首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 如果歷史重演,交易員對 Solana 做出看跌情景,並更新了比特幣和狗狗幣的前景

Trader Lays Out Bearish Scenario for Solana if History Repeats, Updates Outlook on Bitcoin and Dogecoin

如果歷史重演,交易員對 Solana 做出看跌情景,並更新了比特幣和狗狗幣的前景

發布: 2023/11/04 21:00 閱讀: 497



A widely followed crypto analyst is warning that Ethereum (ETH) competitor Solana (SOL) could undergo a sudden market correction.

一位廣受關注的加密貨幣分析師警告稱,以太坊 (ETH) 的競爭對手 Solana (SOL) 可能會經歷突然的市場調整。

Pseudonymous crypto analyst Rekt Capital tells his 363,800 followers on the social media platform X that if SOL fails to flip a key level into support, it could follow a prior price pattern to the downside.

化名加密貨幣分析師 Rekt Capital 告訴他在社群媒體平台 X 上的 363,800 名粉絲,如果 SOL 未能將關鍵水準轉變為支撐位,它可能會遵循先前的價格模式下跌。




“SOL: if history repeats, Solana may experience some extreme volatility both to the upside beyond $42.86 (red) and if the rejection is strong, even downside volatility to as low as $30 (below purple box). Will history repeat? If it does, I’d be ready.”

「SOL:如果歷史重演,Solana 可能會經歷一些極端的波動,無論是上行超過 42.86 美元(紅色),還是如果拒絕強烈,甚至下行波動低至 30 美元(紫色框下方)。歷史會重演嗎?如果是的話,我就準備好了。”

The trader warns that the longer SOL trades below the $42 range, the greater the probability of a deep correction.

該交易員警告稱,SOL 在 42 美元區間以下交易的時間越長,深度調整的可能性就越大。

“Solana already producing some upside wicks beyond ~$42.86. Continue to stay below this resistance and SOL could see a deeper pullback over time.”

「Solana 已經產生了一些超過 42.86 美元的上行影線。繼續保持在該阻力位以下,隨著時間的推移,SOL 可能會出現更深的回調。”

Looking at the trader’s chart, he seems to refer to SOL’s price action in early 2021 when Solana witnessed a deep pullback after failing to take out its resistance at around $42

從該交易員的圖表來看,他似乎指的是 SOL 在 2021 年初的價格走勢,當時 Solana 在未能突破 42 美元左右的阻力位後出現了深度回調

Solana is trading for $39.56 at time of writing.

截至撰寫本文時,Solana 的交易價格為 39.56 美元。

Next up, the trader says that Bitcoin (BTC) will likely continue to rally toward its diagonal resistance at around $42,000 before the halving. According to the trader, he expects BTC to retrace after hitting the diagonal resistance before turning it into support after the halving.

接下來,該交易員表示,比特幣 (BTC) 可能會在減半前繼續反彈至 42,000 美元左右的對角線阻力位。據該交易員稱,他預計比特幣在觸及對角線阻力後會回調,然後在減半後將其轉變為支撐位。

The halving, which is scheduled to take place in April 2024, is traditionally viewed as a bullish event as it slashes miners’ rewards in half.

這次減半計畫於 2024 年 4 月發生,傳統上被視為看漲事件,因為它將礦工的獎勵削減一半。

Says Rekt Capital,

Rekt Capital 表示,

“Bitcoin may reject from the black trendline resistance prior to the halving (orange circle). But it will likely retest it as support after the halving (black circle).”


Bitcoin is trading for $34,620 at time of writing.

截至撰寫本文時,比特幣交易價格為 34,620 美元。

Lastly, the trader weighs in on Dogecoin (DOGE). He says he is closely watching whether the memecoin can convincingly break out of a descending channel on the weekly chart.


“Really important [whether] this week’s ‘buy-the-dip’ behavior is enough to get DOGE above the channel top. Because previous weekly closes below the channel top followed by brief rebounds still preceded downside (orange)…

「本週的『逢低買進』行為是否足以讓 DOGE 突破通道頂部,這一點非常重要。因為上週收盤價低於通道頂部,隨後短暫反彈,但仍先於下行(橙色)…

That ‘buy-the-dip’ behavior we saw yesterday is looking like relief under key resistance. However, there has been no strong DOGE rejection and downside continuation. The most important signal is a weekly close above the channel top to confirm a breakout.”

我們昨天看到的「逢低買入」行為看起來像是關鍵阻力下的緩解。然而,DOGE 並沒有出現強烈的拒絕和下行的延續。最重要的信號是每週收盤價高於通道頂部以確認突破。”

Looking at the trader’s chart, he appears to be looking at DOGE to breach the top of the channel’s resistance at around $0.07.

從交易員的圖表來看,他似乎正在尋找 DOGE 突破通道頂部約 0.07 美元的阻力位。

DOGE is trading for $0.0681 at time of writing.

截至撰寫本文時,DOGE 的交易價格為 0.0681 美元。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/trader-lays-out-bearish-scenario-for-solana-if-history-repeats-updates-outlook-on-bitcoin-and-dogecoin-tbt69057.html



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