首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Robinhood 將加密錢包產品擴展到比特幣和狗狗幣

Robinhood Expands Crypto Wallet Offerings To Bitcoin and Dogecoin

Robinhood 將加密錢包產品擴展到比特幣和狗狗幣

發布: 2023/08/31 05:00 閱讀: 968



  • Robinhood adds Bitcoin, Dogecoin trading to crypto wallet after user requests.
  • 應用戶請求,Robinhood 將比特幣、狗狗幣交易加入加密錢包。

  • In-app swaps enabled for Ethereum tokens within the crypto wallet.
  • 在加密錢包內啟用以太坊代幣的應用程式內交換。

  • The company expands wallet offerings with new networks, browser, and educational rewards.
  • 該公司透過新網路、瀏覽器和教育獎勵擴展了錢包產品。

Robinhood has announced several major expansions to its self-custody cryptocurrency wallet in response to user feedback. According to the company, the Robinhood Wallet has seen significant global adoption with hundreds of thousands of users across over 140 countries since its public launch six months ago.

根據用戶回饋,Robinhood 宣布對其自我託管加密貨幣錢包進行幾項重大擴展。據該公司稱,自六個月前公開推出以來,Robinhood 錢包已在全球廣泛採用,擁有 140 多個國家的數十萬用戶。

In a recent blog post, Robinhood revealed it has added custody, send, and receive capabilities for Bitcoin and Dogecoin for all users. The company has also enabled in-app Ethereum token swaps for select users, with the feature rolling out more broadly in the coming weeks.

在最近的一篇部落格文章中,Robinhood 透露,它為所有用戶增加了比特幣和狗狗幣的託管、發送和接收功能。該公司還為特定用戶啟用了應用程式內以太坊代幣交換,該功能將在未來幾週內更廣泛地推出。

Unlike some wallets, the users can swap Ethereum tokens without needing to hold ETH, with network fees automatically deducted. This aims to make DeFi more accessible for everyday users, according to Johann Kerbrat, GM of Robinhood Crypto.

與某些錢包不同的是,用戶無需持有 ETH 即可兌換以太坊代幣,並自動扣除網路費用。 Robinhood Crypto 總經理 Johann Kerbrat 表示,此舉旨在讓日常用戶更容易使用 DeFi。

Since March, Robinhood has integrated its wallet with the Arbitrum and Optimism layer-2 networks. It has also launched a Web3 browser for decentralized app access directly within the Wallet interface.

自 3 月以來,Robinhood 已將其錢包與 Arbitrum 和 Optimism 第 2 層網路整合。它還推出了 Web3 瀏覽器,可直接在錢包介面內存取去中心化應用程式。

For U.S. users, Robinhood Connect now enables direct fiat currency purchases of crypto to be deposited into the Robinhood Wallet. The company has also expanded its educational rewards program to help users learn about the crypto space.

對於美國用戶,Robinhood Connect 現在可以直接用法定貨幣購買加密貨幣並將其存入 Robinhood 錢包。該公司還擴大了教育獎勵計劃,以幫助用戶了解加密貨幣領域。

The company stated it is working to support additional layer-2 networks and tokens based on user demand. Security remains an emphasis, with authentication requirements and seed phrase backups to prevent crypto asset loss.

該公司表示正在努力根據用戶需求支援其他第 2 層網路和代幣。安全性仍然是一個重點,身份驗證要求和助記詞備份可以防止加密資產遺失。

As a popular consumer investing platform, Robinhood’s crypto wallet integrations aim to provide mainstream access to Web3 technologies. By iterating based on user feedback, the company hopes to drive further adoption across its sizeable user base.

作為一個流行的消費者投資平台,Robinhood 的加密錢包整合旨在提供對 Web3 技術的主流存取。透過根據用戶回饋進行迭代,該公司希望推動其龐大用戶群的進一步採用。


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