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Who’s Still Up? Here Are The Top Memecoins with Most Holders in Profit Amid Crypto Chaos


發布: 2024/07/05 13:02 閱讀: 342




Resilience Among Memecoins: IntoTheBlock Report

Memecoin 的彈性:IntoTheBlock 報告

A recent report by IntoTheBlock, a leading crypto analytics firm, highlights the resilience of memecoins amidst the broader market downturn. The report indicates that several memecoins have not only survived but are thriving, with a majority of holders remaining in profit.

領先的加密分析公司 IntoTheBlock 最近的一份報告強調了 memecoin 在更廣泛的市場低迷中的彈性。該報告表明,一些迷因幣不僅倖存下來,而且正在蓬勃發展,大多數持有者仍然獲利。

Strong Performance Despite Volatility


The analytics provided by IntoTheBlock show a surprising defiance of market trends by memecoins, which are often driven by social media trends and celebrity endorsements. This resilience is particularly notable given their speculative and volatile nature.

IntoTheBlock 提供的分析顯示模因幣對市場趨勢的驚人蔑視,而模因幣通常是由社交媒體趨勢和名人認可驅動的。鑑於其投機性和波動性,這種彈性尤其引人注目。

Top Performers


According to the report, Mog Coin ($MOG) and Pepe ($PEPE) have the highest percentages of holders in profit at 85.5% and 78.53%, respectively. Other notable performers include Floki ($FLOKI) with 78.41% and Dogecoin ($DOGE) with 75% of holders profiting.

報告顯示,Mog Coin ($MOG) 和 Pepe ($PEPE) 的持有者利潤比例最高,分別為 85.5% 和 78.53%。其他表現出色的包括 Floki ($FLOKI)(佔 78.41%)和狗狗幣($DOGE)(75% 的持有者獲利)。

Emerging Trends


Even lesser-known memecoins like Wojak ($WOJAK) and Turbo ($TURBO) have significant portions of their holders in profit, indicating a trend where emerging memecoins can quickly gather a following.

即使是不太知名的模因幣,如 Wojak ($​​WOJAK) 和 Turbo ($TURBO),其持有者也有很大一部分利潤,這表明新興模因幣可以迅速聚集追隨者的趨勢。

Challenges and Variability


However, not all memecoins are performing equally well. Turbo ($TURBO) and Volt Inu ($VOLT) have less than half of their holders in profit, demonstrating the variability in profitability among memecoins. Factors such as community engagement, tokenomics, and market positioning influence their success.

然而,並非所有模因幣都表現同樣出色。 Turbo ($TURBO) 和 Volt Inu ($VOLT) 的持有者只有不到一半的利潤,這表明 memecoin 之間的盈利能力存在差異。社區參與、代幣經濟學和市場定位等因素影響他們的成功。


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