person shoot-em-up gaming experience, Meme Warfare, in which they seek and destroy characters based on current meme coins mined from the internet by the platform’s AI-powered Memescanner and dynamically fed into the game. With the GameFi sector expected to grow from around $12 billion to over $90 billion by 2031, according to Business Research Insights, its launch couldn’t be better timed.

Memeinator 巧妙的行銷使其能夠利用 GameFi 專案的繁榮,儘管它本身並不是 GameFi 專案。用戶可以交換他們的MMTR 代幣,以在該平台令人興奮的第一人稱射擊遊戲體驗Meme Warfare 中體現Memeinator,在遊戲中,他們根據該平台的AI 支持的Memescanner 從互聯網上挖掘的當前Meme 硬幣來尋找和摧毀角色並動態地輸入遊戲。根據 Business Research Insights 的數據,到 2031 年,GameFi 產業預計將從 120 億美元左右增長到 900 億美元以上,因此它的推出恰逢其時。

In addition, Memeinator has a staking mechanism where users can stake their MMTR tokens in return for a highly attractive 45% APY. MMTR tokens can also be exchanged in return for first dibs at Memeinator’s highly anticipated new NFT project, which is currently in development and being kept closely under wraps to build excitement.

此外,Memeinator 有一個質押機制,用戶可以質押他們的 MMTR 代幣,以換取極具吸引力的 45% APY。 MMTR 代幣還可以兌換為 Memeinator 備受期待的新 NFT 項目的優先權,該項目目前正在開發中,並處於嚴格保密狀態以引起興奮。

Memeinator’s development team asked its community what they would do to increase the value of MMTR tokens during the presale; they suggested token burns. So, in early December, over 129 million tokens were burned and the presale was decreased from 29 stages to 20. The resulting spike in token sales was a sign that the burn was a resounding success. 

Memeinator 的開發團隊向社群詢問他們將如何在預售期間增加 MMTR 代幣的價值;他們建議銷毀代幣。因此,在 12 月初,超過 1.29 億枚代幣被銷毀,預售從 29 個階段減少到 20 個。由此產生的代幣銷售激增表明銷毀取得了巨大成功。

In the future, Memeinator’s team will manually trigger additional token burns on a quarterly basis to ensure the token retains its value over time.

未來,Memeinator 團隊將每季手動觸發額外的代幣銷毀,以確保代幣隨著時間的推移保持其價值。

If that’s not enough to get the community pumped, add an official merchandise store where investors can purchase Memeinator apparel to help spread the gospel about one of the top meme coins of 2024, and everything is pointing towards a very bright future for this upstart.

如果這還不足以讓社區興奮起來,還可以添加一個官方商品商店,投資者可以在那裡購買Memeinator 服裝,以幫助傳播2024 年頂級Meme 代幣之一的福音,一切都預示著這個新貴的光明未來。

Memeinator price prediction 2024

2024 年 Memeinator 價格預測

Analysts are already busily looking at the likely price trajectory Memeinator will hit once the MMTR token presale concludes and the coin hits public exchanges. With the ICO already in stage 13 and coins available for just $0.0197, new investors have an enticing 48.22% in price increases to grab hold of before it takes off. With only 172,413,793 tokens remaining, interested parties must act fast to secure their holding before the ICO sells out.

分析師已經在忙於研究一旦 MMTR 代幣預售結束並且代幣進入公共交易所後 Memeinator 可能出現的價格軌跡。由於 ICO 已進入第 13 階段,代幣價格僅為 0.0197 美元,新投資者在其起飛之前可以抓住誘人的 48.22% 的價格漲幅。由於只剩下 172,413,793 枚代幣,有興趣的各方必須迅速採取行動,在 ICO 售罄之前確保其持有。

Among the other incentives open to investors is a $100k MMTR token giveaway via a crypto airdrop in which ten lucky winners will gain $10k of tokens, and one fortunate presale investor will take the trip of a lifetime into outer space with an all-expenses-paid flight, worth $250k, courtesy of Virgin Galactic.

向投資者開放的其他激勵措施包括透過加密貨幣空投贈送10 萬美元的MMTR 代幣,其中10 名幸運獲獎者將獲得1 萬美元的代幣,而一位幸運的預售投資者將帶著一切費用進行一生一次的外太空之旅- 價值 25 萬美元的付費航班,由維珍銀河提供。

Expectations are that the MMTR price performance in 2024 will eclipse Dogecoin price predictions as this new token captures the imagination before the next expected bull market in 2025. Experts predict that the coin could increase by at least 50x this year from its ICO launch price of $0.01, meaning it will be halfway to achieving its aim of a $1 billion market cap by the end of 2024.

預計2024 年MMTR 的價格表現將超過狗狗幣的價格預測,因為這種新代幣在2025 年下一個預期牛市之前吸引了人們的想像力。專家預測,該代幣今年可能會比ICO 發行價0.01 美元至少上漲50 倍,這意味著到 2024 年底它將實現 10 億美元市值的目標。

Dogecoin price prediction 2024

2024 年狗狗幣價格預測

Dogecoin has been the standard by which all top meme coins are compared since it launched over a decade ago. However, recent price performance in the second half of 2023 suggests its primacy is threatened. The chart below shows Dogecoin’s price trajectory compared with Bitcoin (BTC), the barometer by which other coins are measured.

自十多年前推出以來,狗狗幣一直是比較所有頂級迷因幣的標準。然而,2023 年下半年的近期價格表現顯示其主導地位受到威脅。下圖顯示了狗狗幣與比特幣(BTC)相比的價格軌跡,比特幣是衡量其他貨幣的晴雨表。

The trend suggests that Dogecoin’s price is lagging in contrast to general market movements, which could mean a struggling performance in 2024. Indeed, Dogecoin price predictions are much more moderate than Memeinator’s, relying on celebrity endorsements that are no longer guaranteed.

這一趨勢表明,與整體市場走勢相比,狗狗幣的價格滯後,這可能意味著2024 年的表現將舉步維艱。事實上,狗狗幣的價格預測比Memeinator 的要溫和得多,因為它依賴於不再有保證的名人代言。

As a result, the dream of DOGE hitting the dollar mark is nothing more than a pipe dream in the early weeks of 2024, and analysts likely see slight improvement throughout the year.

因此,DOGE 觸及美元大關的夢想在 2024 年初幾週只不過是一個白日夢,分析師可能會看到全年略有改善。

In the past 30 days, Dogecoin’s market cap fell from a high of $13.81 billion to its current $11.54 billion. 


Despite this recent downward trend, with the price of DOGE sitting at $0.08154 or down 15% in 30 days, Dogecoin could still rally in 2024. The upcoming Bitcoin ETF and Bitcoin halving will likely boost the market as a whole. Experts predict Dogecoin could rebound by 40-50%, hitting a price of $0.1276 by the year’s end.  

儘管近期出現下跌趨勢,狗狗幣價格為 0.08154 美元,30 天內下跌 15%,但狗狗幣仍可能在 2024 年反彈。即將到來的比特幣 ETF 和比特幣減半可能會提振整個市場。專家預測狗狗幣可能會反彈 40-50%,到年底價格將達到 0.1276 美元。

Bonk price prediction 2024

2024 年債券價格預測

Bonk (BONK) was launched in December 2022 on the Solana blockchain to revitalize Solana’s flagging fortunes and breathe new life into its tired community. Drawing its inspiration from Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, Bonk focused heavily on engaging its members with a promise to facilitate DeFi and NFT trading within the Solana network.

Bonk (BONK) 於 2022 年 12 月在 Solana 區塊鏈上推出,旨在重振 Solana 日漸衰弱的命運,並為其疲憊的社區注入新的活力。 Bonk 從狗狗幣和柴犬中汲取靈感,專注於與會員的互動,承諾促進 Solana 網路內的 DeFi 和 NFT 交易。

Bonk’s market cap quickly soared, hitting $1.49 billion on December 15th, with a token price of $0.0000001487. Its market cap right now is $8.87 million and its price is $0.00001401 – an over 12,000% increase since Bonk was airdropped.

While the price has recovered from its recent low of $0.000009702, recent partnerships with Solana dApps and new staking rewards have been announced, signaling that Solana is working hard to maintain the value of Bonk tokens for investors.

Bonk 的市值迅速飆升,12 月 15 日達到 14.9 億美元,代幣價格為 0.0000001487 美元。目前其市值為887 萬美元,價格為0.00001401 美元,自Bonk 空投以來上漲了12,000% 以上。雖然價格已從0.000009702 美元的近期低點回升,但最近與Solana dApps 的合作夥伴關係和新的質押獎勵已經已經宣布,這表明Solana 正在努力為投資者維護 Bonk 代幣的價值。

Indeed, analysts forecast similar sluggish price performance, more aligned with Dogecoin price predictions for 2024 than Memeinator. The recent improvement is not necessarily aligned with a sustained upward trajectory, with the token’s high volatility influencing the moderate forecasts for the year ahead more than any confidence that Bonk will deliver stable long-term growth.

事實上,分析師預測類似的低迷價格表現,比 Memeinator 更符合狗狗幣 2024 年的價格預測。最近的改善不一定與持續的上升軌跡一致,該代幣的高波動性對未來一年的溫和預測的影響超過了對 Bonk 將實現穩定的長期增長的任何信心。

Can Memeinator become one of the top meme coins in 2024?

Memeinator 能否成為 2024 年頂級 Meme 幣之一?

As the meme coin sector continues to grow, investors are looking for the next potential million-dollar ROI. Bonk has already seen a more than 12,000% price increase and Dogecoin has made many a crypto millionaire during its heyday. While Bonk and Dogecoin have experienced massive gains in the past, given their large market caps and the fact that their big successes seem to have peaked over recent months/years, they might not have the same future potential as Memeinator.

隨著模因幣行業的持續增長,投資者正在尋找下一個潛在的百萬美元投資回報率。 Bonk 的價格已經上漲了 12,000% 以上,狗狗幣在其全盛時期也讓許多人成為了加密貨幣百萬富翁。雖然 Bonk 和 Dogecoin 在過去經歷了巨大的收益,但考慮到它們的巨大市值以及它們的巨大成功似乎在最近幾個月/幾年達到了頂峰,它們可能不具備與 Memeinator 相同的未來潛力。

Memeinator’s unique and single-minded vision could make it one of the top meme coins in 2024, especially if it enjoys the same gains seen by other meme coins – even those that have very little utility in comparison. 

Memeinator 獨特而專一的願景可能會使其成為2024 年頂級Meme 代幣之一,特別是如果它能享受到其他Meme 代幣同樣的收益的話——即使是那些相比之下沒什麼用處的代幣。

Investors wanting to enter the meme coin market should act now, as the MMTR ICO is selling out fast. With time running out to get hold of these upstart meme coin tokens, any delay could cost significant returns as Memeinator likely goes parabolic in 2024.

想要進入 meme 幣市場的投資者應該立即採取行動,因為 MMTR ICO 正在迅速售空。隨著獲取這些新貴 Meme 代幣的時間越來越少,任何延遲都可能導致巨大的回報損失,因為 Memeinator 很可能在 2024 年呈現拋物線式增長。

To buy Memeinator (MMTR), visit the official Memeinator website.

購買 Memeinator (MMTR),請造訪 Memeinator 官方網站。

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