根據 Protos 最近的一份報告,WhiteBit Exchange 的天堂可能存在一個微妙的問題,表明該經紀公司有破產的可能性。根據 Protos 的報告,WhiteBit 與孫宇晨的火幣交易所保持著深厚的聯繫,如果用戶存入 USDT 一年,將獲得令人垂涎的 24% APY 獎勵。
該報告稱,當交易所失去流動性以繼續其平穩運作時,就會探索這種虛假的獎勵計畫。 WhiteBit 和 Huobi 之間的聯繫與兩個交易所之間定期進行的大規模資金轉移以及與孫宇晨相關的穩定幣相關的巨額獎勵的一致性有關。
The Protos report underscores a major concern about WhiteBit, whose liquidity is predominantly domiciled in its native token, WBT. The exchange has maintained a claim that 99% of its users choose to keep their token in WBT, a possibility the report noted is very low.
Protos 報告強調了對 WhiteBit 的主要擔憂,其流動性主要集中在其原生代幣 WBT 中。該交易所一直聲稱 99% 的用戶選擇將其代幣保留在 WBT 中,但報告指出這種可能性非常低。
There are other red flags that point at the fact that WhiteBit may not be as operational as it presents itself to be. Besides the obvious pointers, the trading platform is also known to delay withdrawals.
還有其他危險信號表明 WhiteBit 可能並不像它所表現的那樣運作。除了明顯的提示外,該交易平台還以延遲提款而聞名。
Huobi's illiquid sentiment
Huobi exchange is one of the prominent brokerage firms serving users in the industry but one with many unanswered questions about its sustainability and viability. The suspicion of lack of liquidity made the rounds earlier this month when it was discovered that the amount it holds in its reserve is less than what it quoted to its customers.
小小的恐慌迫使火幣網出現了一輪恐慌性拋售,頂級狗狗幣開發商甚至建議持有者將資產從交易所轉移。儘管賈斯汀·孫(Justin Sun)揭穿了破產的消息,並且火幣網也採取了強有力的措施來實現復甦,但有關 WhiteBit 和火幣網的一些最重要的問題仍未得到解答。