首頁 > 資訊新聞 > UFC 冠軍 Alex Pereira 授權 BlockDAG 為品牌大使! PEPE 和 Dogwifhat 駕馭令人興奮的市場變化

UFC Champ Alex Pereira Powers Up BlockDAG as Brand Ambassador! PEPE & Dogwifhat Navigate Thrilling Market Shifts

UFC 冠軍 Alex Pereira 授權 BlockDAG 為品牌大使! PEPE 和 Dogwifhat 駕馭令人興奮的市場變化

發布: 2024/07/17 15:03 閱讀: 251

原文作者:Captain Altcoin


UFC 冠軍 Alex Pereira 授權 BlockDAG 為品牌大使! PEPE 和 Dogwifhat 駕馭令人興奮的市場變化

PEPE Responds to Market with Ethereum ETF Developments

PEPE 透過以太坊 ETF 開發回應市場

Recent advancements in Ethereum ETFs have subtly influenced the crypto landscape, reflected in PEPE's price movements. Industry giants like VanEck and BlackRock have contributed to PEPE's uptick, fostering cautious optimism among traders. Despite a general market downtrend, PEPE's connection to Ethereum has evoked a responsive, albeit volatile, reaction to ETH's activities.

以太幣 ETF 的最新進展微妙地影響了加密貨幣格局,這反映在 PEPE 的價格趨勢上。 VanEck 和 BlackRock 等行業巨頭為 PEPE 的上漲做出了貢獻,培養了交易者的謹慎樂觀情緒。儘管市場總體呈下跌趨勢,但 PEPE 與以太坊的聯繫引起了對 ETH 活動的積極反應,儘管波動較大。

Currently, PEPE trades at $0.000009366, reaching a 13% gain earlier today before stabilizing. The overall trend remains positive. This price surge is largely attributed to increased activity surrounding Ethereum's ETF updates, with the crypto market cap climbing 3.7%, indicating a steady but cautious progression for PEPE amidst broader market shifts.

目前,PEPE 交易價格為 0.000009366 美元,今日稍早上漲 13%,然後穩定下來。總體趨勢仍然積極。價格飆升主要歸因於以太幣 ETF 更新活動的增加,加密貨幣市值攀升 3.7%,顯示 PEPE 在更廣泛的市場變化中穩步但謹慎的進展。

Dogwifhat Exhibits Steadfastness Amid Market Downturns

Dogwifhat 在市場低迷時期表現出堅定的態度

Dogwifhat (WIF) presents a complex scenario; while currently in a downtrend with a 44% drop over the last month, hope for future growth remains. This outlook is supported by strong community backing and efforts by market optimists to stabilize its position.

Dogwifhat(WIF)呈現了一個複雜的場景;雖然目前處於下降趨勢,較上個月下降 44%,但未來成長的希望仍然存在。這一前景得到了社區的大力支持以及市場樂觀主義者為穩定其地位所做的努力。

Despite fluctuating market conditions, Dogwifhat's trading volumes suggest a gradual recovery. Analysts maintain an optimistic stance, projecting a potential price increase to $5 by 2024. This resilience highlights Dogwifhat's inherent strength, as detailed in market analyses, painting a cautious but promising future for its trajectory.

儘管市場狀況波動,但 Dogwifhat 的交易量表明正在逐步復甦。分析師保持樂觀立場,預計到 2024 年價格可能上漲至 5 美元。

BlockDAG Throws a Punch with UFC Champion Alex Pereira's Endorsement

BlockDAG 與 UFC 冠軍 Alex Pereira 的代言一拳

BlockDAG's strategy has taken a significant leap forward by onboarding UFC Champion Alex "Poatan" Pereira as a brand ambassador. This move secures endorsements from influential crypto figures and marks BlockDAG's bold entry into the sports arena. Pereira's high profile adds prestige to the BlockDAG initiative.

透過聘請 UFC 冠軍 Alex“Poatan”Pereira 作為品牌大使,BlockDAG 的策略取得了重大飛躍。此舉獲得了具有影響力的加密貨幣人物的認可,並標誌著BlockDAG大膽進軍體育舞台。 Pereira 的高調為 BlockDAG 計畫增添了聲望。

This partnership has propelled BlockDAG's presale to an impressive $58.5 million, with expectations to reach $100 million before its official launch. Aligning with a UFC powerhouse like Pereira is a groundbreaking strategy, capturing the attention of crypto enthusiasts and global investors alike.

此次合作使 BlockDAG 的預售金額達到了令人印象深刻的 5,850 萬美元,預計在正式推出前將達到 1 億美元。與佩雷拉這樣的 UFC 強者結盟是一項開創性的策略,吸引了加密貨幣愛好者和全球投資者的注意。

The crypto community is abuzz, predicting BlockDAG's potential as the next big cryptocurrency. This excitement has catapulted BlockDAG into the limelight, making it a global conversation topic. Investors are eagerly anticipating BlockDAG's next moves, fueling speculation about further developments that could elevate its market position.

加密社群正在熱烈討論,預測 BlockDAG 有潛力成為下一個大型加密貨幣。這種興奮讓 BlockDAG 成為眾人矚目的焦點,使其成為全球性的話題。投資者熱切期待 BlockDAG 的下一步行動,這引發了人們對進一步發展可能提升其市場地位的猜測。

Investors, Take Note


While PEPE navigates market fluctuations and Dogwifhat demonstrates its resilience against downturns, BlockDAG has emerged as a promising investment opportunity. Its strategic partnership with UFC champion Alex Pereira marks a pivotal moment, driving its presale toward $60 million. Now is an opportune time for investment, positioning BlockDAG as a standout choice in the evolving market landscape.

雖然 PEPE 能夠應對市場波動,Dogwifhat 也展現了其抵禦經濟低迷的能力,但 BlockDAG 已成為一個有前景的投資機會。它與 UFC 冠軍 Alex Pereira 的戰略合作夥伴關係標誌著一個關鍵時刻,推動其預售達到 6000 萬美元。現在是投資的好時機,將 BlockDAG 定位為不斷變化的市場格局中的傑出選擇。


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