首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Whale 在華爾街 Memes 預售中投資 460 ETH(84 萬美元)——WSM 能否超越 PEPE?

Whale Invests 460 ETH ($840,000) in Wall Street Memes Presale – Can WSM Outdo PEPE?

Whale 在華爾街 Memes 預售中投資 460 ETH(84 萬美元)——WSM 能否超越 PEPE?

發布: 2023/08/02 21:30 閱讀: 748



A whale plowed in $840,000 to the Wall Street Memes presale this week. 

本週,一頭鯨魚在華爾街迷因預售中賺了 84 萬美元。

Over a period of just five minutes, the investor gobbled up 460 ETH worth of WSM tokens. The purchase was made from five different wallets as part of a coordinated move. 

在短短五分鐘內,投資者就吞下了價值 460 ETH 的 WSM 代幣。作為協調行動的一部分,此次購買是透過五個不同的錢包進行的。

Whale invasion is expected to gain momentum in the coming days, as the WSM presale moves to the last phases. Wall Street Memes has raised $20M out of its massive public presale target of $30M so far. 

隨著 WSM 預售進入最後階段,鯨魚入侵預計將在未來幾天獲得動力。迄今為止,Wall Street Memes 已從其 3,000 萬美元的大規模公開預售目標中籌集了 2,000 萬美元。

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Presale to end soon?

訂閱與我們一起展示加密貨幣革命,一次一份時事通訊。立即訂閱,將每日新聞和市場更新直接發送到您的收件匣,以及我們數百萬其他訂閱者(沒錯,數以百萬計的人愛我們!) - 您還在等什麼?預售即將結束?

With the community euphoria around the meme coin peaking, Wall Street Memes presale will sell out in a few days. $30M is an ambitious target for a public presale. Most projects don’t dare to aim for that big an amount. 

隨著社群對迷因幣的熱情達到頂峰,華爾街迷因預售將在幾天內售罄。 3000 萬美元是公開預售的雄心勃勃的目標。大多數項目都不敢瞄準那麼大的金額。

But Wall Street Memes’ strong foothold among investors and traders helped it cross the $20M milestone ahead of schedule. There is less than $10M more to go now. At the current pace, the presale will sell out in August. It will be followed by a tier-1 token launch, which market analysts believe will lead to a 15X-20X surge in the first week. 

但華爾街迷因在投資者和交易員中的牢固立足點幫助其提前突破了 2000 萬美元的里程碑。現在還剩下不到 1000 萬美元。以目前的速度,預售將在八月售完。隨後將推出一級代幣,市場分析師認為這將導致第一周股價飆升 15 倍至 20 倍。

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The real potential of the meme coin, however, will be revealed in the following weeks. There are compelling reasons that suggest WSM is heading for a 70X–100X explosion, dethroning PEPE to become the biggest meme coin phenomenon of 2023. 

然而,模因幣的真正潛力將在接下來的幾週內顯現出來。有令人信服的理由表明 WSM 即將實現 70 倍至 100 倍的爆炸性增長,取代 PEPE 成為 2023 年最大的模因代幣現象。

Internet’s most powerful retail investing community


WSM has broken records this year with its viral presale. As mentioned above, the fundraising target of $30M is too ambitious for a public presale. But by now, it has become obvious to the crypto community that it won’t be long before the meme coin accomplishes its target. That too, ahead of schedule. 

WSM 今年憑藉病毒式預售打破了記錄。如上所述,3000 萬美元的籌款目標對於公開預售而言過於雄心勃勃。但到目前為止,加密社群已經清楚意識到,用不了多久,迷因幣就會實現其目標。這也比計劃提早了。

How did it do this?


More importantly, how did it dare to do this?


The answer needs a closer look at the Wall Street Memes online community – one of the internet’s most powerful retail investing communities. It is home to more than 1 million followers from around the world. 

答案需要仔細研究華爾街迷因線上社群——網路上最強大的零售投資社群之一。它擁有來自世界各地的超過 100 萬粉絲。

The hilarious memes posted on the Wall Street Memes pages often take digs at the double standards of governments, lawmakers, and even investors. Since the page was launched in 2019, the viral memes have been building a solid community of young retail investors. 

華爾街表情包頁面上發布的搞笑表情包經常挖苦政府、立法者甚至投資者的雙重標準。自 2019 年該頁面推出以來,病毒式傳播一直在為年輕散戶投資者建立一個堅實的社區。

Here is a glimpse of what the hype is. 


The important thing to note is that the Wall Street Memes community has been in existence years before the Wall Street Memes token. So, yes, the community birthed the meme coin. Not the other way around, as we see in the case of most meme coins. 


Why does it matter?


Meme coins are highly speculative assets. They rely on community hype to create value. In fact, utility is largely unheard of in the meme coin sector. But a deep dive into the meme coin history reveals that most of these communities disintegrate within days of the token launch. 

Meme 幣是高度投機的資產。他們依靠社區炒作來創造價值。事實上,在迷因幣領域,實用性基本上是聞所未聞的。但深入研究模因幣的歷史表明,大多數社區在代幣發行後幾天內就解體了。

As expected, that leads to a steep collapse of their price on minor triggers, wiping out wallets overnight. In fact, Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have been the only meme coins to stand the test of time. Although they were launched as meme coins, they have utility today as payment currencies on shopping websites and casinos. 


That wouldn’t have happened if not for the community. 


Wall Street Memes is the only cryptocurrency of recent times that stands a chance to join Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. Being backed by a community of retail investors than meme coin hoppers, WSM has higher long-term relevance. 

華爾街迷因是近年來唯一有機會加入狗狗幣和柴犬行列的加密貨幣。 WSM 得到了散戶投資者群體的支持,而不是 meme 投幣者的支持,因此具有更高的長期相關性。

The $20M milestone is a vote of confidence for the project. 

2000 萬美元的里程碑是對該項目的信任票。



Elon Musk and Wall Street Memes 


Elon Musk is equally loved and hated in the crypto community for his influence on the price of meme coins. He has played an important role in onboarding traditional investors to cryptocurrencies. Dogecoin has benefitted from his nods the most. 

馬斯克(Elon Musk)因其對 meme 幣價格的影響而在加密社區中同樣讓人又愛又恨。他在引導傳統投資者投資加密貨幣方面發揮了重要作用。狗狗幣從他的點頭中受益最多。

Since the Wall Street Memes presale launched, there have been rumors that the tech mogul is linked to the meme coin. A closer inspection reveals that it’s baseless.


Elon Musk is not directly involved with the project. He has only engaged with the community’s posts multiple times in the past. Needless to say, that has catalyzed the WSM hype. As bizarre as it is, that’s all it takes to pump a meme coin. 

伊隆·馬斯克並沒有直接參與該計畫。他過去只多次參與社區的貼文。不用說,這催化了 WSM 的炒作。儘管這很奇怪,但這就是拉動模因幣所需要的一切。

But Wall Street Memes is a meme coin that can stand on its own feet. The project wouldn’t have secured $20M from the public just because of a narrow thread that connects to Elon Musk. There’s a lot more going on. 

但華爾街迷因是一種可以獨立存在的迷因硬幣。該項目不會僅僅因為與 Elon Musk 的聯繫狹窄而從公眾那裡獲得 2000 萬美元。還有很多事情正在發生。

Community comes first 


WSM was launched as an opportunity for the Wall Street Memes community to harness the meme coin hype. 

WSM 的推出是為華爾街迷因社群利用迷因幣炒作提供了一個機會。

As part of this, 100% of the $WSM token supply is dedicated to the community. In other words, no discreet private sales preceded the presale. Neither is there a dedicated team allocation in the WSM tokenomics. It rules out the chances of a rug pull.  

作為其中的一部分,$WSM 代幣供應的 100% 專用於社群。換句話說,預售之前沒有進行謹慎的私人銷售。 WSM 代幣經濟中也沒有專門的團隊分配。它排除了地毯拉扯的可能性。

WSM is hosting one of the fairest presales of 2023.  

WSM 正在舉辦 2023 年最公平的預售活動之一。

  • 50% of the token supply is made available to the public in the presale at discounted prices. The raised money will be used for marketing campaigns. 
  • 50% 的代幣供應量在預售中以折扣價向公眾開放。籌集的資金將用於行銷活動。

  • 30% is dedicated to community rewards and airdrop campaigns. The large allocation encourages investors to hold their tokens after the token launch. 
  • 30% 用於社區獎勵和空投活動。大量分配鼓勵投資者在代幣發行後持有代幣。

  • 10% for CEX liquidity. 
  • 10% 用於 CEX 流動性。

  • 10% for DEX liquidity.
  • 10% 用於 DEX 流動性。

Don’t miss the $50,000 WSM airdrop

不要錯過 50,000 美元的 WSM 空投

Wall Street Memes reward campaigns have begun. 


The first of these has $50,000 worth of $WSM up for grabs. The contest requires participants to follow the steps detailed on the official Wall Street Memes website. Five lucky participants will have $10,000 dropped into their wallet. 

其中第一個有價值 50,000 美元的 $WSM 可供爭奪。比賽要求參賽者按照華爾街迷因官方網站上詳細說明的步驟進行。五名幸運的參與者將獲得 10,000 美元的獎金。

What do analysts say?


Mainstream crypto analysts are optimistic about WSM’s explosive potential. 

主流加密分析師對 WSM 的爆炸性潛力持樂觀態度。

For example, acclaimed presale analysts Jacob Crypto Bury and Crypto Dose forecast a 10X climb for WSM on its initial exchange listings. If $WSM lists at $0.0337, it needs to reach a fully diluted market cap of just $674 million to earn 10X gains for presale investors. In that case, 10X is a modest ambition for WSM. Currently, the meme coin is selling for $0.0328 in the presale. 

例如,著名的預售分析師 Jacob Crypto Bury 和 Crypto Dose 預測 WSM 在首次交易所上市時的股價將上漲 10 倍。如果 $WSM 的上市價格為 0.0337 美元,則完全稀釋後的市值只需達到 6.74 億美元即可為預售投資者賺取 10 倍的收益。在這種情況下,10X 對 WSM 來說只是一個適度的目標。目前,meme 幣的預售價格為 0.0328 美元。

But WSM can do better than that to outperform Pepe as this year’s biggest meme coin phenomenon according to some analysts. Given the community’s strong social media presence, 50X-80X is an ambitious, yet realistic goal that would take WSM to the elite Top-3 list along with Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. A strong catalyst like a Binance listing will precede the bull run as in the case of Pepe. 

但一些分析師認為,WSM 可以做得更好,超越佩佩,成為今年最大的迷因幣現象。鑑於該社群在社群媒體上的強大影響力,50X-80X 是一個雄心勃勃但現實的目標,它將讓 WSM 與狗狗幣和柴犬一起躋身前三名。像佩佩一樣,像幣安上市這樣的強大催化劑將出現在牛市之前。

Crypto influencers like Michael Wrubel, CryptoWendyO and Cilinix Crypto are also positive about the meme coin. 

Michael Wrubel、CryptoWendyO 和 Cilinix Crypto 等加密貨幣影響者也對迷因幣持正面態度。

WSM presale supports purchases in Ethereum blockchain and BNB Smart Chain using ETH, BNB or USDT (ERC-20 or BEP-20).



Other meme coins to keep an eye on this month 


1. Shibie Coin ($SHIBIE): Shiba Inu-Barbie crossbreed that capitalizes on the hype around the much-awaited release of Barbie. The presale target is set remarkably low at just $999,999, leaving large room for returns to early investors. The presale will be live for just one week. 

1. Shibie Coin ($SHIBIE):柴犬和芭比娃娃的雜交品種,利用了人們期待已久的芭比娃娃發布的炒作。預售目標設定得非常低,僅 999,999 美元,為早期投資者留下了很大的回報空間。預售僅持續一週。

2. Chimpzee ($CHMPZ) – A meme coin dedicated to saving wildlife. The project’s goal is to encourage more people to join its wildlife conservation initiative by giving attractive passive income. 

2. Chimpzee ($CHMPZ) – 致力於拯救野生動物的迷因幣。該計畫的目標是透過提供有吸引力的被動收入來鼓勵更多的人加入其野生動物保護倡議。

3. XRP20 – If you are looking for a meme coin that doesn’t fit the existing norms. XRP20 is touted as the ‘next evolution of XRP’. The stake-to-earn ERC-20 token comes with utility for retail investors, unlike XRP which focuses on legacy financial institutions. 

3. XRP20 – 如果您正在尋找一種不符合現有規範的迷因幣。 XRP20 被譽為「XRP 的下一代發展」。與專注於傳統金融機構的 XRP 不同,質押賺取 ERC-20 代幣對散戶投資者來說具有實用性。

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Whale 在華爾街迷因預售中投資 460 ETH(840,000 美元)後 – WSM 能否超越 PEPE?首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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