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New XRP Growth Fuel Here, Here's How Long It May Rise

新的 XRP 成長動力在這裡,以下是它可能上漲的時間

發布: 2023/08/31 09:30 閱讀: 610



XRP has seen a significant uptick in its value, gaining approximately 6% in just the last 24 hours. This makes Aug. 29th the strongest trading day for the digital asset in the entire month. However, it is worth noting that the cryptocurrency has already retraced a bit from its peak, indicating that the surge may be short-lived.

XRP 的價值大幅上漲,在過去 24 小時內上漲了約 6%。這使得 8 月 29 日成為整個月數位資產最強勁的交易日。然而,值得注意的是,加密貨幣已經從高峰迴落了一些,這表明上漲可能是短暫的。

While the recent Grayscale v. SEC decision has been a catalyst for this surge, it is unlikely to sustain XRP's growth for an extended period. The decision has indeed given a temporary boost to investor confidence across the cryptocurrency market, but its long-term impact on XRP remains to be seen.

雖然最近的 Grayscale v. SEC 判決是這一激增的催化劑,但它不太可能維持 XRP 的長期成長。這項決定確實暫時提振了整個加密貨幣市場的投資者信心,但對 XRP 的長期影響仍有待觀察。

Source: TradingView


Short-term price analysis suggests that XRP could experience some volatility in the coming days. The 6% gain is a positive sign, but the subsequent retracement indicates that traders are taking profits, which could lead to a pullback.

短期價格分析表明,XRP 在未來幾天可能會出現一些波動。 6% 的漲幅是一個積極信號,但隨後的回調表明交易者正在獲利了結,這可能會導致回調。

The Grayscale decision is not the kind of fundamental change that could fuel a long-term rally for XRP. It is more of a sentiment-driven boost, and such boosts tend to be temporary.

灰階的決定並不是那種可以推動 XRP 長期上漲的根本性變化。這更多的是一種情緒驅動的提振,而這種提振往往是暫時的。

DOGE's surprising move


Dogecoin (DOGE) has surprisingly capitalized on Grayscale's recent win over the SEC, showing a surprising uptick in its market value. This growth is particularly unexpected because Dogecoin has largely been stagnant, with its primary source of traction coming from Elon Musk's tweets on X (formerly Twitter).

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 出人意料地利用了 Grayscale 最近戰勝 SEC 的機會,其市值出現了令人驚訝的上升。這種成長尤其出乎意料,因為狗狗幣基本上一直停滯不前,其主要動力來自伊隆馬斯克在 X(以前稱為 Twitter)上的推文。

The Grayscale v. SEC decision has had a ripple effect on the cryptocurrency market, boosting investor confidence and causing several digital assets to surge. Dogecoin, despite its meme status and lack of fundamental utility, has managed to ride this wave of optimism. This is surprising because Dogecoin has not been a typical beneficiary of such market-wide catalysts, often remaining isolated from broader market trends.

Grayscale v. SEC 的判決對加密貨幣市場產生了連鎖反應,提振了投資者信心並導致多種數位資產價格飆升。儘管狗狗幣具有迷因地位並且缺乏基本實用性,但它仍然成功地駕馭了這股樂觀情緒。這是令人驚訝的,因為狗狗幣並不是此類市場催化劑的典型受益者,通常與更廣泛的市場趨勢隔離。

Price analysis indicates that Dogecoin has seen a moderate but noticeable increase in its value. While it is too early to predict a sustained rally, the current uptick is a positive sign for a cryptocurrency that has been largely flat in recent times. The Grayscale decision seems to have breathed some life into Dogecoin, at least for the short term.


Tron needs more power


Tron (TRX), the blockchain platform known for its strong DeFi side, has encountered a significant obstacle in its recent upward trajectory. Despite the market-wide growth fueled by the Grayscale v. SEC decision, TRX has been struggling to break past a formidable resistance level — the 50-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA).

波場(TRX),這個以強大的 DeFi 面而聞名的區塊鏈平台,在最近的上升軌跡中遇到了重大障礙。儘管灰階訴 SEC 判決推動了整個市場的成長,但 TRX 一直在努力突破一個強大的阻力位——50 天指數移動平均線 (EMA)。

As of Aug. 30, 2023, the price of TRX stands at approximately $0.07, according to recent data. For over a week, the asset has been attempting to breach the 50 EMA line, a level often considered a critical indicator of bullish or bearish trends. The inability to cross this threshold suggests that TRX may need more than just market-wide optimism to sustain its upward momentum.

根據最新數據,截至 2023 年 8 月 30 日,TRX 的價格約為 0.07 美元。一周多來,該資產一直試圖突破 50 EMA 線,該水平通常被認為是看漲或看跌趨勢的關鍵指標。無法跨越這一門檻表明,TRX 可能需要的不僅僅是整個市場的樂觀情緒來維持其上漲勢頭。

The Grayscale v. SEC decision has been a catalyst for many cryptocurrencies, igniting a wave of positive sentiment across the market. However, TRX seems to be lagging in this rally, unable to capitalize fully on broader market dynamics. This stagnation could be a cause for concern among investors, who might be expecting TRX to ride along with the general market uptrend.

Grayscale v. SEC 的判決一直是許多加密貨幣的催化劑,在整個市場引發了一波正面情緒。然而,TRX 在這次反彈中似乎落後了,無法充分利用更廣泛的市場動態。這種停滯可能會引起投資者的擔憂,他們可能會預期 TRX 會隨著整體市場的上漲趨勢而上漲。

Price analysis indicates that TRX is in a precarious position. If it fails to break the 50 EMA resistance soon, it could signal a lack of strength in its current trend, possibly leading to a reversal. On the flip side, successfully crossing this line could open the doors to a more extended rally, aligning TRX with the market's overall positive sentiment.

價格分析顯示TRX處於不穩定的境地。如果未能很快突破 50 EMA 阻力位,則可能表示當前趨勢缺乏力量,可能導致逆轉。另一方面,成功跨越這條線可能會為更長的反彈打開大門,使 TRX 與市場的整體積極情緒保持一致。


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