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Trader Loses Over $1 Million in Normie Memecoin Exploit

交易員因 Normie Memecoin 漏洞損失超過 100 萬美元

發布: 2024/05/29 13:06 閱讀: 417

原文作者:Crypto Intelligence News


交易員因 Normie Memecoin 漏洞損失超過 100 萬美元

A Trader's Million-Dollar Loss in the Normie Memecoin Exploit

一名交易員在 Normie Memecoin 漏洞中損失數百萬美元

A trader recently suffered a significant financial setback, losing over $1 million worth of digital assets in the Normie memecoin exploit.

一位交易員最近遭遇了重大財務挫折,在 Normie memecoin 漏洞中損失了價值超過 100 萬美元的數位資產。

The Investment


The trader invested $1.16 million in 11.23 million Normie (NORMIE) memecoins, with the expectation of substantial returns. However, their investment plummeted by over 99% to a mere $150, as reported by Lookonchain on May 26:

該交易員投資了 116 萬美元購買了 1,123 萬個諾米(NORMIE)模因幣,期望獲得豐厚回報。然而,根據 Lookonchain 5 月 26 日報道,他們的投資暴跌了 99% 以上,僅為 150 美元:

"He spent $1.16M to buy 11.23M $NORMIE at $0.1035 from Mar 25 to Apr 9 and has held it until now without selling it."


The Exploit


Normie, a Base-native memecoin, fell victim to a smart contract exploit that wiped out over $41.7 million from its market capitalization in just three hours. Lookonchain first alerted the public to the exploit in a May 26 post.

Normie 是一種 Base-native memecoin,它成為智能合約漏洞的受害者,短短三個小時內其市值就蒸發了超過 4,170 萬美元。 Lookonchain 在 5 月 26 日的貼文中首次向公眾通報了該漏洞。

Following the exploit, Normie's value dropped over 96%, with its market cap reaching a low of around $200,000 before recovering slightly, according to CoinGecko data.

根據 CoinGecko 的數據,在這次漏洞利用之後,Normie 的價值下跌了 96% 以上,其市值跌至 20 萬美元左右的低點,然後略有回升。

The Hacker's Deal


On May 27, the Normie team reportedly reached an agreement with the hacker to return 90% of the stolen NORMIE tokens. This agreement stipulated that Normie would use the returned funds, along with $2.3 million from the team's development wallet, to launch a new token to reimburse NORMIE holders.

據報道,5 月 27 日,Normie 團隊與駭客達成協議,返還 90% 被盜的 NORMIE 代幣。該協議規定,Normie 將使用返還的資金以及團隊開發錢包中的 230 萬美元來推出新代幣,以償還 NORMIE 持有者的費用。

The hacker insisted that the token launch must precede the return of the stolen funds, as conveyed in a blockchain message analyzed by Lookonchain.

駭客堅稱,代幣發行必須先於被盜資金的歸還,正如 Lookonchain 分析的區塊鏈訊息中所傳達的那樣。

Social Media Scams


Following the hacker's offer, social media was inundated with fraudulent Normie posts, falsely announcing the new token's relaunch to deceive users into clicking malicious links.

駭客提出後,社交媒體上充斥著欺詐性的 Normie 帖子,虛​​假地宣布新代幣重新推出,以欺騙用戶點擊惡意連結。

The Impact


Over 72,000 Normie holders were affected by the smart contract exploit, which was initially detected in March, according to a May 26 post by on-chain analytics firm Quick Intel.

根據鏈上分析公司 Quick Intel 5 月 26 日發布的帖子,超過 72,000 名 Normie 持有者受到智能合約漏洞的影響,該漏洞最初於 3 月被發現。

Despite this setback, memecoin trading remains popular, with traders continuing to invest in animal-themed cryptocurrencies. Frog-themed memecoin Pepe recently hit a new all-time high of $0.00001718 on May 27, surging over 75% in the past week, as per CoinMarketCap data.

儘管遭遇這一挫折,模因幣交易仍然很受歡迎,交易者繼續投資以動物為主題的加密貨幣。根據 CoinMarketCap 的數據,以青蛙為主題的 memecoin Pepe 最近在 5 月 27 日創下了 0.00001718 美元的歷史新高,過去一周飆升了 75% 以上。

Memecoins, lacking intrinsic utility, are highly volatile digital assets. Nevertheless, some traders manage to profit significantly in this high-risk market. For instance, two weeks ago, a Pepe trader turned $3,000 into $46 million, achieving a return of over 15,718 times their initial investment, fueled by the resurgence of the GameStop saga.

Memecoin 缺乏內在實用性,是一種高度波動的數位資產。儘管如此,一些交易者還是在這個高風險市場中獲得了可觀的利潤。例如,兩週前,一位 Pepe 交易員將 3,000 美元變成了 4,600 萬美元,在 GameStop 傳奇復興的推動下,獲得了超過初始投資 15,718 倍的回報。


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