首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 儘管 TON 和 DOGE 價格上漲,BlockDAG 的 200 萬美元贈品仍以超過 80,000 份參賽作品搶盡風頭

BlockDAG’s $2M Giveaway Steals the Show with Over 80,000 Entries Despite TON & DOGE’s Price Hikes

儘管 TON 和 DOGE 價格上漲,BlockDAG 的 200 萬美元贈品仍以超過 80,000 份參賽作品搶盡風頭

發布: 2024/07/05 13:07 閱讀: 330



儘管 TON 和 DOGE 價格上漲,BlockDAG 的 200 萬美元贈品仍以超過 80,000 份參賽作品搶盡風頭

Toncoin Experiences Price Surge Amidst USDT Deposits

USDT 充值導致 Toncoin 價格飆升

Toncoin (TON) has recently witnessed a 14% price increase, primarily driven by substantial USDT deposits. The influx of USDT, reaching $500 million, has significantly contributed to the upward trend of TON. The increase in USDT deposits indicates a notable inflow of capital, bolstering the price surge.

Toncoin (TON) 最近價格上漲了 14%,這主要是由大量 USDT 存款推動的。 USDT 的湧入達到 5 億美元,大大促進了 TON 的上漲。 USDT存款的增加顯示資金顯著流入,從而支撐了價格的上漲。

Dogecoin Undergoes Accumulation Phase


Dogecoin (DOGE) is currently undergoing a significant accumulation phase. Market intelligence from IntoTheBlock reveals substantial transactions involving at least $100,000 worth of DOGE in recent days. This increased transaction volume suggests that whales may be actively accumulating or selling off DOGE. The accumulation phase follows a recent price dip to $0.11, potentially indicating a possible resurgence.

狗狗幣(DOGE)目前正處於重要的累積階段。 IntoTheBlock 的市場情報顯示,最近幾天涉及價值至少 10 萬美元 DOGE 的大量交易。交易量的增加表明鯨魚可能正在積極累積或拋售 DOGE。最近價格跌至 0.11 美元後進入吸籌階段,這可能表明價格可能會復甦。

BlockDAG's $2 Million Giveaway Sparks Excitement

BlockDAG 的 200 萬美元贈品引發興奮

BlockDAG Network's $2 million giveaway has garnered immense attention, attracting crypto enthusiasts with the allure of becoming overnight millionaires. The giveaway, offering substantial rewards to 50 fortunate community members, has generated significant buzz. Participation requires an investment of $100 worth of BDAG coins.

BlockDAG Network 的 200 萬美元贈品吸引了巨大的關注,吸引了具有一夜致富的誘惑的加密貨幣愛好者。此次贈品活動為 50 名幸運的社區成員提供了豐厚的獎勵,引起了極大的關注。參與需要投資價值 100 美元的 BDAG 幣。

The tantalizing prospect of becoming a millionaire has attracted a diverse crowd to the BlockDAG community. With over 86,000 participants already registered, the giveaway encourages participants to invite friends, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared ambition among investors.

成為百萬富翁的誘人前景吸引了各種各樣的人群加入 BlockDAG 社群。目前已有超過 86,000 名參與者註冊,該贈品鼓勵參與者邀請朋友,在投資者之間培養友誼和共同抱負。

Furthermore, the BDAG has experienced rapid price growth, currently trading at $0.014 and boasting a 1300% increase since its launch. Analysts predict that BlockDAG could potentially reach $10 by 2025, positioning it as an attractive investment opportunity. Thus, even if participants do not win the $2 million giveaway, the $100 investment in BlockDAG could potentially yield approximately $71,428 by 2025.

此外,BDAG 的價格成長迅速,目前交易價格為 0.014 美元,自推出以來已上漲 1,300%。分析師預測,到 2025 年,BlockDAG 可能會達到 10 美元,這使其成為一個有吸引力的投資機會。因此,即使參與者沒有贏得 200 萬美元的贈品,到 2025 年,對 BlockDAG 的 100 美元投資也可能產生約 71,428 美元的收益。

BlockDAG Emerges as a Promising Investment

BlockDAG 成為一項有前景的投資

Initiatives such as the $2 million giveaway have significantly boosted BlockDAG's popularity and market presence. The presale has already raised $55.6 million, and the giveaway is expected to further accelerate this trajectory. By engaging and expanding its community, BlockDAG strengthens its market position and fosters stronger relationships with investors, making it a compelling investment opportunity in 2024.

200 萬美元贈品等舉措顯著提升了 BlockDAG 的受歡迎程度和市場佔有率。預售已籌集 5,560 萬美元,贈品預計將進一步加速這一進程。透過吸引和擴大社區,BlockDAG 鞏固了其市場地位並與投資者建立了更牢固的關係,使其成為 2024 年引人注目的投資機會。



The crypto market continues to evolve, with Toncoin's price surge, Dogecoin's accumulation, and BlockDAG's $2 million giveaway dominating headlines. BlockDAG's impressive presale success and community engagement, coupled with projections of reaching $10 by 2025, make it a highly promising investment to consider.

加密市場不斷發展,Toncoin 的價格飆升、Dogecoin 的積累以及 BlockDAG 的 200 萬美元贈品佔據了頭條新聞。 BlockDAG 令人印象深刻的預售成功和社區參與度,加上預計到 2025 年將達到 10 美元,使其成為一項非常有前途的投資。


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