首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 第一版 web3 設備售空後,Solana Labs 開始預訂新款智慧型手機

Solana Labs Kicks Off Pre-Orders for New Smartphone Weeks After First Edition of the web3 Device Sold Out

第一版 web3 設備售空後,Solana Labs 開始預訂新款智慧型手機

發布: 2024/01/19 06:22 閱讀: 858



第一版 web3 設備售空後,Solana Labs 開始預訂新款智慧型手機

Solana (SOL) Labs is kicking off pre-orders for the new version of its crypto-focused smartphone weeks after the first edition sold out in a frenzy.

Solana (SOL) Labs 在第一版瘋狂售空幾週後,就開始了新版加密智慧型手機的預訂。

Solana Mobile is offering customers a “Founder Window” to deposit $450 for the upcoming “Chapter 2” phone, which the project says is expected to ship in the first half of 2025.

Solana Mobile 為客戶提供“Founder Window”,只需存入 450 美元即可購買即將推出的“Chapter 2”手機,該項目稱該手機預計將於 2025 年上半年發貨。




Solana Mobile says “the goal” is for the $450 deposit to cover the full price of the phone, excluding taxes, shipping and fees.

Solana Mobile 表示,「目標」是 450 美元的押金足以支付手機的全價,不包括稅金、運費和費用。

The company’s goal target is to hit 100,000 pre-orders. Solana Mobile says they may not proceed with the release of the phone if that target isn’t met, and the company will refund deposits if that happens.

該公司的目標是預訂量達到 10 萬份。 Solana Mobile 表示,如果未達到該目標,他們可能不會繼續發布這款手機,如果發生這種情況,該公司將退還押金。

The Ethereum (ETH) challenger started shipping the first version of its smartphone, Saga, in April.

以太坊 (ETH) 挑戰者於 4 月開始發售其智慧型手機 Saga 的第一個版本。

In December, Solana Mobile announced that its web3-enabled phones had sold out. One possible contributing factor to the sales: buying a Saga came with a reward of free Bonk (BONK), a Solana-based Dogecoin (DOGE) competitor, according to the project’s website.

12 月,Solana Mobile 宣布其支援 web3 的手機已售罄。據該專案網站稱,促成銷售的一個可能因素是:購買 Saga 會獲得免費 Bonk (BONK) 獎勵,Bonk 是基於 Solana 的狗狗幣 (DOGE) 競爭對手。

Decentralized finance (DeFi) crypto wallet Phantom indicated the size of the reward was 30 million BONK, a trove that was worth up to $630 in December as the memecoin surged in price. The Saga’s price was reduced to $599 in August.

去中心化金融 (DeFi) 加密錢包 Phantom 表示,獎勵規模為 3,000 萬個 BONK,隨著 memecoin 價格的飆升,這一寶藏在 12 月價值高達 630 美元。 8 月份,Saga 的價格降至 599 美元。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/solana-labs-kicks-off-pre-orders-for-new-smartphone-weeks-after-first-edition-of-the-web3-device-sold-out-tbt77012.html

來源:https://thebittimes.com/solana-labs-kicks-off-pre-orders-for-new-smartphone-weeks-after-first-edition-of-the-web3-device-sold-out-tbt77012。 html


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