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2024 年最值得投資的 10 個 Meme 幣一文首先出現在 Coinpedia 上
It all began with an internet meme turned digital currency—Dogecoin. As we look towards 2024, meme coins have become more than just a cultural phenomenon; they’ve ushered in a new era of investment opportunities.
這一切都始於網路迷因轉變為數位貨幣——狗狗幣。展望 2024 年,迷因幣已不僅僅是一種文化現象;它還成為一種文化現象。他們開創了投資機會的新時代。
These digital assets have skyrocketed, sometimes yielding profits that traditional investments could only dream of. But the burning question remains: which meme coins stand out as the best investment for the year 2024?
這些數位資產價格飆升,有時能帶來傳統投資夢寐以求的利潤。但緊迫的問題仍然存在:哪些迷因幣脫穎而出,成為 2024 年的最佳投資?
Well, we answer this burning question of which Top Meme Coins to invest in 2024 in our latest blog below, combined with the sectoral analysis of meme coins.
好吧,我們在下面的最新部落格中結合模因幣的行業分析,回答了 2024 年投資哪些頂級模因幣這一緊迫問題。
The Meme Coin Landscape
Meme 幣景觀
With a 1.4% slice of the market dominance pie, they reflect the pulse of a digital culture that is as influential as it is vibrant. This burgeoning sector, driven by highly engaged communities, has turned what began as digital jest into serious financial contenders. Amidst the giants of the crypto market, meme coins are carving out their own legacy.
它們佔據了 1.4% 的市場份額,反映了具有影響力和活力的數位文化的脈動。這個新興產業在高度參與的社區的推動下,已經將最初的數位玩笑變成了嚴肅的金融競爭者。在加密貨幣市場的巨頭中,迷因幣正在創造自己的遺產。

While Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) maintain their dominance with 52.3% and 16.6% of the market, respectively, the meme coin sector is making waves. These coins are memes and symbols of community-driven success in the crypto space.
雖然比特幣 (BTC) 和以太坊 (ETH) 分別以 52.3% 和 16.6% 的市場份額保持主導地位,但模因幣領域正在掀起波瀾。這些硬幣是加密貨幣領域社群驅動成功的迷因和象徵。
A Closer Look at the Meme Coin Titans
近距離觀察 Meme 硬幣泰坦
Meme coins may represent a mere 1.4% of the entire crypto market, but they’re leading a cultural revolution in digital investments. These tokens started off as inside jokes and have quickly matured into a market sector brimming with community support and financial clout.
Meme 幣可能只佔整個加密貨幣市場的 1.4%,但它們正在引領數位投資的文化革命。這些代幣最初只是內部笑話,但很快就成熟為一個充滿社區支持和金融影響力的市場領域。

- Dogecoin: Holding a dominant 57.3% of the meme coin market, Dogecoin stands as the clear leader in this sector. Its significant market share is a testament to its widespread popularity, community support, and media presence. As the first meme coin, it has set the stage for others and remains the most recognizable and influential within the category.
- Shiba Inu: With 26.9% dominance, Shiba Inu holds the second spot firmly. This coin has shown that it’s more than just a Dogecoin imitator; it’s a project with its own vision and innovations, such as the Shibarium protocol.
- Baby Doge: Baby Doge Coin, capturing 7.0% of the market within the meme coin sector, represents the new wave of meme coins that are building upon the legacy of their predecessors.
- BONK: Bonk holds a smaller share at 3.4%, but its presence indicates the diversity within the meme coin space. Being a niche player, BONK’s approach within the Solana ecosystem shows the potential for meme coins to find specialized communities and ecosystems to thrive within.
- The remaining 5.3% ‘Others’ segment comprises a vast array of smaller meme coins, each vying for attention and investment.
狗狗幣:狗狗幣佔據迷因幣市場 57.3% 的主導地位,是該領域明顯的領導者。其巨大的市場份額證明了其廣泛的受歡迎程度、社區支持和媒體影響力。作為第一個模因硬幣,它為其他硬幣奠定了基礎,並且仍然是該類別中最知名和最有影響力的。
柴犬:柴犬以26.9%的統治力穩居第二。這枚硬幣顯示它不僅僅是狗狗幣的模仿者;這是一個擁有自己的願景和創新的項目,例如 Shibarium 協議。
Baby Doge:Baby Doge Coin 佔據了 Meme 幣領域 7.0% 的市場份額,代表了新一波的 Meme 幣,其基礎是其前輩的遺產。
BONK:Bonk 所佔份額較小,為 3.4%,但它的存在表明了模因幣領域的多樣性。作為一個利基市場參與者,BONK 在 Solana 生態系統中的做法顯示了迷因幣尋找專業社群和生態系統並在其中蓬勃發展的潛力。
剩下的 5.3% 的「其他」部分包括大量較小的 meme 代幣,每個代幣都在爭奪注意力和投資。
Top Meme Coins To Buy in 2024
2024 年最值得購買的 Meme 幣
Dogecoin (DOGE): A Meme Turned Investment Powerhouse
Dogecoin’s staggering market cap of $12.90 billion is not just a reflection of its popularity but also its growing acceptance as a mainstream asset. At a price of $0.0914, Dogecoin offers an affordable entry point into the crypto market. Its consistent media presence and the support of industry titans suggest a bullish outlook.
狗狗幣驚人的 129 億美元市值不僅反映了它的受歡迎程度,也反映了它作為主流資產的接受度不斷提高。狗狗幣的價格為 0.0914 美元,為進入加密市場提供了一個經濟實惠的切入點。其持續的媒體影響力和行業巨頭的支持表明了樂觀的前景。
Moreover, Dogecoin’s high liquidity and strong community engagement make it a less volatile option among altcoins, positioning it as a potentially stable investment with the allure of steady growth into 2024 and beyond.
此外,狗狗幣的高流動性和強大的社區參與度使其成為山寨幣中波動性較小的選擇,使其成為潛在的穩定投資,具有在 2024 年及以後穩定增長的吸引力。
Shiba Inu (SHIB): From Meme to Market Mover
柴犬 (SHIB):從 Meme 到市場推動者
Shiba Inu’s $6.06 billion market cap underscores its status as more than just a Dogecoin imitator. SHIB has differentiated itself with Shibarium, a technological leap that promises to enhance transaction efficiency and reduce costs—critical factors for mass adoption.
Shiba Inu 60.6 億美元的市值凸顯了其不僅僅是狗狗幣模仿者的地位。 SHIB 與 Shibarium 脫穎而出,Shibarium 是一項技術飛躍,有望提高交易效率並降低成本——這是大規模採用的關鍵因素。
Its aggressive burn policy could also lead to a deflationary effect, potentially increasing SHIB’s value per token. As a result, Shiba Inu may offer a unique combination of technological innovation and scarcity-driven value appreciation, attracting investors seeking dynamic growth in the meme coin market.
其激進的銷毀政策也可能導致通貨緊縮效應,這可能會增加 SHIB 每個代幣的價值。因此,柴犬可能會提供技術創新和稀缺驅動的價值升值的獨特組合,吸引尋求模因幣市場動態增長的投資者。
Bonk (BONK): A Solana Sensation
Bonk (BONK):Solana 的轟動
Bonk’s alignment with the Solana ecosystem offers it a competitive edge in performance and scalability—key factors as the crypto market evolves. With a market cap of $759.99 million, Bonk stands to benefit from the increasing demand for efficient and eco-friendly crypto options.
Bonk 與 Solana 生態系統的結合使其在性能和可擴展性方面具有競爭優勢——這是加密市場發展的關鍵因素。 Bonk 的市值為 7.5999 億美元,它將受益於對高效、環保的加密貨幣選項日益增長的需求。
Its price of $0.00000183 presents a low barrier to entry for investors, coupled with the potential for growth as Solana’s adoption continues to rise. Bonk’s strategic position could make it an attractive option for investors looking to diversify with high-potential assets in the coming year.
其 0.00000183 美元的價格為投資者提供了較低的進入門檻,而且隨著 Solana 的採用率持續上升,其成長潛力也很大。 Bonk 的戰略地位可能使其成為希望在來年利用高潛力資產進行多元化投資的投資者的有吸引力的選擇。
Pepe Coin (PEPE): A Community-Driven Contender
Pepe Coin’s leap into the market has been bolstered by its $527.24 million market cap, demonstrating the power of community-driven growth. Its price of $0.030127 reflects investor confidence in its brand, which has tapped into a viral culture.
Pepe Coin 的進軍市場得益於其 5.2724 億美元的市值,展示了社區驅動成長的力量。其 0.030127 美元的價格反映了投資者對其品牌的信心,該品牌已經融入了病毒式文化。
As the meme coin sector continues to expand, PEPE’s community-centric approach could result in a resilient and growing investment, especially as it continues to innovate and engage its user base.
隨著模因幣行業的不斷擴張,PEPE 以社區為中心的方法可能會帶來彈性且不斷增長的投資,特別是在它不斷創新和吸引用戶群的情況下。
Baby Doge Coin (BabyDoge): Beyond the Meme
Baby Doge Coin (BabyDoge):超越迷因
With a market cap of $1.20 billion, Baby Doge Coin distinguishes itself by advancing Dogecoin’s legacy through faster transaction speeds and a deflationary policy. Its commitment to animal welfare resonates with a broad audience, potentially leading to increased adoption.
Baby Doge Coin 的市值為 12 億美元,透過更快的交易速度和通貨緊縮政策推進狗狗幣的傳統,脫穎而出。它對動物福利的承諾引起了廣大受眾的共鳴,有可能導致更多的採用。
The development of a decentralized AI image generator places Baby Doge at the forefront of blockchain innovation, providing it with a unique selling point that could attract tech-savvy investors and ensure longevity in the market.
去中心化人工智慧影像產生器的開發使 Baby Doge 處於區塊鏈創新的前沿,為其提供了獨特的賣點,可以吸引精通技術的投資者並確保市場的長久發展。
Floki: The Viking Innovator with a Plan
Floki’s market cap of $343.21 million is impressive, reflecting its ambition to bridge the gap between meme culture and practical utility. With TokenFi, Floki is poised to offer real-world applications, setting it apart from many other meme coins.
Floki 的市值高達 3.4321 億美元,令人印象深刻,反映出其彌合 meme 文化與實用之間差距的雄心。憑藉 TokenFi,Floki 準備提供現實世界的應用程序,使其與許多其他模因幣區分開來。
This focus on utility could drive Floki’s market share significantly higher as investors increasingly look for assets with both cultural impact and functional value.
隨著投資者越來越多地尋找兼具文化影響力和功能價值的資產,對實用性的關注可能會顯著提高 Floki 的市場份額。
Milady Meme Coin (LADYS): A Trending Token with Potential
Milady Meme Coin (LADYS):具有潛力的熱門代幣
Milady Meme Coin’s market cap of $80.24 million might seem modest, but its engagement with niche communities suggests room for explosive growth. Priced at $0.090902, LADYS has become a symbol of the potential that viral marketing and dedicated communities have in influencing the value of a digital asset.
Milady Meme Coin 的 8,024 萬美元市值可能看起來不大,但其與利基社區的互動表明了爆炸性增長的空間。 LADYS 的售價為 0.090902 美元,它已成為病毒式行銷和專注社群在影響數位資產價值方面潛力的象徵。
As it continues to capitalize on these dynamics, Milady Meme Coin could become a highly attractive investment for those looking to tap into the next wave of meme coins with strong cultural resonance.
隨著它繼續利用這些動態,Milady Meme Coin 對於那些希望利用下一波具有強烈文化共鳴的 Meme 代幣的人來說可能會成為一項極具吸引力的投資。
The Meme Coin Investment Horizon
Meme 幣投資視野
As 2024 approaches, meme coins are proving to be more than a fleeting trend—they are becoming a staple in the diverse portfolio of modern investors. With their unique blend of internet culture, community engagement, technological innovation, and financial potential, meme coins like Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, Bonk, Pepe Coin, Baby Doge, Floki, and Milady offer a spectrum of opportunities for those looking to harness the growth of this unique sector in the cryptocurrency market.
隨著 2024 年的臨近,事實證明,迷因幣不僅僅是一種轉瞬即逝的趨勢,它們正在成為現代投資者多元化投資組合中的主要投資品種。憑藉其獨特的網路文化、社區參與、技術創新和財務潛力的融合,Dogecoin、Shiba Inu、Bonk、Pepe Coin、Baby Doge、Floki 和 Milady 等迷因幣為那些希望利用成長的人們提供了一系列機會加密貨幣市場中這個獨特的領域。
Disclaimer: Meme coins, with their high volatility, are considered a speculative fringe of crypto investments. While their low price points may appeal, they’re best approached with caution and should represent only a small fraction of a diversified portfolio. As with any high-risk investment, it’s wise to consult with a financial advisor to align such ventures with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Remember, never invest more than you can afford to lose.
免責聲明:Meme 幣具有高波動性,被認為是加密貨幣投資的投機邊緣。雖然它們的低價點可能很有吸引力,但最好謹慎對待它們,並且它們應該只代表多元化投資組合的一小部分。與任何高風險投資一樣,明智的做法是諮詢財務顧問,以使此類企業與您的財務目標和風險承受能力保持一致。請記住,投資永遠不要超過您所能承受的損失。